Chapter 3: Second Childhood

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I think I'll just publish all the chapters I have written so far of this.  Maybe?

Or maybe just a few.



Shina, as she was named now in this new life, she didn't like the fact that she had a completely conscious mind.  A mind that could fully process everything going on.

And by going on, it means the feeling of when she soiled her diaper and had to be changed, of when she had to be bathed, and of when she had to be fed.

The first few days it was embarrassing to be changed and being breast fed.  The feeling of her mother's breast on her lips was already embarrassing enough.  But hunger had discarded that away.  Shina was also a girl; it was nothing she hadn't seen before on her body in her past life.  And hunger was a terrible thing, especially in a child's body.

In her previous life, she could handle hunger and hold out for longer periods of time because she was either busy or lazy to even make something to eat.

But as a child, smallest feeling of a bit of hunger felt as if her insides were eating at each other.  So, she gratefully and greedily accepted the milk given to her by her mother.  Though at two weeks of nursing, she was soon given formula in a bottle.

It definitely tasted different from the milk she drank from her mother.  But it was okay to drink.  It was filling.  If she could ignore the scent of the formula, which wasn't bad, but it just smelled slightly odd, it was satisfying and good.

She rarely cried, she felt bad for her new family when she cried.  In her previous life when she had to babysit her niece, it drove her crazy when it seemed like every ten minutes the baby would cry for no apparent reason to her.

Thus, the only times Shina cried was when she needed her diaper changed and when she was hungry.  The number of times she cried during the day could be counted on one hand, sometimes on both.  Unlike other children who seemed to cry to count both hands and toes three times over.


It was June and according to what her family had said, she was now two months old.  She could now fully stretch out her fingers and "tightly" grip her father's and mother's fingers.  Meaning that she was born in April.

She could move her head to the sides, which was a plus when Yuuji came to visit, she could finally turn to look at him.  But she still couldn't fully turn on her side by herself, she could move her arms and legs, but she still wasn't strong enough to move her entire body.  Which was to be expected, she was only two months old.  But it was frustrating to say the least.

"When can Shi-chan play with me?" Yuuji asked their mother as she held Shina in her arms and fed her the milk formula.

She smiled, "She can't right now.  Shina is still little; she'll be able to play with you later.  Maybe in two years?"

"Two years!  How much is that?  Is it the day after tomorrow?" Yuuji asked.

She shook her head, "Two years is when you turn five years old.  Right now, you're three."

Yuuuj's small mouth formed a small o as he nodded at their mother.

Time seemed to pass by in a blur, especially when there's nothing much to do except eat, diaper change, sleep and repeat.  And the occasional laughing and being lulled to sleep by Yuuji's rambling about the weird looking omelet their father made that morning.

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