Love Love Love

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Thursday the 21st of July; Ambers pov

I woke up. still in pain. attached to what seemed like millions of tiny tubes and wires. Annikas text message was still fresh in my mind, holding on to every bit of sanity I had left. She likes me? me? the fucked up, suicidal teen with 2 celebrity parents. Tommy and Adam still refused the idea that they were dating but I know love when I see it, it was real and they were deep in it.

"finally bitch" Ellie teased me. I must have been asleep for almost a day.

"well goodmorning to you to. Hey I'm a cripple now so you have to be nice to me" I replied

"I'll be nice to you when you tell me what the hell you were doing with those blades after we made a deal." Ellie seemed serious.

"Hey hey Ellie, be nice, how are you feeling Amber?" Tommy walked into the room with some chocolate bars. they must have been living off that vending machine for the last few days.

"I'm better." I was smiling. Tommy was smiling, and so was Ellie. Adam was sleeping in the corner, he's so cute when he sleeps. His ginger blonde hair was crinkled over his face and his cheeks were squished under his hand. I spotted tommy staring at him, he had that look of amazement in his eyes. like he was noticing every detail on Adams gorgeous face.

"You need to talk to him Tommy. Tell him how you feel. I know he feels the same." I hinted. Tommy reacted like I had just suggested he jump into a burning building.

"What's there to talk about?" He questioned, looking at the ground like he had secrets.

"I know you two. you're in love and you know it. I may have an egg on my head at the moment but I'm not blind. do you see it?" I asked Ellie. She nodded in agreement and smirked at Tommy.
He turned back to face Adam, who had just about fallen off the chair which was much too small for him to be curled up on. Tommy walked over to him and picked up his legs which were slowly sliding off the purple fabric chair.

"You're a clutz." Tommy snickered. Adam slowly woke up, wiping the sleep from his blue eyes.

"Woah there cowboy" Adam teased tommy. They were so fucking cute I just wanted to mash their heads together and make them kiss. You could see the love between them everytime they performed fever at a concert. The energy between them was crazy.

"Amber you're awake!" He said in a high pitched voice.

"I could say the same about you princess." I teased. Adam laughed and I watched tommy continue to stare. Adam turned his head to look up at Tommy who was wearing long black jeans with creepers and a baggy jumper. Adam motioned for Tommy to sit on his lap. Tommy refused at first, but soon gave into the notion. Adam had this face that stopped you from being able to say no. But even if he didn't I don't think tommy would have passed up that opportunity.

Ellie and I watched the 2 of them sitting there, off in their own world, curled up on the hospital chair.


I turned my attention back to my phone. where the text message was still displayed.

"What do I say?" I had already told Ellie everything Annika had told me. She thought it was cute.

"Tell her how you feel, how do you feel?" She asked. I didn't know how to reply. I liked annika but I didn't know anything about her. I don't even know if I like girls. I mean I don't really care what's going on in her pants as long as she's a good person.

I began typing;

Annika.. That's so sweet. I'm going to be completely honest with this text. I like you, I barely know you but I think I like you. I've never been in a real relationship before, I've never even had someone like me. I don't know what to do. how to act. I'm messed up annika. I've seen things and lived things that a child never should have to. I'm just scared you like the idea of me, and not me. can we talk more about this when I get back?

I asked for Ellie's approval before I sent it. She nodded and I pressed send with a feeling of nerves and pure sickness. This was my first chance at anything, did I just fuck it up?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2016 ⏰

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