Chapter 6

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*Ellie's P.O.V*

School sucked, as usual. We had only been at that school for about a month now, and everyone already hated us. We didn't want Adam to worry about us though, or suspect that we were depressed. So when we got home, we put on a smile, and told him about our very "good" day. I know he'll find out someday, hopefully just not anytime soon. But tomorrow we didn't have any school, some "teacher's workshop" thing. But Adam had noticed Amber and I not talking as much, so he decided he would take us out to go get lunch and see a movie. Get our mind off of things. I'm really hoping that Adam doesn't suspect anything, because it's weird that he's just taking Amber and I out. But he'll know something's up for sure if I start to ask questions.

*The next day*

I had just woken up about an hour ago, it was 11:00AM. It was nice to have days off, so that we could sleep in. I finished straightening my hair, and put on a little eyeliner before walking out of the bathroom. "Ready girls?" I heard Adam call from downstairs. "YEAH, COMING" Amber yelled back at him. We ran down the stairs, so fast I almost tripped. Adam held the door open for us as we both walked outside and got in the back of Adam's car. He followed, but got into the driver's seat. "Amber...I think he's onto us." I whispered quietly to Amber. I saw Adam shoot a confused glare our way, and I knew he'd heard me. "Uh...where are we going to eat?" I blurted out awkwardly, trying to change the subject. Adam turned around and looked me right in the eye, I looked down so I didn't have to make eye contact with him. "Ellie, look at me." I slowly raised my head a bit, and met his gaze. "What's going on?" He asked calmly. "Nothing, I think you heard me wrong..." He just rolled his eyes and nodded. He knew I was lying, but it wasn't worth arguing over at this point.

Wow..that was a close one. "So...where ARE we going?" Amber locked her eyes on her feet, trying to avoid the awkward moment. "Well, I was thinking the café down by the mall, sound good?" Adam said, completely disregarding what had just happened. "Uh, yeah! Sounds great!" I said with all I the enthusiasm I could muster.

The rest of the car ride was just one, long awkward silence. I sighed of relief when we neared the cafe, thankful that the ride was over. Amber hopped out of the car cheerfully, me right at her heels, and we skipped along to the restaurant. Since it was just a little cafe, we seated ourselves at a small booth. The waitress came over to our table, and without even looking up at us asked in the quietest possible voice,"Can I get you something to drink?" Adam maneuvered his gaze to meet hers, seeing as she felt starstruck being around him. He smiled politely at her and said,"I'll take a diet coke, thanks" then looked over to me, signaling me to order. "I'll just take a water please." I said shyly. Amber got a Mountain Dew, and the waitress shuffled away excitedly, obviously happy about meeting Adam. I watched her skip away, and shifted my gaze down to the menu, trying to avoid any questions that Adam would have for me. I scanned the menu, and just decided I would get a salad. I quietly closed the menu and slid it aside to the edge of the table, shooting a quick glance up at Adam, who was already staring at me waiting for an explanation of what happened in the car earlier. I knew the movie started in only about 30 minutes, and hopefully he'll have dropped it by then.

Amber closed her menu, and the waitress came by to get our order. "I'll take a Cesar salad please." I said quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. Amber ordered a sandwich, and Adam got a salad, just like me. I'm guessing he just dropped the subject, seeing as I wasn't going to tell him anything. "So, how's school going?" Adam asked, looking back and fourth between Amber and I. "Uh, pretty good." I said and smiled a big, cheesy smile. "Yeah, it's a lot of fun." Amber said with all of the enthusiasm she could gather. It was believable. "That's good, I'm glad it doesn't suck." Adam said with a small laugh. It was almost funny to me, considering that I hated school and it was a living hell for both Amber and I.

We talked about lots of different things.. From grades to favorite types of fruit, no topic was left untouched. Until it was almost time to catch the movie. We all slid out of the booths and started walking to the theater, since it was just on the other side of the mall. We'd continued our earlier conversation about starbucks, and something else I can't even remember. Since we had just eaten, we didn't get any food at the theater, other than a box of candy for Amber and I to share.

*Later that day*

"Goodnight Adam!" I said as Adam left the room. Today was a good day, it really was. Other than me opening my big mouth in the car and making Adam all suspicious, it went pretty well. I'm hoping he'll just let it go.. But he still seems pretty on edge around me, like he's waiting for me to say something again. Whatever, it'll be alright. I turn off the lamp beside my bed, close my eyes, and drift off to sleep.

A/N Sorry this chapter is short, still working on making them longer. I just want to say, that my chapters in the book are inspired by Save Me, another fanfiction that I LOVE. So if it seems that I'm taking her ideas or something, I apologize. I'd just like to say that I love her book, and you should all go read that one too. Anyways, we'll update again soon. Byee :) -Elyse

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