Chapter 26:

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

I met the dark eyes of my father. It's been months since I've seen him.

"I come here every night, I'm just a little later than usual." He said. "She's the only one who keeps me sane. She may not be here physically but I can feel her the most here."

"I know what you mean." I said, turning back to her stone.

"I'm trying, Jace. I got a job now and I've been going to AA classes. I've been sober for a month now."

I looked at him, not saying a thing.

"I'm bettering myself so I can have you back, I miss my kids."

"Why didn't you better yourself when we needed you the most?"

"I was stupid. Sarah just reminds me of your mother, she looks so much like her, and it kills me. I need you guys; you are all I have left in the world."

"You were all we had and you walked out on us. We don't need you anymore."

I walked past him, meeting his eyes and he grabbed my arm.

"Please, Jace. We all make mistakes, please give me another chance."

"I gave you plenty of chances and that never stopped you from hitting me."

I pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"So am I." I turned around and stalked off, leaving my father in the shadows.


April 28

-Morning Journal.

I feel weird today. I don't know what it is; I think my demons are coming back. Please, don't let them get me. I'm doing so well. Dr. P says I'm doing great, they trust me to go outside. I haven't been outside since I got here. They can't screw this up now. Demons, stay away, please I beg you.


I got up, grabbed my notebook and headed to my session with Dr. Phillips.


"Good morning, Zoë." Dr. Phillips said. "How are you today?"

"I'm okay."

I handed him my notebook and sat down.

"Do you have something for me to read?"

"Yeah." I said.

He opened the notebook to today's entry and read over it, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Hmm." He said as he closed the notebook. "You feel the demons again?"

"Yes, sir."

"How does that make you feel?"

"I'm scared."

"How is that?"

"I've been doing good, feeling good. I thought they were gone."

"Zoë, they will always be there to haunt you. You just have to fight them; you're the only one who can. Once you do that they will be gone for good."

"But how, if I have to fight them then why am I even here?"

"Because you need me to help you find that trigger for your demons."

I looked away, biting my lower lip. I know what triggered some of them.

"I think I know what started it." I said softly.

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