Chapter 23

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*adams pov*

New York was fucking huge! With massive lights and buildings! That's the thing about New York you see, no matter how many times you go there, or visit it whilst on a holiday, you never ever get used to how pretty and giant it is. The plane trip here was pretty shit to say the least. My head still hurt like a bitch from the crowd incident back at the airport and Ellie still seemed a bit edgy around me. I'm trying to forget about all that and focus on the trip ahead, but it's not easy. Tommy and Amber sat together a few rows back from me and El, which was kinda inconvenient but I guess you have to deal with whatever.

The airport in New York that we arrived in was like a palace with fancy lights and perfectly pained walls. It was amazing. Almost as amazing as the hotel we are staying in. Its 10 stories high with over 200 rooms, each one with a spa and 2 double beds. Still not sure who is sleeping where but when the girls saw the two double beds they giggled and shared a joke between themselves. Ah teenagers.

Tommy and I were practically falling asleep because our flight was quite late, we landed at 11pm plus having to wait around and hour to even leave the airport. The girls on the other hand were excited and jumpy, they wanted to go out and see what New York holds. Ha not in the middle of the night they won't be.

"What should we do tomorrow? OMG we should go to the Statue Of Liberty! And then we can have lunch at this fancy restaurant called Blue Hill! I'm so excited!" Amber seemed to have our day planned out for us.

"We will have to wait until Wednesday to go sightseeing remember? I have rehearsals for the show tomorrow then on Tuesday I have the show." I replied, Amber seemed a but let down, but I did already tell her all of this!

"Ok fine, but me and El get to come and watch you rehears tomorrow!" Amber replied.

"Ugh if you must." I teased her. She flicked her hair all sassy like and I did the same back to her.

"Goodnight Addy." She said as she climbed into bed next to El. Shit. I turned around to see the only available spot next to Tommy. Thanks girls. I creeped under the blankets trying to be silent not to wake Tommy up as the lazy ass had already fallen asleep.

"Hey Adam," I heard Amber whisper, "try and keep the noise levels to a minimum tonight, I need my beauty sleep." I glared at her to see her grinning evilly. I punched her arm which made her laugh.

"Goodnight Amber you little cheeky shit." I teased.

"Goodnight Adam you dirty slut." We both laughed and then cuddled up into our blankets.

I love my girls, I really do.


So sorry for not posting in a while! Been having a bit of a tough week! But I finally finished it, it's a bit on the short side but it was pretty rushed. Anyway thanks for all the reads guys you are amazing!

-Keely x

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