Chapter 14

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*Ellie's P.O.V*

It's been about two days since the dinner, and Adam and Tommy have been watching us like hawks. Adam literally checks my wrists every morning when I wake up, and I really haven't had a chance to cut, even if I wanted to. Amber's gotten pretty annoyed with it all, too. I know they mean well, but they need to give us some space, but I would most likely do the same thing if I were them, so it's understandable.

I slid my feet over the side of the bed, looking over at Amber. For once she was still asleep after me. I ran over to her bed and jumped on it laughing. "TIME TO GET UPPPPPP!" I yelled in her face. She opened her eyes and groggily sat up grinning. "Well played, well played." I laughed at her. It's Monday, another school day. Woohoo. She got up and we walked down the stairs in our pajamas. Tommy was talking to Hannah, the youngest of us. Amber ran over to them and started making conversation while I walked over to Adam. "Goodmorning, sleepyhead." He smiled. "Morning Adam." I replied grinning. "How'd you sleep?" "Pretty good, fell asleep earlier last night. It was nice." He nodded. "And you guys are doing okay? No more cuts?" He asked quietly, so nobody else would hear. I nodded, looking down. It wasn't a lie, but I sure had thought about it, many times. He looked at me suspiciously, probably not believing what I just said. I pulled back my sleeves, showing him that there weren't any new scars. He smiled. "Told you." I said quietly. "I knew you could do it." He said proudly. "Sort of." I whispered, looking down, hoping Adam wouldn't hear. "What do you mean, sort of?" He asked worriedly. "I haven't cut, Adam. But it's been really hard. It's been really, really hard." I replied quietly. "Have you thought about it at all?" I nodded my head a little. I had, many times. I know he wanted us to tell him if we ever did, but I don't want to bother him. "Come to me, if you ever want to, come talk to me." I nodded again, and he looked down smiling, dropping the subject.

Tommy stood up and walked over to Adam and I smiling. "Morning kiddo" he said playfully, messing with my hair a bit. I laughed. "Morning." I replied. Adam handed me a plate of pancakes, as usual, and I say down by Amber. "Hey." She said smiling. "Adam seriously won't get off my back about anything" I laughed. "Same. Tommy won't leave me alone." She smiled back. "They mean well, I guess." I said. She nodded as we finished eating.

We took our plates over to the sink, saying goodbye to Adam and Tommy before we left for school. "Have a good day!" Adam said enthusiastically. "As if." I said, laughing. He rolled his eyes as Amber and I got in the car. Adam got into the front seat, and drove us all to school. It was a pretty quiet ride, aside from the occasional whisper or giggle.

Amber and I got out of the car, and walked into the school. We parted ways after saying goodbye, and went to our lockers. I kept my head down low, trying to avoid everyone's comments. I went to my locker and grabbed the books I would need for my first hour class, English. I began down the hallway when I felt a shove, and my books were thrown to the ground. I looked up, and saw a girl that I hadn't seen before. She looked ticked about something, and quite ignorant. I bent down to grab my books as she kicked them aside. "Can I just get my books...?" I said quietly. "Bitch.." She muttered, laughing, and walked away. I picked up my books off the ground and looked around at everyone, who was staring at me and laughing.

It was like a scene out of the movies, really. Everyone was laughing at me. I was getting shoved from side to side by people I didn't even know. I felt a warm tear slide down the side of my cheek as I ran past them, trying to get to my class. I passed the main entrance, and ran into someone because I was keeping my head low. "Ellie?" I heard them say quietly. I looked up, and saw Adam staring down at me with a look of confusion, anger, and sympathy. I had black mascara dripping down my face, and I was sure he'd seen everything that just went down. "What are you..." I began to say quietly. "You forgot your notebook in the car..." "Oh.. Uh, thanks." I said. He handed me the notebook and I began to walk away, before he grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards him. "El, what just happened?" He asked quietly. "It's okay... I'm used to it." He pulled me into a tight hug. "That's not okay, El."

Great, now Adam's going to be worried about me. There's a good chance he's going to feel obligated to take action but I really hope he doesn't. "I have to get to first hour..." I said. "El..." At this point I felt sick to my stomach. I had a headache, and I felt like I was going to puke. I was nervous, really nervous. I don't know why, but I feel like Adam is going to be worried about me and something bad is going to happen. "I'm fine." I said quickly. "No you're not." He shot back. "I know..." He wrapped me in another hug. "Come home, El." He said. I just nodded into his chest. I had no fight left in me. He walked me into the school's main office, looking angry, like he meant business. "We're leaving." He said to the woman at the front desk. "And why's that?" She had an attitude, and I could tell it was pissing Adam off. "Because I won't allow El to be victimized like that, with nobody there to help. We're leaving." He said. "You can't hide forever, darling. You'll have to come back someday." The woman said, almost creepily. Adam rolled his eyes at her. "I'm aware." I said to her. Adam signed a paper on the counter authorizing me to leave the school.

We walked out of the school, and to his car. "That's not okay. Something needs to be done here." He said. "Adam... It's fine." I tried to convince him. "No, El, it's not fine. It is in no way shape or form 'fine'." He let out a deep sigh, becoming more sympathetic rather than angry. "I didn't know it was that bad. We're going to do something about it, okay? I won't let this go on any longer." I nodded, wiping away the black tears that wouldn't stop streaming down my face.

I don't want him to do anything, to say anything. Because if he does it's going to start a whole big thing, and it's only going to get worse. But I didn't argue, because I felt that maybe, just maybe, something good might actually come of this.

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