Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Tommy's Pov*

It had been 2 days since I was released from the hospital and I still feel like someone that just crawled out of a grave. Goes to show you how bad alcohol really can be. I was so disappointed in myself, how could I do this to Adam and the girls? I had let them down big time, no matter how many times they tried to tell me they weren't mad or upset, I could always see it in their eyes, I scared the hell out of them, and that I know for a fact. We still hadn't gone out for dinner to talk yet, but I'm pretty sure we are going tonight, me and Adam had to talk to Amber and Ellie before it was too late.

I pull myself up out of bed with barely any energy and slip out of my pyjamas and into some casual clothes. I had been staying at Adam's place ever since I got out of the hospital, he didn't trust me after my little 'stunt', and I don't blame him, it was completely stupid and irresponsible. Ellie and Amber had been looking after me as well, they would come in and sit with me for about 10 minutes a few times a day, but considering I was still recovering, I slept most of the time, so they only came in once or twice while I was at least half human.

I walk downstairs slowly, trying not to fall flat on my face. The stairs were cold on my bare feet and I felt like I was going to be sick, but when I saw Ellie, Amber and Adam I felt a lot better.

"Well hello there Mr Sleepy!" Amber says sarcastically.

"Good to see you up and moving!" Says Adam as he walks up and hugs me.

"Pancakes for a Mr Thomas Joseph Ratliff?" Ellie asks in a silly voice.

"Haha hey guys, good to see you as well, and yes Ma'am, 3 pancakes thank you!" I say sarcastically. They all laugh at my response and honestly, it makes me feel one hundred times better. I was greeted and hugged by all of the other young girls and I had a conversation with all of them. I loved all of these girls, they were all so precious to me, and I know they mean the world to Adam, which is why it's so hard for me to hear about Amber and El's issues. I knew we would all get through this eventually, it definitely won't be easy, but for these girls, I am willing to do anything.

I follow Amber over to the kitchen cupboard and we grab our plates.

"How have you and Ellie been doing?" I ask quietly.

"What? Oh yeah we've been alright I guess, it's been a bit hard knowing how unwell you are, but we are coping." She replies with a look of sadness on her face.

"Hey, hey don't worry, I'm fine, I just wasn't thinking straight. We will get through this together. I love you Amber, I would never let anything happen to you.. Or to any of us." I say, placing my plate down on the bench and wrapping my arms tightly around her. I feel a tear escape her already bloodshot eyes as she buries her face into my jumper. I tilt my head down and kiss her head lightly, it kills me to see them like this. And the things that hurts the most, the fact that I'm the reason for those tears, I'm the reason Neither Adam, Amber, or Ellie have slept at all the past few nights.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper quietly to Amber. She lifts her head up and looks me in the eye. I look into her red, teary eyes, and even though she didn't speak a work, I understand exactly what she is saying.

*later that day*

Ellie's Pov

So tonight is the night. Tonight is the night when Tommy and Adam are going to have a little talk with me and Amber.


I am dreading this, and I have been ever since Adam first came and spoke to me about my cuts. What if they can't help us? What if it all becomes too hard and they give up on us. I don't know what I would do without them, I would have no body. No body to hug when I am sad, no body to sing to me when I have bad dreams, no body there when I need them.

"Ready?" Amber asks nervously. She was really worried about tonight as well. We had both cut again since the Tommy incident the other night, and I don't know how easy it's going to be trying to stop. I mean sure Adam and Tommy will be there to help, but it's not like we can just throw away our blades and forget all about it, it's not that simple, no matter how much I wish it was.

"Ready as I'll ever be.." I sigh. We grab our jumpers and walk downstairs to meet Adam and Tommy. Adam was wearing a fancy black suit where Tommy was just wearing his black skinny jeans, creepers, and a black long sleeve shirt. Gotta love Tommy's style.

"Let's go!" Adam says excitedly as he wraps his arms around me and Ambers shoulders. We walk out to the car and jump in the back. I look over at Amber and see her staring out at the window. She looks like she is about to be sick. That's exactly how I'm feeling.

We arrive at the restaurant in barely any time. The car trip was dead silent, no one said a word except for occasionally Tommy and Adam would whisper something between them. Adam walks around to my door and opens it for me, as Tommy does for Amber.

"Madam!" Adam says sarcastically as he leads me out of the car. I smile and laugh at how much of a dork he is.

The restaurant was really fancy, which was a good thing, it meant that barely any fans or paparazzi would be able to surround and harass Adam. That is a down side to living with a famous singer, you never get any time to yourselves unless you are locked away in your house. We walk in as a group, me and Amber linking arms.

"You ready for this?" I ask her.

"Not at all." She replied sternly.

We both give a half smile and follow Adam and Tommy over to our table. This place was crazy, massive chandeliers, fancy carpet, private little booths to eat at. It was like something out of a fairy tale!

"What would you girls like to eat?" Asks Tommy. Eating? First? Couldn't they just get the lecturing over and done with and then we could enjoy our meal?

"I'll have the Caesar Salad please." Amber blurts out.

"Um ill just have the Sweet and Sour Chicken." Says Adam. I think the waitress knew who Adam was, she looked like she was about to pass out.

"I'll just have the Lamb Roast thanks." I say.

"I'll have the same." Tommy replies. The waitress nods, gives Adam one last glance, and walks away.

"Now girls.." There it is. Finally, we are getting to the point of this whole dinner. Amber and I give each other a worried look and turn our heads to face Adam and Tommy.

"This self harming has to stop. I know school is hard, believe me, I had my fair share of being called names and being told I was a faggot and that I would never become anything. But look at me now! I have a wonderful career, and beautiful family, and amazing friends!" Adam tries to convince us.

"Look girls, I know what you are going though, I know exactly how you feel." As Tommy speaks he pulls back his sleeve exposing an array of white lines up and down his wrists. Amber and I am shocked at this.

"Tommy... You cut?" Amber says, sounding confused as ever.

"I did cut, but this one over here helped me overcome that," he points to Adam and Adam smiles, "he helped me when I needed someone. I know it seems hard, I know it feels like it's never going to get better, but it will believe me, it will, Adam and I are here to help you, and we will be able to get through this. You just have to trust us." Tommy's words really made me feel better, and I think they did the same for Amber, her face brightened up and she didn't look like she was about to faint anymore.

"Thank you..." I speak. Amber repeats my words and we both smile at Adam and Tommy. They both smile back at us and I see a look of accomplishment flow across their faces. The waitress brings over our food and we all dig in, I think all of this stress and anxiousness has expanded our appetites, because we all finish in a matter of minutes.

When we all decide it's time to leave. Adam calls the waitress that served us earlier over and asks for the cheque. Tommy attempts to pay but Adam refuses his offer. I never understood why adults did that, I mean if someone offered to buy me food, I wouldn't be refusing.

We all hop in the car and drive home. I guess tonight was a good idea. I definitely felt a lot better and so did Amber.

Maybe there was hope. Maybe we would make it out of this never ending prison.

All I knew is that as long as we had Tommy and Adam helping us, we at least had a chance.

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