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587 16 1

The group ran out of the construction site as they made their wat into the wooded area infront of them. Making sure that they weren't followed as Haru lead the way. Stopping when the explosion happened behind them.


"You're right gwi-nam.. let's end this. We'll go together." Cheong-san spoke as Gwi-nam ran at him before tackling him down.

Gwi-nam getting his revenge as he used his finger to claw into the male's eye as he enjoyed the screams of agony coming from below him. Watching the blood oozing out at the fresh wound as he got up satisfied.

Cheong-san was in pain as he yelled a bit. Shaking and covering half of his face as he groaned and stood up. "You're coming with me.." Cheong-san spoke as he panted quietly before dragging the male with him down the same path the other zombies had gone down in. Just in time as the fire from the explosion engulfed them as they went down.


Mi-sun covered her ears from the explosion and took cover as she heard the explosion and felt the debris fall over them as she got up when it was all over.

Dae-su got hurt in the process of the explosion and the debris falling on them as he groaned at the wound to his leg and leaned against the tree behind him with the help of Woo-jin as he stayed with him.

Mi-sun noticed when she faced them. "Are you okay?"

"I'll live." Dae-su spoke up.

The female gave a small nod as she turned to the others as they seemed fine before turning to the construction site as she walked back down the hill before running back as su-hyeok tried to stop her.

Nam-ran followed after su-hyeok and soon on-jo did too. Staying close by as she ran after them.

Mi-sun ran back up the steps as she followed the last footsteps he took before glancing around. "Cheong-san!" She called out. Wanting an answer. Just one simple response she would never get in return.

Nam-ra lightly stood still as she soon spoke. "We should go. There's nothing here." She rubbed her friends arm before leading her back to the others.

Su-hyeok took one glance back before leaving with them as they headed back.


On the way up the mountain on-jo had found one of her father's objects. A flashlight with his initials as Haru patted her back gently. "You're father was a great man and a hero. Without his help we wouldn't have made it out." He spoke.

On-jo gave a small nod as she knew she'd remember him as such. A hero. A brave father who went through great lengths to get to her. She continued to walk with them as they reached the city shortly after.

The air was filled with smoke as the houses seemed empty and like nothing was living in them anymore.

Nam-ra walked with them as she stopped walking the further they got. "We're surrounded." She spoke up. "They're coming this way."

From the smoke appeared zombies as they charged at the group. Running at them and trying to get their hands on them.

"Run that way!" Haru spoke as he ushered them down an alley way as they bolted for their lives. They had no weapons on them other than haru who kept his. He used it to his best of his abilities as he stopped when they found a store and grabbed their own weapons.

Dae-su ignored the pain in his leg for the moment as he kept the group together. Watching the zombies run at them as he swallowed.

A shot rang out as Jin Dae-seong and Jin Sung-min stepped forwards as they shot the zombies down as best as they could. Mi-sun glanced over to see her parents as Haru watched them too. Getting distracted as he was bitten in the neck as he yelled. Sung-min ran over to him after shooting another zombie down.

"Dad!" Sung-min spoke up as she held him.

"I-i don't have time.. save yourselves. Take them to safety. You're so close.. kill me before i turn.. give my katana to my Mi-sun.." He gasped for air. Quietly holding his daughter as Dae-seong kept the zombies back.

Taking a moment to reload his gun Dae-su was approached by a zombie as he did his best to swat him away. Dae-seong walking over as he shoved the zombied away from him.

Ha-ri being tackled down herself as Woo-jin ran over to help his sister as he pulled the zombie off her before being bitten from behind on the shoulder as he yelled in pain.

Ha-ri yelled at the sight above her. "Get off of me!" She spoke up as she didn't want to witness the death of her own brother right in front of her as she cried out.

Mi-jin and hyo-ryung running over to help out as they pulled the zombie off him before Mi-jin stabbed it in the head as ha-ri held her brother.

Sung-min shot her father after hearing his wish and the yells around her as she got up and handed her daughter the katana as he had wished for it to happen. She was about to speak before both turned to another yell as Dae-seong was bit in the leg by one of the zombies.

Nam-ra walked over as she killed the zombie before walking to deal with the others as she used her strength to do so.

Sung-min ran over as she glanced at the wound. "No. I can't.. i won't leave you out here." She mumbled.

"Jin Sung-min. You have to go. Take our daughter and her friends. Take them back that way and things will be safe. Things will be okay for them."

"I-i can't.." Sung-min spoke as she litfted her sleeve. "Because I was bitten too." She spoke as she turned to the others. "Head down this path and don't stop until you reach the military standing point. They will help you. Do not turn back and do not stop." She spoke.

Ha-ri held her brother as she listened to the woman speak. Woo-jin, in his last moments, agreed. "Go home Ha-ri. Don't.. d-don't ever stop doing archery." He spoke. Blood going down his chin as his eyes soon closed before he began to move around. His body convulsing as he soon came back. Now dead and trying to bite ha-ri.

Nam-ra walked over before finishing the job before anyone else could get bitten and killed. Knowing that ha-ri would hate her for it but she couldn't stand seeing more people die.

Mi-sun walked to her parents as she gave them a tight hug as she sniffed. "Y-you..."

"Sorry Mi-sun. We tried our best." Sung-min spoke.

"Go. Your future is awaiting. Save yourselves. Remember... we are proud of you. No matter what." Dae-seong spoke as they kissed their daughter's forehead. "Go." He ordered.

Mi-sun listened as she hesitated before nodding and lightly taking something of theirs to remember them by. Walking back to the others as su-hyeok helped Dae-su walk with them.

"Until death.." Sung-min spoke to her husband. Aiming her gun at his forehead.

"Do us apart.." Dae-seong finished as he aimed at his wife's forehead.

A few steps after being far enough Mi-sun heard the sound of two gunshots and quietly hugged herself as she walked.

Losing the two people she had been dying to meet and spend time with now gone. The man who kept her safe and going to help them. Dead. Just like the boy she gave her heart too.

It broke her.

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