Chapter 27:

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"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Mattie got hit again, he couldn't cover it up this time and Anne saw, now she knows about everything, how he cuts, how he gets bullied, she says it's for his protection. It's either rehab or move away. I can't lose him, guys. I can't, not again." He started crying.

"Lou, calm down. It's going to be okay. Let me talk to Anne. I'll see if I can change her mind.'

"You would do that?" He asked, wiping away his tears.

"Of course I would. We already got one person taken away, we don't need another. I will see what I can do, I promise."

"Thank you, Jace. It means a lot, really." He said smiling.

"No problem. I owe it to you, both of you."

I don't really know how well this will go. Anne still hasn't forgiven me for picking on Mattie but I know what it feels like to get someone you love so much taken away, I'm not going to let that happen to Louis, not again. She'll listen, she has too.

I sat in my car outside Mattie's house. I've been sitting here for about ten minutes. I have no idea what she's going to do or what I'm even going to say. I don't want to fuck this up. I really hope Mattie is home, it'll be easier if he is. I got out of the car and slowly walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell with trembling fingers. The door came open slowly, I sighed with relief when Mattie answered. My eyes went straight to his black eye. His eyes were red and puffy, filled with sadness but he still managed to greet me with a big smile.

"Hey, Jace. What are you doing here?"

"Louis told us what happened. I'm here to talk to Anne."

"Thanks Jace but I've tried everything."

"Please, I told Louis I would help, I owe you."

"Okay." He said, sighing.

He stepped aside and I walked in.

"So who was it this time?" I asked as he led me down the hall.


I sighed. "He's such a dick. Does it hurt?"

"Not as much as earlier." He said.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

Anne was sitting on the sofa when we made it to the living room.

"Mom, Jace wants to talk to you."

She stood up quickly.

"Jace Midas!" She said, her eyes turning cold. "The boy who bullied my baby, it's your fault he does this!"

"That was the old me, he forgave me. Please, let me speak."

She crossed her arms.

"Get out." She snapped.

I swallowed the lump in my throat but stood my ground.

"No, not until you hear me out! You need to listen. I owe it to Mattie. I made a promise to Louis and I will not break it. This isn't about me; it's about Mattie and Louis."

She stood there, stunned.

"Mom, please let him talk." Mattie said softly.

"Okay." She sighed. "You have five minutes."



"You two know each other?" B asked.

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