Chapter 8

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*Tommy's P.O.V*

Sitting in front of me, was Amber. But it wasn't the Amber I knew. She was broken, and it killed me to see her like this. Before now, I had only seen her cry once or twice. And even then she had just shed maybe a tear or two. It was hard to process what she was telling me, that the two strongest girls I knew, weren't as strong as I had assumed them to be. The thing that bothered me the most about all of this, was that I didn't pick up on it. I didn't even suspect any of this. But from this moment on, I promised myself to keep the girls as my top priority, and to make sure they were okay. I knew I would have to tell Adam, and my best guess is that he would talk to Ellie about everything, and I would take care of Amber. The four of us are all very close, but Amber and I, were just a bit closer, as were Adam and Ellie.

I felt like I could relate to Amber right now, because I'm not perfect, myself. About a year ago, Adam found out about my self harm habit. He took away my blades, and watched me like a hawk for weeks. He wouldn't let me out of his sight, and he checked my wrists every day, to make sure I didn't have any new cuts. Then, I thought it was annoying. I wished he would just leave me be. But now, I'm glad he did it. It was exactly what I needed, and now, I'm finally okay. And that's exactly what I planned to do for Amber, because I knew that Adam would do the same for Ellie.

I held Amber tightly to me, trying to comfort her as she spilled her guts. I could tell she felt guilty, in part for laying all of this on me, and also because she had made a promise to Ellie not to tell anyone. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible, to show her that she shouldn't feel guilty, and that's what I was here for.

"I just can't take it anymore tommy..." She cried into my chest. I looked down at her wrist, and her short sleeve shirt revealed all of her scars. Most of them were old, but there were just a few that were still bleeding, and I knew she had done this only minutes before. "Shh, it's okay Am, it's okay." I comforted her. "No more cutting. This stops now, for both of you." I said with a hint of authority in my tone, so she knew that I wasn't playing games. "We're getting through this, Amber. All four of us." I looked down at her tear stained face, and she was already looking up at me. "Four of us?" She asked, confusedly. "I have to tell Adam, there's no avoiding it." I said. "No, no, no... Tommy you can't do that..." She was genuinely scared. I understand why, given that she did promise Ellie. But it was for both of their own good's, and there was no way in hell I would keep something like this from Adam. "Do you want her to get better?" I asked, obviously knowing the answer. "Well, yeah..but-" I cut her off. "And we both know how close she is with Adam. He's the only person who can help her get through this, and you know it." She sighed of defeat, knowing I was right. I'd talk more with Amber about this later, but right now, I just let her rest. She drifted off to sleep in my arms, and I fell asleep as well not too long after.

*The next morning*

I woke up pretty early, Amber was still asleep and it was still somewhat dark out. Adam had an interview at like 3AM today for a radio show, so I knew he would be up. I gently laid Amber down on the couch, being careful not to wake her up as I did so. I walked upstairs to Adam's office-type room, where he did most of his work. He turned around and smiled when he saw me, but his expression quickly changed to confusion, because I wasn't usually up this early. "What's up?" He asked me. "I uh.. Adam I need to talk to you." He started to look worried, and motioned for me to sit in a chair across from him. I told him about last night, and everything Amber had told me. He just sat in shock, and I knew he hadn't expected this at all. We both knew they came from bad homes, but neither of us knew the extent of what they'd been through. We ended up talking about this for almost two hours, so just about everyone was already up by the time we left his room. We agreed that it would be better for him to talk to Ellie about it, and for me to continue last night's conversation with Amber. Although he would keep a very close eye on the both of them, considering I didn't live there.

Adam went downstairs, me following, and he began to make breakfast for the kids, like he usually did. Ellie wasn't downstairs yet, but Amber was. She was making light conversation with another girl, Hannah. I had never really met Hannah, other than a brief 'hello' once or twice, but she was the youngest of the group, about 10 years old. I was having lunch with a friend today, so I had to leave about now. I pulled Amber aside for a minute before I left and whispered,"I have to go, but I'll be back sometime tomorrow, because we still need to talk about this, okay?" She nodded understandingly. "See you later Ambs, I love you." I kissed the top of her forehead and made my way out to my car, driving away from Adam's home. I was worried about Amber, but I knew I wasn't going to let anything happen to her anymore. I was going to keep her safe, even if it was the last thing I did.

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