Chapter 20

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I stood by my locker, not saying a word. They give us 5 minutes between classes, which is a lot of time to awkwardly stand by yourself.

"El!" I turned my head and saw Amber, next to a new girl I had never seen before. "This is Annika.." She said, pointing to the girl. "I'm Ellie." I said quietly, smiling at her. She smiled back a little before her and Amber made their way to class.

Looks like Amber's doing just fine at this school, and then there's me. Still alone. No friends. Of course. Typical.

I shuffled along to my last class of the day, history. It's not the worst class of all, but it sure as hell wasn't the best. There's a certain girl there, her and her idiot boyfriend Joe. Her name's Hannah. She always goes on and on about "Jannah" and everything that I could care less about. And to top it off, she's a TOTAL bitch. I'm not just talking self centered moron, I mean BITCH. As in, shove you into your locker every time she sees you sort of bitch, you know?

"Alright, alright. Take your seats everyone. The bell is about to ring." Thank god the year is almost over, I don't know how much more of this "learning" stuff I can take.

"Ellie!" A familiar voice sounds from the back of the room, turning everyone's heads and resulting in jaw drops from across the room.

"It's Adam Lambert. Oh. My. God." "I know right..I love him so much.." Whispers from all across the room arise in a not-so-discret manner.

My head fell down into my hands in embarrassment before I slowly slid out of my chair and trudged out the classroom door where Adam stood with an excited grin on his face. "Can't you just call me sometimes instead of coming down here..?" I asked quietly, embarrassed.

"I just got a call from a producer at SNL.. We're going to New York!" As exciting as New York sounded, I was tired of running around all the time, always being across the country from everyone. "We, as in who?" I questioned.

"Listen, I've only got three plane tickets since it's pretty last minute. I want to take you and Amber, if it's okay with you guys." He seemed disappointed with himself, probably for not having everyone with him in New York.

"Is Tommy coming?"

"Of course Tommy's coming, silly! He's in the band!" "Okay... When are we leaving?" "In two hours.. That's why we have to go now." "Would've been nice to know earlier." "Let's go."

He rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit before continuing down the hallway to Amber's class. To avoid excitement over Adam being here, I poked my head in through the door signaling for Amber to come out.

"Amber sit down." The male teacher said sternly as she tried to get up, she was the only one in the room. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes and speed walked towards me, angering the man further.

"What was that?" Adam furrowed his brow.

"Nothing..long story. Why are you here?"

"Nothing, long story." He mimicked her.

"We're going to New York, we need to start now." I interrupted their small argument before it got bigger. The old teacher man pranced angrily over to us, forcing Adam to explain his need to come pick us up right away.


"You're not going anywhere until you tell me what was happening with that teacher." Adam nearly yelled downstairs.

"I got in a little trouble, okay?" Amber muttered quietly.

"Well start talking."

Adam's Glamily (Adam Lambert Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now