Chapter 30:

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"So how did this happen?" Nurse Beth asked.

I was sitting on the edge of the examining table, my wrist sitting on her palm.

"I fell down yesterday, I must have landed on it."

"You should have come to me when it happened, Zoë." She told me.

"I know." I said softly. "Is it broken?"

"Luckily no, you fractured it pretty badly so it was close to breaking. I'm going to wrap it up for you. You'll need to keep it like that for a while. Ice every night until the swelling goes down, okay?"


"Take it easy for a little" She said.

"I will."

She wrapped me up and then sent me on my way,

"So can I see it now?" B asked me when I walked out of the nurse's office.

"B" I laughed. "That's the fifth time you have asked me."Wait until we get to the room."

"I'm sorry!" She sighed. "You can't tell me you're engaged and not expect me to ask to see the ring!"

"I know. I don't think I'm supposed to have it. I don't want to get caught with it and get it taken away."

"I understand. I'm just so excited." She said,

"I know me too!" I giggled.

We made it to the room and Brit shut the door behind us.

"How about now, can I see it now?" She asked.

I sighed. "Okay, fine."

I unclasped the chain around my neck and took the ring off, sliding it onto my finger.

"Voila!" I said, holding out my hand.

"Holy fuck!" She said, "That's gorgeous!"

"I know!" We jumped up and down, squealing.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"Extremely happy!" I told her.

"I'm so happy for you!" She said, "I hope that will be me one day."

"Oh, there is no doubt about it! When we get out of here and you visit me, we will go on a man hunt."

She laughed. "Sounds like a deal."

"And who knows maybe you and George will end up together." I teased.

"Oh shut up!" She said, her face reddening.

I laughed.

"Let's get to lunch, I'm hungry!" I said.


So, Zoë, overall how do you feel?" Dr. Phillips asked.

"To be completely honest, I'm fantastic." I said. "I feel great!"

"That's great." He said. "That's great news. Now how do you feel about yourself?"

"I have my days but everyone does but I know that I have people who love me just the way I am and that's all I need."

"That's good to hear." He smiled.

I smiled and looked at him.

"Everyone has bad days, but a bad day does not mean it's a bad life. As long as you have people who love you, you can get through anything."

"Exactly" He said, closing his notebook. "That'll be all, you may go."

I got up and left the room with a smile on my face, a genuine smile. Nothing can bring me down anymore. I'm strong and I'll continue staying strong. I'm exactly how I'm supposed to be and I'm not going to change because someone doesn't like me. In the future my scars will tell a story of a girl who became a warrior and how nothing can bring her down. I made my way to the activities room where I was to meet Britney and George for a game of Cards Against Humanity. This will be interesting.

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