ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ ɪɪɪ

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The sound of screaming was coming from right outside the door as Mi-sun glanced in the direction of the sound. Curiosity in her eyes but fear setting in at what could have caused someone to start screaming in pain. With a proper hold on her bow she made her way to the door as she walked out.

The sight before her eyes was horrible and shocking. A student tearing into another student. She ran over unaware of why they would chose to do that.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" She spoke up. The student heard her turning to her as it growled and grabbed at her. She moved back at their face filled will blood and blisters here and there. She knew then something awful was going on as she tripped. The student took the chance to run over as it tried to bite into her she kept her bow against it's neck as she pushed as hard as she could before getting it off her and running back inside.

The student ran after her as she closed the door. Taking the chance to look more carefully at what was wrong with them. Seeing the open wounds and bites of flesh missing from certain body parts. She moved away before running to the back. Collecting her arrows and filling her holder up before closing it as she got another holder filling it as extra arrows before putting both on her back as she went to the other door in the back. Running past other students who were eating others or running away from them as well.


Cheong-san had been in the lunchroom walking out with on-jo as he was shocked to hear that she had confessed to su-hyeok as he cleared his throat a bit. Unable to give a reply when the sudden rush of students and screaming filled the cafeteria.

He was shoved back as on-jo was left alone for a moment. Being shoved to the ground as one of the students infected ran to her. Mere inches away as cheong-san walked over and got her away from him before getting her up. Staying out of the way as he glanced around.

"Head to the windows!" He yelled over the screaming as the sprinklers turned on. Leading the way as he dodged and kicked students away that tried to bite them. Getting her up on the table as the other guys opened it and got out one by one. Helping each other out as cheong-san pushed one of the infected away from them.

"Cheong-san!" On-jo called out. "Cheong-san hurry up." She spoke up as she saw students running her way before seeing them be attacked as she lightly glanced at the window before sighing in relief when she saw him as she waited for him to climb down. Once he was out he glanced to the right seeing the student get up before going left as he held her hand out of instinct before seeing the door ahead be opened to more attacks.

Cheong-san noticed a set of stairs as he ran that way before seeing more students fleeing and others turning. It was chaos as a truck with a zombified driver crashed onto the school. He got an idea as he moved her around before helping her climb the top as he followed. Making her climb onto the second floor before getting up just in time as he snuck in through the window.

He wanted to go downstairs but he saw more of them as he headed upstairs as he tackled one down. On-jo was quick as she grabbed a fire extinguisher next to her as she shot it at the stairs and halls keeping the zombies away before helping Cheong-san up and running to the classroom. Banging on the door as they were almost left out but gyeong-su opened the door for them and closed it behind them.

The two panted as cheong-san glanced around the room. His heart sinking at the idea of Mi-sun out there. The idea that something bad had happened to her running through his head as he looked away. He didn't see her in the classroom and it would be impossible to find her out there. He didn't want to assume that anything bad happened to her as he closed his eyes for a moment before being brought back by a bang on the door.

At the door waiting to be let in was yang dae-su and jin mi-sun. Cheong-san felt relieve wash over him. "Let them in." He spoke up as Jang Woo-jin was hesitant to let them inside. "Brother-in-law." Dae-su spoke as woo-jin let them in.

Dae-su walked in as he walked to a locker and grabbed a towel before wiping himself clean. He handed it over to mi-sun as she cleaned up as well. Setting the towel down before she felt a hand on her arm as she was pulled closer to someone as she glanced up.

Time seemed to stop for them both as he placed his arm around her waist before being bold enough. Leaning down as he captured her lips with his. It shocked Mi-sun a lot but she melted into the kiss as she closed her eyes and returned the small kiss before pulling away but not leaving each other's side.

"I know that you're going to say I'm an idiot and I am. I am for not realizing that my feelings for you were much stronger than I'd like to admit. I'm sorry about everything." He spoke. "About ignoring you. About almost making the wrong choice. I wouldn't have lived with myself if I hadn't been able to tell you any of this." He added

He held her close as if he were holding the world , and to him he was , he was holding onto his world and he wasn't about to let anything take that away from him again.

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