Chapter 5:

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I got to school extra early. I grabbed my history book and headed to class.

"Zoë, you're early." Alex said.

"I know; I wanted to see you, alone."

I sat on his desk. He stood between my legs with his hands on my hips. Our lips met.

"Zoë, someone could see." He whispered.

"We still have an hour." I said.

"Until class, students will start piling in a half hour before." he said.

"We have plenty of time." I said kissing him again.

Every kiss got more desperate and fiercer.

"Zoë." He whispered. One hand was on my thigh and the other tangled in my hair. His tongue exploded my mouth.  Someone cleared their throat. Alex jumped back.

"Mr. A."

"Shit." he whispered. He cleared his throat. "Can I help you?"

I continued sitting on his desk, my face hot with embarrassment. Alex sat at his desk.

"Umm, I'm not going to be here for class so what will the assignment for tomorrow be."

"They are page 224-226." Alex said.

"Okay, thank you. Have a good day, Sir." He gave me a strange look then rushed out.

"That kid is going to be scarred for life." I joked.

"You are going to get me in trouble." He said standing up and kissing me. "Let's hope he keeps his mouth shut."

I stood up, pressing my body against his. Our lips touched again for a longer wet kiss.  His hand rested under my shirt on my side, hot from his touch.

"You want to be my helper today?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Go grab a chair."

He smacked my bum as I walked by. I giggled.

"Sit right here," He said when I came back. I sat down and he stood behind me. He bent down and kissed me. I smiled. I looked up and Dylan was heading to her seat, Shit, did she see? I felt a little bit guilty.  The bell rang and the rest of the class took their seats.

"Good morning, class." Alex said. "Today, we are going to work on our own. So read pages 220-224 than work on the review on pages 224-226. Zoë is going to help me grade some papers so if you need anything just yell."

I looked over at Dylan and shrugged. She crossed her arms, rolling her eyes. Alex sat next to me. He handed me a stack of papers. He sat with his hand on my leg. I looked at him and he smiled. God, he was so cute. I sat my hand on his and played with his fingers while I graded. I thought I was doing this to get to Jace but I actually think I am developing feelings for this man.



"Alex?" A student said. Alex quickly moved his hand off my leg. I looked up at Dylan and she was glaring at me.

"Yes, Chris."

"What do you want us to do when we finish?"

"You can just sit there. The bell will ring here soon."


Alex looked at me and smiled. He placed his hand back on my leg when the bell ring, telling me to stay sitting. I stood up after the last person left.

"Thank you for helping me." He said kissing me. "I got some of the grading finished. So I have a little bit less that I have to do later."

"You're welcome." I said smiling.

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