Chapter 2: Birth

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The first chapter left off on a pretty heavy note didn't it.  I kind of shocked myself at how intense it had gotten.  But it was all for the plot, though I do feel kind of bad about it.

Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter.



All she had felt minutes ago was pain.  Every single part of her body had hurt, though right at this moment she couldn't feel that searing pain.

Though there were times where she thought she felt that pain.

'Phantom pain, was it?' She remembered hearing before of people feeling pain on old wounds or in places or an arm or leg used to be, and that pain being called a phantom pain, since that part was no longer there.

'Am I in the hospital?' She mused to herself, 'But I don't hear anything?  Coma?  Or maybe they thought I was dead, and they put me in the hospital morgue!' She panicked, 'I can't feel my body.  I can't move!'

She thought of the many cases where people were put into the hospital morgue thinking they were dead, and even cases where people had been buried alive.

But those thoughts were soon dispelled as she felt pain shoot through her body as she felt something pressing on her.  At this moment she was sure that even though she couldn't move, she could still feel.  Maybe it was that she was in a comatose state.  Wouldn't surprise her considering how much blood she lost.  Maybe it was the medication to sedate her from waking up?

'Are mom and dad here?' She hoped that once she opened her eyes, she would see her parents.  She didn't care if they yelled at her for being careless, for not having gone to the neighbor's house since she was going to be alone that night.  If they cried in frustration at themselves for not being home.  All she wanted was to see her parents.

The pressure grew more, as she felt herself being pulled at.

Once the pressure and pulling stopped, she felt so cold.  Wherever she had been was most likely warm, because now she was hit with such cold air that it made her want to shudder.

She felt hands around her body.  Feeling oddly large hands rubbing at her face.  She even felt something being shoved into her mouth and something being pulled out of it.

At the feeling of the discomfort, she felt a cry leave her mouth, but that cry soon stopped, 'Whose baby is crying so close?' The short cry of a baby caught her off guard.

She was pretty sure that the only person she knew that had a baby was her cousin, but she was in France at the moment, and she doubted her cousin would be there so quick to see her, 'Unless I've been out for a couple of days?'

She tried to open her eyes but failed.  She felt something warm wrap around her and lift her up.

Her mind felt as if it were shut down.  How was a sixteen-year-old, five-foot five-inch (166 cm) girl weighing 130 lbs (58 kg) be able to be carried by a pair of hands?!

Once again, she tried to open her eyes but failed once again.  She felt as if they had been glued shut.

As she panicked, she could hear voices.  Foreign and unknown voices.  She felt herself being handed to someone else.  Smaller hands held her now, gently holding her in their arms and someone touching her cheeks.

She knew for a fact that they weren't speaking English, Spanish or French, the languages she was fluent in.  But she was sure without a doubt, that they were speaking Japanese.

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