Chapter 25

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*Ellies Pov*

I woke up reasonably early the next morning after adam and tommy dragged their drunk asses into our room. Everyone else was still asleep so I tried to be quiet while I was creeping around the house. Everyone looked so funny sleeping, Ambers hair was covering her face like a spider web and there was a little pool of water on her pillow where she had dribbled over night, Adam was still all dressed in his clothes from last night because from what I can recall, him and Tommy sorta just fell into bed when they got home, and Tommy was hanging half off the bed with his face smothered in blankets. This was a perfect photo opportunity. I pulled out my phone and stood on the desk on one side of the room. I just managed to capture the right picture with all of them in the view. I sent it to Adams parents with the caption:

"Sleeping beauties, aren't they?"

Leila and Eber, Adams parents, were probably still asleep as it was only 6:30am. I placed my phone down on the table and walked into the bathroom.

This place was so amazingly beautiful, I still haven't gotten used to staying in places like this, it's just not something you can get used to easy, unless you are a snob.

I pulled out my toothbrush and grabbed the toothpaste off the bench.

"OW!" I yelled. "what the fu.."I looked down at my arm which was now covered in blood.

"Jesus Christ what the hell?" I looked at the bench to find 3 razor blades at the opening of Ambers toiletry bag. Oh fuck no. I picked up the razors carefully not to accidentally cut myself again. They were really sharp, just like brand new ones. They definitely came out of Ambers bag, there was a little container in it that was made to look like it had pills in it, but the blades fit perfectly in the container. I cleaned the blood off my arm and the bench and placed the blades back in the container.

"Bandaid, bandaid.." I chanted to myself as I searched the cupboards for something to cover my red pulsing arms. How could she do this? We had a deal, we ALL had a deal, Amber and I promised Adam and Tommy we would stop, and if things got really bad we would tell them. Just calm down El, you don't know that she actually has cut, these could be for.. for a.. oh who am I kidding. I walked out of the bathroom and over to stand beside Amber.

"Oi!" I whispered, but loud enough that it would wake her up.

"Shitface you gotta wake up!" I whispered into her ear. She jolted up and looked at me like I was some sort of ghost.

"What do you want? I'm tired." She said in a tired voice.

I looked at her like she was an idiot and motioned her to come with me to the bathroom. She threw the blanket off her and stumbled over to me in the bathroom.

"What? Do you want me to wipe your ass or something?" She said sassily.

I held up the container with the blades and tilted my head to the side. "Start. Explaining." I said to her. She went pale and looked like she was going to throw up. No wait, scratch that, she was going to throw up. She sprinted over to the toilet and started vomiting into the toilet. I ran over to her and held her hair out the way.

this went on for about 10 minutes before she finally seemed able to talk.

"El.. I didn.." Tommy cut her off.

"What the fuck is going on in here? I thought I was meant to be the one with the hangover?" I looked at him and motioned towards the empty pill bottle with the blades next to it. He looked over at the bottle and his mouth practically fell out of its socket.

"Tommy I didn't think you would find out it's just school and everything.. I just.. I hate it!" She screamed and ran out the door of the hotel room.

Tommy and I went to run after her

when a voice spoke from behind us.

"El what happened to your arm? Where's Amber?" Adam was awake, everyone was awake, El was missing, and it was all my fault.

Those blades look pretty good right now.

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