Chapter 31:

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I sat in my car with my head on the steering wheel, the blue and red lights flashed in my mirror as the officer made his way to my car.

"Just perfect." I mumbled. "This is seriously what I need right now."

The officer walked up to my window as I rolled it down.

"Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were going?" He asked, shining his flashlight in my eyes. I shielded my eyes from the light.

"Yes, no, I really don't know." I said, quickly. "I need to go!"

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked.

"I have to get to the hospital, sir. My friend has been in an accident. I have to be there for him. Please, Louis needs me."

"Okay. "He sighed. "I'll lead the way. Follow me and I'll get you there safely."

"Thank you so much." I said.


"Jace." Louis said, rushing over to me, tears in his eyes.

"Louis, what happened?"

"Mattie got beat up on his way home from work." He said. "It's bad, Jace. He's in intensive care."

He looked at me.

"He wasn't breathing, Jace. He wasn't breathing."

"Lou, it'll be okay. Calm down." I said softly.

He threw his arms around me and he broke down. His tears stained my shirt as we fell to our knees in a tear filled mess.


"What the fuck are you doing here?" An older man in scrubs with a gray scruff was standing at the door. He glared at us with his arms crossed.

"Oh fuck." I heard Britney whisper. I felt George tense up next to me.

"I asked you a question." He snapped.

"We were swimming." George said with a grin.

"Don't be a fucking smart ass." The man said.

"Don't be such a rude ass." Britney said, back.

"You three are going to be in serious trouble. Come with me."


The man led us down a long unfamiliar hallway and we entered a door to a small room.

"Wait here." He said not looking at us. He went through a bigger door and disappeared. We sat in hard, uncomfortable chairs in the back of the room.

"What do you think will happen to us? "George asked.

"I don't know." I said, softly.

"If they're going to make us wait they can at least give us more comfortable chairs." Britney said, shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

"Brit, that's the least of our worries." I said.

"I know but still." She said,

"Albert, this better be a good reason for waking me up." A lady came barging into the room. She was a petite, brown haired lady who couldn't be more than thirty-five years old. She wore a nightie which was covered by a soft robe.

"Oh, there is, Priscilla." Albert said, coming into the room. "We have a few night walkers."

She looked over at us and frowned. My heart thumped fast in my chest.

"This seriously couldn't have waited until morning?"

"I thought it was important." He said softly.

"Stop trying to impress me, Albert." She said to him, shaking her head.

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