Chapter 11:

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I paced up and down the waiting room of the hospital. Sarah and I have been waiting for hours. Mom went into the room with Jace. So many emotions went through me. I was scared for him, worried. I have no idea how he is, I haven't seen anyone leave the room for a few hours now. I looked over at Sarah; she looked so tired and defeated. She was sitting on the couch with her knees pushed up to her chest. Her eyes were red from crying. I sat next to her and took her little hand in mine.

"It's going to be okay, Sarah. He'll be okay. You want to know how I know." She looked up at me. "Well, he's Jace Midas, he's tough! Nothing can take him down."

She smiled. "Thank you for being such a great big sister."

I smile. "You are welcome."

I've never had a sister of my own so it felt extremely great for someone to call me theirs. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.

"Zoë?" I looked up and mom was walking toward me.

I stood up. "Is he okay?"

She looked at me with teary eyes but smiled.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He is going to be okay." Mom said. "He has a couple broken ribs. They took him into surgery earlier for his punctured lung, he is now resting."

"Thank, god." I said.

"He asked for you, Sarah." Mom said, turning to her.

"Can I go see him?"

"Yes, I'll take you to him." Mom said. "I'll be right back, Zo."

"Okay." I said sitting down.


I was having a hard time staying awake. I only got to see Sarah for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep again. I was extremely sore and it hurt to breathe. There was a lot of pressure on my ribs making me uncomfortable. I would feel a whole lot better if they removed these damn bandages.

"Jace, you have another visitor." The nurse said, I couldn't remember her name though. A huge smile formed on my face when Zoë walked in. She looked as if she had been crying.

"Jace." She said softly. She came up to my bed, putting her hand in mine. "I'm so sorry."

"No, baby. This isn't your fault."

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be here." She turned away.

"Zoë," I reached out my hand and put it on her face, turning her face toward mine. "I'm in here because I protected you and I wouldn't change a thing."

I pulled her down so her lips could meet mine.

"I love you so much!" I told her.

"I love you too."


Today was the day Jace got to come home. It's been a week. I was so excited, I missed having him here. I hated seeing him in the hospital. He looked so fragile, so broken. Sarah and I were cleaning up the house for his arrival; we were throwing him a little party, it was Mom's idea.


I was finally going home, I was so excited. I seriously hate hospitals. I spent most of my days here when mom was committed.

"Are you ready to go?" Stacey said walking into my room.

"Oh yeah." I said.

She helped me stand.

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