Chapter 7

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Ambers POV

I knew I had to do something about El cutting again. But she promised, she promised me that she had gotten rid of those horrible things that leave scars all over your once pure and clean skin. How do I get her to stop? Nothing I could say can make the pain stop, nothing I can do can stop those hideous memories from flooding back into her head like a tsunami.

What about Adam? Maybe he could persuade her into trying to quit..

No! I can't tell Adam, I made a promise to El, I promised her that I would keep her addiction a secret, but then again, she broke her promise that she made to me, she started cutting again, maybe I could call Tommy? Me and Tommy have always been pretty close since we first met, him and El are close as well, but I guess she gets along with Adam a bit more than Tommy. I can't stand to see Ellie in pain, it kills me on the inside seeing her suffer like this. She is my best friend, and I will do whatever I can to make sure that she is okay, even if she hates me for it..

I slowly stand up out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so that I don't wake Ellie up, even though she could probably sleep through a nuclear bomb going off! Everyone else has usually already dozed off by now, so I won't be questioned by anyone as to why I'm getting up in the middle of the night. I walk out of our room and tip toe down the hall to the office kind of room, it's where Adam does some work sometimes but it's mostly where we all charge our phones and laptops.


The door makes an awfully loud sound as I try and open it slowly and quietly, gee Amber, that plan worked out great didn't it. I turn my head around slowly checking if anyone had heard the sound the door had just made and thought someone was being murdered, because that's sure what it sounded like.

No one had heard anything, thank god. I walk over to the table and unplug my phone from its cable, I closed the door behind me when I walked in so I could talk to Tommy without having to whisper. I unlock my phone to see that I had 50+ twitter notifications, this is normal for me, but unlike Adam, these weren't positive notifications from fans desperately trying to catch his attention, asking for a follow, retweet or reply. No, these were hate messages, death threats, people telling me to kill myself. Telling me that I was worthless. Sometimes I thought they were telling the truth, I thought maybe I should kill myself, maybe it would be better for everyone if I wasn't around. But Ellie would always slap me back into reality, she would tell me they are just jealous, I mean come on, I live with Adam Lambert.

After getting rid of all of the hate off my twitter, I dial Tommy's phone number, I know it off by heart because of how often I would call him, just to tell him about how things were going, sometimes just to hear his voice. No matter how sad I was, or how much I wanted to die, hearing Tommy's voice always made me feel happy again. I'm not saying I have a crush on him, it's just that I feel safe around him, he can make me feel like I am wanted.

I held the phone up to my ear and waited for him to answer.

"Hey Ambs, what's up? It's like mid night? Are you okay?"

"Hey Tommy, well I have something that I really need your help with."

"Yeah sure anything"

"Well you know Ellie, she uh, uhm.."

"Amber? What happened, did something happen to Ellie?"

"Uhh, Tommy, Ellie self harms..."

There was a silence on the other end of the phone that sounded like when you are in an elevator with complete strangers, minus the awkward music.


"I, um, I'm coming over Amber, wait by the front door."


I do as Tommy says, hang up the phone and go wait by the front door. What have I done, Ellie is going to hate me, I shouldn't have told anyone.

I should have kept my big mouth shut.

I hear a car door close from the driveway. Okay, Tommy is here now it's okay. He slowly walks up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible so that he doesn't wake anyone up.

"Tommy!" I try say with relief. I run up to him and wrap my arms tightly around his waist. I feel better now, I feel safe.

I unload EVERYTHING that is going on in mine and Ellie's life, onto Tommy, the bullying, the cutting, the twitter hate, all of it. The entire time I was talking, Tommy just sat there with a look on his face that was a mix of, confusion, serious anger, and depression. I felt terrible, I had just betrayed my best friend by telling Tommy about her secret, and just put a whole lot of extra weight onto Tommy. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve having to worry about me and Ellie all of the time.

What have I done.


Hey guys, sorry about this chapter, probably seems a bit boring, but it will get better I promise! Thank you to everyone for reading this is means a lot x

- Keely

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