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"who are you people?" i muttered through a confused face. I'm pretty sure I'm in a hospital, but generally when youre there you have friends/family with you. All I could see was a bunch of strangers circled around my bed looking like they were all about to cry. Who knows why.

"oh god" I heard one of them whisper into his friends shoulder. His friend wrapped his arms around him and gave him a comforting hug. Should I know these people or?

"Hey Amber, it's Ellie, your sister?" a girl spoke. she was short and cute, she seemed like she was really nice, I didn't know her but I felt like I should have.

"Sister?" I asked
"Well not blood related, but close enough," she replied, "and this is your dad.. well actually I guess you could say these are your parents."
One of the men who has blonde short hair which was flicked to one side revealing an undercut, looked up and seemed very confused. As if he was questioning why the girl called him my parent.
"I'm really sorry, you all seem nice but I honestly have no clue who any of you are." I felt myself start to tear up. I was so confused.
I saw a tear roll down the girl's cheek while both of the men let out a whimper and hugged eachother tightly. It would be great if someone could explain something to me right now.
The man who had been hiding his face the whole time finally pulled his head away from the other ones chest. He was really gorgeous I must admit. He had light brown/orange short hair which was shaved all around the outside. "Amber, im your adoptive father, Adam. This is Tommy, your other father I guess you could say, and this is Ellie. We had an incident yesterday and you ran away. Tommy finally found you and you got scared and bolted. When you were running you fell and hit your head pretty hard, that's how we got here." he spoke so sadly.
I almost felt guilty. I don't even remember what happened but it sounds like this was all my fault. And they all seem so distraught.
I sat in silence for a minute while I tried to gather all of my thoughts.
"I'm going to be completely honest," I started, "I don't recognise any of you and I sure as hell don't remember running away or falling. But something is telling me that everything that you've explained to me is true. And if so, I'm really going to need more information. You all seem lovely and im sure my life before this was amazing." they all sort of gulped and looked at the floor when I said that. "I want to remember but I'm going to need help. please, any information would be so useful right now." I finished my speech and they all seemed a bit more relaxed.
"We will help you get through this Amber. I promise." Tommy comforted me.
I looked around at all of the wires and machines that I was hooked up to before my left forearm caught my attention. There were scars all up and down it. I didn't know what to think. Was it them? Did I hate myself? Did I go through a trauma? I didn't know what to think.
Adam and Ellie took a seat on some chairs a couple of meters away from my bed while tommy walked over to sit beside me.
"Wha..Why?" I questioned the scars on my wrist.
Tommy looked saddened.
"You're previous father. He was an asshole basically."
I didn't know the whole story and I don't think I wanted to. Tommy's words allowed me to figure out most of it for myself.
"Amber I want you to know that you are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. So is Ellie. And so is ad.. adam. And I will always be here for you. even though you're confused and you probably feel alone right now. you're not and I will never let you be." Tommy was good at comforting people.
"Thank you Tommy. So can I just ask, are you and adam dating or married or like what?" I was curious.
Tommy stopped for a minute to think how to respond. I saw him look over at Adam talking to Ellie. I knew that look. I may not have my memory but I know what it looks like when someone is in love.
"No no we're just band mates haha." he tried to cover his tracks.
"haha ok well um bullshit." I teased.
"No really it's nothing ok haha." he tried to brush it off.
"tommy honesty I don't know you or adam but I know what love looks like and you guys are it."
Tommy smirked at the ground at my knowledge. "Wait so you guys are in a band?" I asked.
Tommy laughed. "Yeah hey Adam we're in a band right?" he smirked. Adam laughed and so did Ellie. I was even more confused.
"This my dear sister, is THE Adam Lambert." Ellie remarked.
I kind of stopped for a minute. it took a bit for me to process it but then something clicked. Adam, Adoptive father, Ellie.
They all jumped to their feet and ran over to my bed. I hugged them all tightly. they all seemed to relieved.
"I am so sorry. I was stupid for acting like I did. I barely remember yesterday, I barely remember a lot of things but it will all come back to me im sure. I love you guys so much ok. I'll never do something stupid like that again. I promise" I felt slightly relieved now.

It had been a couple of hours since I started remembering things again. I was talking to Ellie about our home when my phone started to ring. I picked it up hesitantly.
"hello?" I asked
"oh amber thank god you're ok I have been worrying all day." the person on the phone spoke.
"thanks for your consideration, but can I just ask um who are you?"
there was silence on the other end.
"hello?" I asked again
"Amber what happened? you spoke to me yesterday. it's me annika?"
"annika..? I'm sure I'll remember you soon. I had a fall and I lost most of my memory. I'm slowly starting to remember but It might take a while. maybe I'll call you later when I feel a bit better?" I suggested
"oh yeah.. ok sure. just make sure you do call. I want to talk to you about something" the person on the other line said and then ended then ended the call before I could reply.
"who was that?" ellie asked.
"someone called annika I think?"
"oh annika! she's your friend from school! you'll remember her when you see her trust me." Ellie replied.
"hopefully. She told me she had something to talk to me about. I wonder what" I said.
"Who knows" Ellie replied.

Ellie and i talked for a bit and she tried to help me remember some more things but I think my brain was at its full capacity by then.

A couple of minutes later my doctor walked in holding a clipboard in his arms.
"Hey Amber, good to see you awake!"
"Yeah haha." I tried to laugh a bit but I still had a pretty bad headache.
"So you're doing pretty well at the moment, you'll still probably be in for a few more days just to be sure but after we give you the all clear you should be fine to go back to your life." she said with a smile.
"thank you" I smiled. so did everyone else.
The doctor left the room and shut the door behind her.

"Hey you'll be out of here soon, everything will be fine." Adam reassured me and I felt slightly happier. this whole situation was making me feel quite shitty to be honest. and I think everyone else could tell.
I picked up my phone once again.
"I better tell Annika that I'll be out in a few days." I said.
Ellie smiled in agreement.

I started typing
'Hey annika :) the doctor just told me that I should be out of here in a few days. Adam still has a few things to catch up on thanks to my accident but after hes finished here we'll be flying back and I guess I'll see you then :)'

I sent the message and put my phone back on the table next to my bed.
"How many interviews have you missed adam?" I asked worriedly
"oh only a couple it's not a big deal." he replied with a smile.
I knew that wasn't the truth. I felt bad but I guess there wasn't much I could do about it now.

I heard my phone buzz next to me. I picked it up and saw it was a message from annika.
I unlocked my phone and started reading her message
'Oh that's great Amber! hey so I know you might not still remember me completely, but I don't think I can keep it inside anymore.
Amber honestly these past few days worrying about you have been awful. I can't help but think about you. it's been like this for a while now. And I know Ive only known you for a couple of months and you probably don't feel the same, but I think I'm falling for you.
and I just really need to know if you even feel slightly the same because this is killing me.
sorry if this isn't a good time but I just need an answer.
I hope you get better soon.'

I honestly didn't know what to say.


Hey guys. sorry it took so long for the update I keep forgetting 😂
um yeah the story seems to be getting a bit off track and I legit don't know where I'm going with it so yeah let's just see what happens. tell me what you think pleasee x

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