Chapter 3

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"NO! STOP!" I yell at the top of my lungs as a jump up out of bed desperately trying to catch my breath. It's the same almost every night, waking up in a pool of my own sweat, drenched in tears, all from the memories I have of my old life. "Amber? Sweetie? It's okay I'm here now, shhh, your father can't hurt you anymore." Says Adam with the gentlest voice, so calm, I don't know how he puts up with this every night. "He's not my father!" I scream, my voice cracking with every letter I spoke. "Sorry.." Whispers Adam.

It's like there is no escape from it, all of these memories, scars, all built up in my mind and every night they are let out of their cage, allowed to roam freely through my already messed up brain. I can't quite remember when the abuse started, but I think it was around the time my mother passed away.


I was 7, we were a pretty normal family, you know the occasional fight over pointless things, nothing serious, although Jim (my father) always did seem to creep me out a little bit, I didn't pay much attention to it considering my age, but it always bothered me deep down. When my mother died of a heart attack, that's when things started going wrong, Jim worked a simple job and could barely afford to pay for our living.

Every night it was the same thing, Jim would stumble into our old, crappy house drunk with some cheep slut who he picked up off the street, a different one every night, then he would accuse me of doing something wrong, wether it was not cleaning the house, going near his room, or even speaking to him without his permission. These accusations would then lead to violence, he would punch me, slap me, tell me I was a worthless child and I had no place on this Earth. I was usually balling my eyes out by the end of all this, at which point he would yell at me once more telling me to stop being such a pansy, and I would run off into my room.

My room felt like a safe place for me, like my sanctuary where no one could hurt me. Then I would look up at the poster on my wall and every thing would be okay. That one tiny poster that I found in a magazine in a shop, contained my life, my saviour,

My god, Adam Lambert. He would make me feel like I was needed, I did have a place on this Earth, that all those countless hours I spent attempting suicide, were not worth the pain.

One day after Jim went out for work and his one night stand had left the house, I took one last look at my poster and left my room to go eat. I walked into the kitchen only to find that there was no food. Thanks Jim. I didn't bother doing anything about it, maybe if I starve myself, then I'll die, then I will be put out of my misery. All these voices constantly swimming around in my mind telling me these things, I tried to ignore them, but it wasn't easy. I fell lifelessly onto the couch and turned on our old, cracked television that took a few minutes for the picture to show up, when I heard a knock at the door. Our door? A knock? Who would want us? Fear started building up inside of me, but I didn't show it on the outside. I walked up to the door slowly and pulled it open. Oh my god.

I was speechless. That man who I have on one small poster hanging on my wall in my room was now standing in my house. My saviour was standing right in front of me. Adam Lambert was in my house. "H..Hi.." I barely manage to get out. "Hey! Are you Amber Mathews?" He spoke so beautifully. "Yes.. I am.. do know w..who I am..? "Well I know you are a big fan, your neighbours always hear your father abusing you, calling you names, yelling at you, then they heard my big news and contacted me right away!" He said excitedly. "What big news?"

"I would like you to come live with me and around 24 other glamberts who come from terrible homes where they are treated poorly just like you." I. Was. Speechless. Adam Lambert wanted ME to come live with him

"Uhm, y..yes!" I said with excitement. I didn't even notify Jim, he wouldn't even notice I was gone. I packed up everything, even my poster. And left that awful place, to go live at my new home

With my Saviour.

*End of flashback*

A/N Thanks for reading this guys, it means a lot, sorry if it's not that good, it's our first ever fan fic! :P But we are trying!

- Keely

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