Chapter 4: Pre-School

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I know that I should be working on my other work, but I just want to get as many of the chapter I already have typed up and waiting to be revised.  And besides I really like this story, and just the thought of what I have planned has me pretty excited.

Anyways, I want you all to keep in mind, if you book a flight DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT get ticket flight insurance!!  In December we went to a family vacation and had to come back in January, well we had to cancel those flights, and we wanted to get new tickets for another day.  Yes, we could get new tickets because of our flight insurance, BUT, we had to pay an additional $1000 USD for each ticket, and there were four of us, so aside from the price of the ticket that we would get at a discount, we had to pay $40000!!  That's way more than what was paid for the whole vacation when the tickets were first bought.

And since the insurance was no good, we now are trying to get a refund on that, but we can't even though all the information we had was sent to them.  So, don't get insurance, it's just a waste of money and time.

ANYWAYS, I'm sorry for any grammar and spelling errors.



She thought that it was going to be easy, but she was not expecting her teeth growing in would hurt this bad.

Her gums had itched and hurt before, but it wasn't this bad.  She would end up biting on anything she could get her small little chubby hands on, and chew on it.  Chew on it to get rid of the itch and hoping to soothe it, but that at times would end up with hurting her sensitive gums even more.

Yuuji, the first time that he had seen Shina chew on things that weren't edible, he had asked, "Is it tasty?" Eeven though she wouldn't and couldn't answer back, he still asked.

It didn't look good to him, it looked like a toy.  And he knew that people shouldn't and couldn't eat toys, so why was his little sister chew on toys?

Their parents had told him before that she chewed on her toys because she's growing in her teeth, and it gets itchy.

He understood that she had an itch in her gums, but why did she had to chew on toys.  Couldn't she just scratch her mouth?

When he had an itch, he'd scratch himself.

Yuuji watched her carefully as her drool covered toy was thrown at him.

"Shi-chan, it's bad to throw things.  Fushiguro-sensei said it's not nice." Yuuji said as he picked up the toy then dropped it on the ground as he cleaned his fingers on Shina's blanket, "She said to say sorry when it happens." He nodded to himself seeming proud for remembering such things, "But you're little, so I'll just give you a hug.  You have to hug back as a sorry.  Okay."

Yuuji crawled over to Shina instead of getting up and walk towards her.  Since they were sitting near each other on the ground as Yuuji was coloring in his coloring book on the table.

Yuuji sat himself next to Shina and hugged her.


It was an uncomfortable position to be in to be hugged, but Yuuji was a nice older brother.

He even remembered things people should apologize for, she was proud of him.  She knew that she was the one at fault for throwing the toy at him.  But she just didn't like having him just looking at her without saying anything.  So, she threw the toy at him.

She felt slightly bad about it, so she hugged her loveable elder brother.  She loved him so much, he had become the sun of her life.  A sun that she wouldn't be able to live without.

Yuuji was beyond happy when Shina hugged him back.  He was so excited that when he pulled away from the hug, he hurriedly went to find their parents to tell them what had happened.


Every morning Shina would be woken up by Yuuji who would be poking at her cheek, he wanted to say goodbye to her since he was leaving for pre-school.

At first it was annoying to be woken up by a four-year-old child poking their cheek.  But it had later become some sort of a regular daily routine for the two of them.

Yuuji was always sad for when he had to leave, but that sadness would soon be dispelled when Shina would stretch her little hands out to him and give him hugs.  Hugs that were sometimes given through the bars in the crib, and sometimes get hugs when she would be in one of their parent's arms.

Yuuji loved his family, but if anyone were to ask him who he loved the most, he would say his little sister.


Because she was adorable, cute, and he was the big brother.

"Bye-bye!" Yuuji said as he put on his shoes and followed after their father.

"Ba!" Shina said back to him.

Yuuji smiled even more as he ran out of the house.


"Good morning." A young woman said as greeted the parents dropping off their children and greeted the children as they came to the school.

Once all the parents had left and all the children were in classes, she entered her own class.

"Good morning Fushiguro-sensei!" All the students said at the same time as their teacher came into the classroom.

Fushiguro-sensei smiled at her students, "Should we get started now?"

The students greatly loved Fushiguro-sensei.  She was really nice and pretty too.  From what they knew, she had a son the same age as them, but he lived in Tokyo.

Most of the students didn't know how far Tokyo was from Sendai, but all they knew was that her son didn't go to their school.

"Isn't it lonely being away from them?" One of the students asked one day.

She placed some tissues in her front pouch of her apron, "Hmm, it kind of is.  But they'll be coming here soon for a bit." She smiled.

Yuuji really liked pre-school, it was fun.

'Shin-chan will like it too.' Yuuji hummed to himself as he picked up a pink crayon from his box.

Fushiguro-sensei had said to draw something you love.  It could be an object, animal and maybe even a person.

So, Yuuji decided to draw his family, especially his little sister.

Pink hair just like his, though in small little pigtails, and dark brown eyes.  And chubby cheeks.  Cheeks that he liked to poke at when she was asleep.


What did you guys think of this chapter, I thought it was cute.  A bit of wholesome sibling stuff before the main arc starts.  Though there are still a few chapters until then.  But yeah.

Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying this story so far.

SO, that it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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