Chapter 18

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*Amber's P.O.V*

The new school was great, don't get me wrong. But apparently Adam is pretty well known here making it hard for us to actually find REAL friends. Although, I'm not complaining. It is pretty cool to have everyone so excited to see you and talk to you, it's like being famous, but not.

For the most part Ellie and I have been simply shrugging off any autograph requests or anyone who wanted to meet him because nobody seemed to have a story, you know, some meaning behind their love for Adam. Of course it didn't matter to us, because, we don't want to bother Adam with anything unimportant seeing as we've been so reliant on him for everything lately.

We shuffled down the hallway after the last bell to see an excited Adam standing in the middle of the hallway, in PLAIN SIGHT, waiting for us.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." Ellie mumbled under her breath putting her head in her hands, chuckling a bit. "What. Are you doing." I whispered to Adam. "Thought I'd come pick you up from your first day of school, eh?" He replied enthusiastically.

El and I laughed at him, trying to get him out of the building before everyone noticed him. He saw what we were doing and immediately pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head, making him unrecognizable.

"I won't even ask.." He said hopping into the driver's seat. "But in all seriousness, how was your first day?" He asked, his expression turning less playful and fun, more serious and focused.

"It was... Actually really good." Ellie said, answering his question.

"Are you lying to me?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"No, no. Of course not. We had a good day." Her voice was shaky and lacked plausibility, although I wasn't sure why. The day went pretty well, at least, mine did. Aside from the overly enthusiastic recognition from glamberts in our classes.

*Ellie's P.O.V*

Adam knew I was lying, he always did. Honestly, school was great. Not a rude comment or anything. Not even one. My depression has nothing to do with school, at all. It's depression. I feel like my life is falling apart, even though I have everything I could ever ask for in life.

Amber had to go to some stupid after school thing almost immediately after she comes home and changes, so it would be just Adam and I in the house since our new school ended so early, before everyone else's.


"El, we need to talk." Adam shouted through the house as he returned from dropping Amber back at school.

"I don't want to talk right now." I was in a shitty mood. I didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone or anything, I just wanted to curl up in a corner and be alone. Just myself and my thoughts.

"Sit down," I sighed in defeat, going to sit down on the couch next to him. "I know you're lying to me Ellie."

"Yes, I'm aware." I knew my smart alecky remarks were pissing him off, but for some reason I didn't care.

"Just tell me what's going on, please? I hate it when you lie to me, I really do. And you know it." He said with a straight face

"School went great, okay? If that's what you want to know, it went perfectly. Aside from a few girls recognizing the last name, the whole day passed smoothly. Beautifully. Happy?" My voice radiated annoyance, which sure didn't help the situation. But again, I was completely apathetic to the situation. Recently I've been apathetic to... Everything.

"Then what's going on?"

"I just feel like... I feel like shit. Like everything is falling apart and it's not. I'm just so sad. And I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be sad. I have no reason to be sad, Adam. I live with my damn idol. You know how many kids would give anything for this? A lot. A lot of kids. And here I am, taking away from the whole thing by being bitchy and depressed the whole time like I'm on my fucking period 24/7." I just spewed out the words, only realizing that I probably shouldn't be using such language with Adam after seeing his facial expression afterwards.

"You didn't..." He said almost in a questioning tone, referring to my bad habit.

"Yeah, I did. I know I shouldn't have but I did. I'm sorry okay." He took in a deep breath.

"You promised me." He stated grimly.

"Yes, Adam. I did promise you. I promised you that I wouldn't take that blade to my skin but it was a promise I couldn't keep and I'm sorry. I just want to be okay. I just want to be normal, a happy kid who makes friends and smiles for no reason. But I'm not."

"I don't even know what to tell you anymore, El!" He started to raise his voice a bit more. "I can't fucking help you if you won't let me! We can't keep playing this damn game. And if I didn't make this clear before, when you promise me something, you're going to keep that promise. What's even the point of "promises" if you're just going to break them anyways, huh? When something happens, you come to me. You tell me. You let me in and you talk to me. Do you. Understand?"

"Okay." There's no point in arguing anyways. Wouldn't want to make him more mad than he already was. And the funny thing is, I don't think it was what I actually...did, that made him so angry. More of my attitude towards it. Adam HATES when people lie to him. And the one thing he hates even more? When you lie, and then you act like you don't care. Of course I cared. It's just been really difficult for me to be able to show it no matter how much I want to.

"Okay? What does that mean?"

"It means okay. I won't do it anymore. I'll tell you if something happens. I mean it this time."

"You better not be lying to me, El."

"I'm not."

"I hope for your sake that's true." The corners of his lips lifted into a small smile as he wrapped me in a tight hug.

That's the thing I love the most about Adam. Of course there'd be a little tension between us for the next week or so, I'm sure Amber would pick up on it, but we're okay. He got mad, he said what needed to be said, and that was that. And it ends in smiles and hugs.

And hopefully, I'll be able to keep the promise I made to him. Maybe someday I will be a normal kid. A happy kid. It's gonna be quite awhile, but it'll happen someday. I hope.

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