Chapter 13:

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I woke up with the sun on my bareback and a smile on my face. It's the first time I've ever felt this happy. I sat up, pulling the blanket around me. I heard the shower running, I smiled. I got up and walked to the bathroom. Jace was singing softly in the shower. I got in behind him, planting kisses on his back.

"Good morning, babe." I said

He turned around and smiled at me, water droplets glistened on his chest.

"Hey baby." He kissed me. "You couldn't wait until I was finished?" He chuckled.

"Save time." I said kissing him.

He pinned me up against the shower wall. "Didn't get enough?" He said in my ear; his voice sounded raspy and tired, sending chills down my spine.

"Never." I said grinning.

He lifted me up, my legs wrapped around him with my back to the wall. His lips pressed to mine, that same electricity shot through me like it did every time he kissed me. It made me catch my breath.


We were finishing up our shower when there was a soft knock on the door, making us both jump.

"Zoë." Sarah said

"Yes, Sarah?" I said looking at Jace, who was holding in a laugh.

"I need to talk to you about something." She said,

"I'll be out there in a minute." I felt my face get hot with embarrassment.

"Okay. I'll be in my room."


I made sure she was gone before I said anything. Jace was still trying so hard not to laugh.

"Do you think she knew you were in here?" I asked.

"Nah, and I was here first!" He grinned.

"You loved it." I said kissing him.

"True, now don't keep my sister waiting." He playfully hit my butt.

"I'm going, I'm going." I giggled.

I got out and reached for my towel, wrapping it around me. Heading to my room I quickly got dressed, throwing on a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Sarah was sitting on her bed when I walked into her room.

"Is everything okay, sis?" I sat down next to her.

"Yeah." She said softly. "There is this boy."

"Ohh." I said smiling. "And you like this boy?"

"Yes." She said, "But he's one of the most popular boys in school."

"Does he know?"

"No, I don't want him to think I'm weird." She looked down, playing with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Honey, if he thinks you're weird then he is the weird one." I told her, "does he like you back?"

"I don't know. He talks to me all the time and sometimes picks on me."

"Tell him you like him and see what he says. Always remember boys like brave girls."

"Really?" She smiled,

"Of course." I smiled back. "Tell me how it goes."

"Okay." She threw her arms around me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I said. "How about we spend the day together and go shopping."

"I would love that." She said jumping up.

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