Chapter 27: Meeting Him

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I think I'm pretty close to finishing up this book, which I'm excited about and also kind of sad about since I like this story.

I wouldn't have updated this chapter today, but I did.  All because I was sick, I've been sick since Friday, but it got much worse on Sunday, so I had to message the on in charge on Sunday to tell them that I wouldn't go to work the next day on Monday.  Went to the doctor on Tuesday and was told by him that I didn't have COVID, but I got tested for flu, and came out that I had flu A and B, and that I should rest at home for three days.  So, tomorrow is my first day back to work.  I stayed home an entire week, and I felt horrible about it because the person who works with me has to deal with everything because I wasn't there.  So, I'll be there to work tomorrow Friday, and then I have my days off on Saturday and Sunday.  It's a school, so we don't have work on Saturdays and Sundays.

I always get there to work at 6:50 in the morning, sometimes a bit earlier, and I start my shift at 7, and the other person comes in at 8:30 in the morning.  I'm glad I'll be back to work, but at the same time worried, because I know that I'm not 100% better with my cough.

My chest had been a bit swollen and hurt whenever I barely touched it.  The doctor said that it was most likely the sac around my lungs that were swollen, which was normal to happen in some cases.

Anyways, sorry for any grammar and spelling errors.




A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection; A twist of fate correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.

There was no other way to explain it, fate is full of coincidences.  And this just so happens to be one.  To be in the same place as him.  Not only once, but twice.

(Three Days Ago)

It's almost been a month since Shina started going to school, and in that short amount of time she had to not only continue her training with Yaga when she had time, but she also had to study and do her homework.

Study not only to keep up with homework or project, but that would also be easy.  No, she had to study because for two of her classes had upcoming exams.  Math and science.

Shina let out a deep sigh as she closed her notebook, "When is the exam again?" Shina asked as she slightly turned her head towards Shimada.

"It's next week on Wednesday." He replied without looking at her as he closed his own notebook, "Are you ready for it?" He asked.

Shina dryly laughed, "Am I ready.  I don't think so.  Even though you let me borrow your notes, I still feel like I haven't studied well enough." She rubbed her head.

"Have you asked your friends or family to help you study?" He asked as he turned around in his seat to look her.

She placed her arms on the table, "For friends, I don't really have much here.  Can I say that we're friends?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yeah.  I think we're friends."

She nodded, "Well, I haven't asked anyone to help me study, and well the relative I'm staying with .... he's at work most of the time so he doesn't have much time."

'I can't really tell him that he's not the best at explaining things.' She thought back to the time she had asked Gojo for help on her math, he hadn't done a very good job at it.

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