Chapter 19

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Ambers POV

So my afternoon was spent at soccer and all I can say is: It was Exactly like being at my old school. There were bitches, nobodies, a few people in the middle, and me.

Nobody smiled at me or tried to be nice, all I got was a verbal beat down and a few death glares. The bullying all came from a girl called Rachel, she was the popular, bitchy, stuck up girl on the soccer team. She had fiery red hair and pimples covering her face, she was actually quite ugly, I have no idea how she was popular. She had her little posey of whores who followed her around like a herd of lost sheep, waiting to be told what to do by their queen bee. It sickened me. I mean what do they think happens when school is over? They honestly can't believe that this is what their lives will be like forever. I can't wait till the day that they all realise that they need to get a job to keep living. Anyway, back to Rachel..

*At Soccer*

Basically as soon as I walked into the change rooms to put my gear on, I could feel the stares from all the other girls like a thousand knifes stabbing me in the chest. Most of this was from Rachel who was sitting in the corner putting on her bright pink soccer boots. I tried my hardest to look confident because I know how bullies can be and if you give them any sign that you might be the slightest bit scared, they will know, and they will not leave you alone until they have won.

I pulled my bag off my shoulder and unzipped it. All of my gear was bran new and the uniform still had creases in it from how it had been folded previously. My shoes were black with white laces and had spikes covering the bottom of them.

Every single eye in the room was on me as I put on my t-shirt and shorts. I felt so gross, almost everyone here was pretty and skinny and perfect and I was just. Ugh. One girl whispered something to her friend and they both laughed, another gave her friend a look of disgust.

I turned around to face them all, "What?" I said confidently.

They all burst out into conversation while glancing over at me occasionally to discuss how weird I was. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest when the coach finally returned into the room.

"Get ready girls we are about to go do some drills and stretches." She belted out. Is it just me or are all female sports teachers or coaches scary and loud? She glanced over at me and looked at me for a while

"Oh yes that's right, girls we have a new student today, her name is Amber, Amber Lambert." She spoke.

SHIT! Why does every single teacher find it necessary to use my last name? It's like torture because now I will have 15 more girls on my back about how Adam Lambert is my father.

"She's that girl who got adopted by that gay singer." One girl whispered.

"I heard she tried to comic suicide." Spoke another.

"Ha. What a loser!" Yelled Rachel. I ignored it all and left the room to meet the coach out on the field.

I wonder how those girls would like being treated like they treat me. I don't think they would like it all that much. So why do they do it? I will never understand girls in this generation.

"C'mom girls hurry up for gods sake!" Screamed Ms Bradford, the coach. A group of girls around my height all ran past me pushing me around like some famous person was in front of me. They all turned around to see me flat on the ground, and laughed. Rachel brushed past me and whispered something to her friends which made them all burst out laughing to the point where they had tears rushing down their faces.

"Need some help?" Asked a not so familiar voice. I looked up to see a gothic looking, long black haired girl with major eyeliner that looked like something out of a punk rock band. I loved it!

"Yeah, thanks." I replied, extending my arms towards the mysterious girl.

"My names Annika, and I'm guessing you're the new girl?" She said.

"Yeah, my names Amber. Uhm, you wouldn't by any chance be friends with those girls would you?" I asked curiously, hoping to god the answer was no.

"Uh god no, they are the bitchiest of all bitches, the queens of bitches. And that one there, with red hair and pimples, that's Rachel, she is like the king of bitches. She overrules EVERYONE." Spoke Annika. I think I was starting to like this Annika girl, she seemed like the most normal person I have ever met outside of the glamily.

"Ok good. Would I be able to maybe hang out with you today considering I think everyone else here hates me already." I asked.

"Yeah for sure, you seem petty cool." Said Annika. We both shared a smile and glanced over at Rachel who was walking like a little piece of sass over to where we were standing.

"So who the fuck are you? Little miss lambert hey? Well don't think that just because your adopted dad is semi-famous, that you own this place. This is my territory and if you ever try to take that from me, I'll make sure you never come back here again." Said Rachel with an evil look on her face. In all honesty she looked like she had needed to go to the toilet really bad or something for a long time. I went to open my mouth to say something to Rachel, but Annika got there first.

"Listen here crater face, don't you ever speak to her like that again or ILL be making sure that you never come back here again, is that understood?"

"Well well looks who's talking, Annika the gothic freak. What will you do if I don't stop? Stab me to death with your gay little creepers?" Said amber as her whole posey started laughing and congratulating Rachel on her 'amazing comeback'. Annika lost it and basically just told Rachel to fuck off before punching her square in the face.

"ANNIKA," I screamed, "WHAT THE HELL? I KNOW SHE WAS BEING A BITCH BUT DUDE." Annika just smirked in a cheeky way, grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side while Rachel's friends and the coach assisted her to her feet, there was no blood but it looked pretty painful.

"Rachel won't be coming anywhere near you again as long as I'm around I promise." Said Annika as she looked me dead in the eye.

"..thank you.." I spoke quietly. This whole 'friendship' thing was so weird and new to me, I had no idea what was going on.

"Hey, what are friends for." She said smirking. Friends? I'm her friend? Usually people meet me, get annoyed, and leave within 10 minutes of knowing me. I smiled back at her and we spent the rest of the time laughing at everybody miss and fail time and time again. Soccer shouldn't be too bad now that I have a friend who will stand up for me.

I just hope Annika stays with me, and doesn't leave me like almost everybody else does.

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