The end? Or more of the same?

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*ambers pov*

I woke up in the back of an ambulance which was currently screeching down the road on the way to the hospital with a youngish looking driver. Tommy was in the back with one of the doctors who was injecting me with some medication, I think it was morphine but I was too out of it to understand anything that was being said. The doctor soon realised that I was awake, well partially conscious, and attempted talking to me. saying things like "everything is ok, you're on your way to a hospital" and "you knocked your head pretty hard". Like I didn't know that though, I mean my head was pounding like a bitch. I thought morphing was meant to help that?

anyway, Tommy jumped to his feet and attempted to gain his balance because you know, we were in a moving, speeding vehicle. He stood next to where my head was resting and grabbed my hand for reassurance, who he was trying to reassure I don't know. He looked so worried that i could see my refelction in his eyes as they were so glassed over and dazed. I felt terrible, emotionally and physically. I basically almost died, and caused major panic between Ellie, Adam, and Tommy. All because I brought those stupid blades. To put it in simple terms, I hated myself.

The van came to a sharp halt at the emergency entrance to the hospital and the doctors started rushing to get me out of the ambulance. I still didn't understand all the fuss, was i internally bleeding or something? To be honest I don't even care at this point. harsh I know, but come on, as soon as I get out of the hospital, if i ever do, then everything will go back to being the same, shitty school, no friends, having to fake a smile every day for adam and tommy. Would anyone want to be alive if that was their entire life? I certainly wouldn't.

I was hurredly placed into a room where was moved onto a different bed and connected to a drip. as we started racing through the empty halls one of the younger nurses placed a mask over my face and told me to take 10 deep breaths. I knew what this was, this was me going into life saving surgery which could be end. I hope it is.

I took one final breath which made me feel the most relaxed that I have ever been, and then I seemed to just slip into a deep, comatose sleep.

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