Chapter 21

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*Adams POV*

"C'mon El hurry up we are going to be late!" I called to Ellie as me and Amber waited down in the driveway,

"now you, you better start talking missy. What happened between you and your teacher?"

I was angry that she was in trouble in only her first week at the new school. I thought Amber was better than that. Maybe I'm over reacting, I'm sure it's nothing too bad. I hope.

"It's nothing! I swear!" She tries to convince me.

"No Amber it's not nothing! Your teacher yelled at you! You obviously did something wrong. What was it?" I reply sternly.

"I JUST GOT MAD OK IM SO SICK OF LIFE! EVERYDAY I GET JUDGED AND LAUGHED AT AND MADE FUN OF AND IM SICK OF IT ADAM!" She completely broke down. She fell helplessly into my arms, I dropped all of my bags and held out my arms.

"Amber.." I hated this, I felt like all of this was my fault and maybe if I hadn't come into their lives they would be happier. I'm always so busy with work and I never get to spend time with them and I have no clue what's going on in their lives. I never thought this would be so hard. But I'm not going to give up on them. Never.

"Amber? Adam? What happened?" Ellie asked confusedly as she walked up to us, curled up in a small ball on the rocky ground.

"Ellie, are you still getting bullied at your new school?" I asked.

"Um, why?"


"Well, not as much as we used to, but we still don't exactly 'fit in'." I sigh at her answer and look back down at Amber crouched in my lap. I really thought this new school would be good for them, I thought they would make friends and be happy teenagers. Obviously not.

"Adam we should talk about this on the plane, we don't want to keep Tommy waiting at the airport." Ellie suggests. I nod in agreement and lift Amber up out of my grip.

"Are you sure you still want to go?" I ask her.

"Y-yeah I'm f-f-fine." Amber manages to get out over the violent sobbing. We all grab our bags and make our way to the limo that will be driving us to the airport. The driver takes our bags and places them lightly in the boot of the fancy car. I open the door for the girls despite the strange looks from the driver. Limo drivers can be so annoying sometimes I mean come on I think I'm able to open a car door for myself.

The drive to the airport is long and quiet. On of the bands the girls like called 'Black Veil Brides' comes on and I see a faint smile appear on Ambers face. It makes me feel a bit better knowing there is still a little bit of hope left for the girls.

We pull up in the VIP part around the back of the car park and the driver rushes around to open the door to make sure I didn't try to again. Pft, stupid fancy people.

We all pile out of the limo and walk around to get our bags. We only have a small amount of baggage because we are only going to be there for a few days. Inside the airport is so fancy, it's all clean and pretty and smells like vanilla scented candles. Off past baggage checkout I see Tommy sitting over by himself on a green chair marked 'Lambert Party' along with 3 other chairs. The lady working at baggage checkout is really nice and doesn't seem to know who I am which is always a bonus. I see Ambers head lift up in joy as she hears Tommy yelling out her name. I love the relationship they have, it's so sweet and it kinda relieves me knowing that Tommy would never think of hurting either of them. We pick up our carry on bags and walk over to where Tommy is sitting. There is only about 20 minutes until we board the plane which is good because I hate waiting 4 hours in a public place where everyone knows who you are and they are all asking for autographs and photos. I mean I LOVE my glamberts so much! But sometimes I just need some time to spend with my family. Amber and Ellie run up to Tommy and almost tackle him to the ground, which makes me and him laugh.

"Sup Ratliff?"

"Just waiting for your lazy ass, Lambert." We both share a smile and turn to look at the girls who are giving us an 'I saw that' kind of look. I don't know why they always do that when me and Tommy joke with eachother. But it always seems to make us laugh.

We spend the next 10 minutes laughing and talking about what we are going to to in New York. I have a performance the second night we are there which is why we are going, but the other days are all free for sightseeing.

Over the loud speaker a man begins to call our flight, "Flight 250 is now boarding. Please make your way to gate 4." There was already a big line to get down onto the Tarmac and there was a lot more coming. We all grab a hold of each other's shirts so that we don't lose one another, it usually gets pretty crazy boarding planes.

"HOLY. FUCKING. LAMBERT." Shit. A fan has seen me, and announced my presence to the whole airport. Thanks girl.





Suddenly the whole population of the building was surrounding me, Ellie, Amber and Tommy. But they only wanted me. We all lost grip of each other and I could barely breathe because of the crowd. I desperately searched for the girls but they were no where to be seen, neither was Tommy.

"ADAM HELP!" I heard a girls voice scream. It sounded like Ellie. I panicked and barged through everyone, but no matter where I went, it was just more and more people, surrounding me. I struggled for air and space, but after a while, everything seemed to go black, and I lost control of my entire body.

I was helpless.

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