Chapter 23: Half-Truth

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It's been a couple of months since I last updated this work, well not as long as the others.  I think the longest un-updated on is over four years ....  I feel guilty just thinking about it.  But I just don't know what to do with it.  I don't mean that I'll discontinue it, it's just that it'll take me a little longer until I can fully sort out my thoughts on what I have planned.  Though on all of my works, I have the beginning and ending planned out even before I start typing up anything.

The main problem is how to get from the beginning to end and fill in the space in between the two.

Anyways, I'm sorry for any grammar or spelling errors.



The day started out as any other day, sunny, warm, perfect weather to go out.

Too perfect.

The one day she went out "shopping" on her own to buy a few things she wanted she wasn't exactly alone.

She had found the third finger, but she was found as well.

~Ten minutes ago~

Putting her small shopping bag onto her arm, she walked out of the small connivence store as the store clerk wished her a good day and a farewell.  She had to keep up a pretense that she had actually gone to the store.  No one would question her if she had bought some toothpaste and gum.  She would have added some feminine products for good measure, but she still hadn't progressed that far to be using anything aside from skin care, which she was thankful for, because Shina was still not ready to once again experience puberty and menstrual cycles.

She aimlessly walked down the sidewalk window shopping at the stores and shops she passed by, though she did try to "feel" for any sign of Sukuna's finger(s).

She passed by an alleyway which she looked into, she paused and quickly looked away and sped walked away, 'Definitely not ready for that can of worms.' She shook her head with a shudder as she tried to wipe out the memory of seeing Mahito eating a smaller cursed spirit.

Shina didn't even know how far or where she had walked to, but when she finally came to a stop, she was somewhere she had never seen before.

"Where am I?" Shina looked at her surroundings and saw nothing remotely familiar.  There were parts that she previously recognized from when she was in a car and passed by the area, but she was sure that she had never seen this place before.

Her posture went from rigid to relaxed as she came to a conclusion that there was nothing around her, well at least as far as she could tell.

Shina pulled out her phone from her pocket and opened up the maps app while also turning on her location.

"Tokyo Metropolitan jujutsu educational institution." Shina lightly muttered as she typed in the name of the school as she remembered, then she pressed 'directions' and waited, but "What!?" She exclaimed out loud catching the attention of a few people passing by.

Shina awkwardly smiled, "Sorry." She said to the people who were watching her, and she quickly walked away until she found a place where there weren't as many people as where she was before.

Shina brought up her phone up close to her face, hoping that by some chance bringing it closer or maybe even in a higher spot it would actually give her results.  After the map search buffered and searched for jujutsu high, it came back with "This location is unavailable."

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