Chapter 19:

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"Do you not like it?" Mattie said softly.

"It's not you at all, Mattie." Louis said, looking away. "Why did you change?"

"He was tired of being and looking like a wimp." Jace said, stepping up.

"I loved the way you looked." Louis said.

"I didn't! I hate myself!" Mattie yelled.

I flinched at his sudden outburst.

"That's why I dressed like this!' Louis said, pulling on his suspenders. "To help you fit in."

"I didn't ask you either." Mattie said, his voice softening again. "I'm just tired of people walking all over me. I like this new look, I feel great, confident even. Can you please accept it, I'm not going back."

"I don't think I can.' Louis said, taking a step back.

Mattie flinched as if Louis hit him.

"This isn't who I fell in love with. I don't even know who this is."

"Louis, listen to what he has to say." I said to him,

He sighed.

"Louis." Mattie said with tears in his eyes. "There is another reason why I wanted to change."

He paused and looked over at me. I smiled and nodded, giving him reassurance that everything will be okay. He looked back to Louis.

"When I'm not with you, people bully me. Everywhere I go, they tease and taunt, knock my books from my hands. You name it, they probably do it."

He showed Louis his wrist. Louis went pale.

"Mattie, you promised!" Louis said.

"I know. I just... I just couldn't take it anymore. I lost it. I'm so sorry, babe!"

I felt the tears build up behind my eyelids as I looked at the broken boy before me. Louis took a step forward and wiped away Mattie's tears.

"I'm not mad." He said softly. "I'm more disappointed that you didn't tell me."

He kissed his marked wrist.

"And why didn't you tell me about the people bullying again?"

"They never stopped." He said. "I didn't tell you because I'm tired of you fighting my battles. I need to fight them on my own."

Louis looked away biting on his lower lip

I hurt for him, both of them. I know how Mattie feels. I've been there, still am.

"I just want you to be safe." Louis said.

"I will be." Mattie said. "But this is just something I need to do on my own now. You've been my bodyguard for way too long, just be my boyfriend from now on."

"I understand." Louis said. "I'll try my best to be the greatest boyfriend I can. I'm so sorry.

"You're already the best boyfriend I could ever ask for." Mattie said with a smile.

He pulled Louis into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"You know I kind of dig the new look." Louis said.

He kissed the tip of Mattie's nose. "It's hot.

He looked over at us. "Thank you for making my hunky boyfriend even more hunky! Now it's my turn to get my look back."

We all laughed. I grabbed Jace's hand.

"Come on, lovebirds. We are going to be late." I said.

The love that those two share is so strong and powerful. You can see in their eyes the love they hold for each other. The secret glances, lingering looks and touches. I hope mine and Jace's bond gets as strong as theirs. They have one of the greatest loves of all. My parents will always hold the first spot. I look over at the happy couple. Mattie's eyes which were full of love and admiration met mine. I smiled at him before turning away.

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