Chapter 17

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*Adams Pov*

Okay here we go, Amber and El's first day at their new school. Don't be worried Adam there is no need to be worried, it's not like they were bullied all day everyday for the entire time they were at their old school without you even knowing. Oh who am I kidding, I am terrified. It's not even me that's moving! I just need to be calm and collected, act like nothing is wrong, and the girls will feel better, I hope.

Neither of them had woken up yet so I decided to go and get them out of bed. God it was cold this morning, Winter was just starting and I knew how much we all hated the cold, this would make it even harder for me to get everyone out of bed. Yay.

"Knock knock girlies, time for school!" I try and sound excited. They both roll over and groan into their pillows. It's kind of hard for me to try and be excited when they act like that.

"Amber! Ellie! Wakie wakie! Now! Breakfast will be ready in 10." I say I bit more confident. I think this woke them up a bit more. I left the room closing the door loudly to wake them up further. I went into all of the other rooms and woke all of the other kids up, they were no where near as hard to wake up as El and Amber.


*Ambers Pov*

Come on Ellie, how long does it take to grab a bag. She walks out in our new uniform. It wasn't actually that bad for a school uniform. It had a navy blue skirt with a white blouse and a small neck tie. I actually liked it. Then again, anything was better than our old school where we got to wear whatever we wanted. I know what you're thinking, it's great being able to wear whatever you want to school, but being us, getting judged constantly for the clothes you wear, is not that great. Wearing a uniform means we are all the same and no one gets judged, and I like the sound of that.

"Bye Adam!" Ellie calls from the driveway.

"See ya later dork!" I shout loudly. Adam just rolled his eyes in a playful way and waved goodbye. The bus we were catching today was not going to be the same as our old bus. No way. This one would be fancy, and clean, and wouldn't smell like food and sweat. I was extremely excited, and petrified at the exact same time, I think El was too. But as long as we had each other, we would be fine.

The bus pulled up next to us and opened it's shiny white doors to us. The driver smiled and motioned for us to hop on. It was a free bus considering how much it costs just to go to the school. We walked on the humungous vehicle and took a seat in about half way down the walkway. The seats were covered in fancy leather that looked brand new and the windows were actually see through. Like a big moving palace. As we sat down, it was so weird, no one was staring at us like we were freaks, like their eyes were telling us to kill ourselves. No, everyone was smiling at us welcomingly, it felt so good to finally feel somewhat welcomed somewhere.

When we finally arrived at school, it was almost time for first period. I'm pretty sure we had English first. This place was MASSIVE. All of the buildings looked bran new and there were beautiful plants and trees everywhere. It was like something out of a day dream. It was perfect.

We had to ask a few people where our English class was and most of them were pretty nice. They all just pointed us in the right direction, smiled and walked off. The class room seemed like it was on the very far side of the school far away from everything but it was fun getting to walk around and explore our new school.

Our English class was pretty full and the walls were covered in posters with grammar and spelling tips. Our teacher was a middle aged man with a beard that looked like it had been growing his entire life, jeans, and a blue button up shirt. He seemed pretty nice from the way he was talking to some other students while we took our seats.

"Right class this lesson I will be teaching you about the history of America," He spoke loudly, "and I see we have two new student joining us today." Everyone's heads whipped around to meet contact with El and I. It was a bit embarrassing I must admit.

"Hi.." I managed to get out. Ellie just smiled and waved at everyone while they all examined us.

"Welcome to our class Ms's Lamberts." He smiled.

Oh. Shit. He used our last name. Everyone's mouth dropped and they all seemed to be gasping for air.


"DO YOU KNOW TOMMY?" Yelled another.

"CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH?" They all yelled simultaneously. We both just stay there awkwardly staring at everyone in complete shock.

Great. First class and we are already going to be the talk of the school. Hopefully every class isn't like this..

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