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Nam-ra yelled at the pain of the bite on her forearm. It felt horrible to have her arm being bitten and some of the skin being torn off. She felt the male being grabbed and gotten off her as she opened her eyes to see Su-hyeok shoving the male away from her before tackling him out the window.

Su-hyeok didn't like that Nam-ra had been hurt under his watch and for trying to help him. Glancing out the window to the male down below being motionless. Turning his attention back to Nam-ra. "Are you okay?" He asked looking towards the wound she had.

Nam-ra gave a small nod at the moment as she lightly held her arm.

Su-hyeok lightly placed his hand on her upper arm before leading the way to the rest of the group as they made it just in time for the doors to be closed and the zombies to be kept outside.

The group panted as they blocked and held the doors down. Mi-sun helping close the red curtins in the room as she sighed lightly before walking to the windows as she opened one quietly to have some air.

Nam-ra quietly went to sit down as she didn't think much of the wound since to her and Su-hyeok , gwi-nam seemed very alive and not being infected with the zombie virus that had taken over all the other students.

Lee cheong-san walked over to his girlfriend as he leaned quietly on the window sill and took in the air quietly. "Are you okay?" He asked as he glanced ahead to what used to be a normal field used by students and a town with people going about their day.

"I don't know. I'm just tired or running away and having to be alert of when our last days will come." Mi-sun mumbled as she took a peek at him before looking back out the window. "Do you think we'll make it? You know the chances of our survival are very slim."

"I think we can all make it out alive. I have to have hope that we can make it one more day alive. We'll make it out soon. I promise. I'll keep you safe." He spoke.

Mi-sun listened as she turned to him before lightly pulling him into a hug as she held him close. Feeling his arms going around her too and felt confort to have his warmth and hearing his heart beat against his chest. "You better not die on me." She whispered quietly. "I can't lose you too."

Cheong-san listened as he knew it was a hard promise to keep with their situation and he had a hunch she knew as well but promised her anyways. It wasn't wrong to choose to have a little hope when things seemed to be a disaster around them. He squeezed her gently before letting go. "I'll go check everyone else. You rest up, okay?" He spoke.

Mi-sun gave a small nod. "I'll be sitting here if you need me." She spoke.

Cheong-san smiled as he grew a bit bold and placed a small kiss to her forehead gently before letting her have some time to herself before they had to move again. Walking to Su-hyeok.

Su-hyeok noticed as he glanced at the male.

"Are you two okay? You were the last one's to make it in here. Did something happen?" Cheong-san asked.

Su-hyeok shook his head. "We're fine." He spoke.

Cheong-san gave a small nod before glancing at Nam-ra as his eyes trailed to her arm. "You were bit?" He asked as the others grew alarmed and shifted back.

Mi-sun listened as she glanced over as she noticed what he was talking about.

"She wasn't bit by a zombie." Su-hyeok defended her at the moment and glanced at Cheong-san. "She was hurt by Gwi-nam and he isn't a zombie so she isn't turned." He spoke.

"Are you serious?" Cheong-san spoke.

"What do you mean?" Su-hyeok asked.

"Gwi-nam is dead. I was running away from him and we ended up fighting in the library for the phone. I watched him being killed by the zombies that had gathered around us in there." Cheong-san explained as best as he could.

On-jo got up as she walked over. "I don't think Su-hyeok would have to lie about this." She spoke.

"Why do you always take his side. I'm telling you the truth. I know what i saw." Cheong-san argued as he knew he wasn't going crazy and that it couldn't be possible. Grabbing the closest thing to him as he knew they had to take out Nam-ra.

"Cheong-san! Stop it!" Mi-sun spoke as she walked over.

Su-hyeok noticed as he covered nam-ra and took the hit for her. Not wanting him to touch her or harm her.

Mi-sun walked over as she got between the two males. "Enough. Nam-ra and Su-hyeok are honest people. I think they are being truthful." She spoke.

"You don't believe me either?" Cheong-san spoke.

"No. I believe that you are being honest too but if what you're both saying is true then there must be something else happening around here." She spoke.

Su-hyeok listened as he rubbed where he was hit by cheong-san before getting the string that Mi-sun's grandfather offered him to take before tying his and Nam-ra's hands together. "Here. Is that better? In case she turns she can bite me and i can save you guys some time." He spoke as he stopped nam-ra a few times from trying to oppose to his idea before walking them to the windows and taking a seat together.

Mi-sun sighed as she glanced at Cheong-san. "I can't let you kill her. She's my best friend and i trust her when she says that she wasn't bit by a zombie." She spoke.

"I know what I saw out there Mi-sun." Cheong-san spoke. "We need to be cautious to survive with all of us making it out together." He added.

"I know.. but all we can do is sit and wait to know what happens." She spoke as she patted his shoulder. "Come on now. Let's go rest up a bit before we have to start running again." She lead the way to the window she had been using as he sat down on the chair before lightly holding her as he sat her over his lap.

Mi-sun leaned against him quietly as she laid her head on his shoulders before closing her eyes as she felt his chin on her head. Drifting off too a light sleep from being tired and now feeling a bit of hunger after not eating since the previous afternoon. Feeling his hand running through her hair and his other hand holding her tightly close so she wouldn't fall.

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