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「 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 」

The teens listened to the elder man as they knew he had a point and knew it was safer than staying there and waiting for an explosion to kill then all. The silence spreading between them as they knew it was hard to leave everything that happened behind them.

"Cheong-san!" The sudden voice rang throughout the construction sight.

Cheong-san recognized the sudden voice as he got up immediately glancing towards the window.

"When is that guy going to die." Dae-su spoke as he heard who it was.

Nam-ra was alerted at the voice as she got up with su-hyeok. Listening quietly at the moment.

"Come out, come out where ever you are Cheong-san.. or I kill the girl! These zombies really want to eat her." Gwi-nam yelled.

It got the male's attention as he listened. Feeling his heart drop a bit at the mention of the female. Hoping it was Mi-sun and that she was still alive. There was also doubt in his mind about whether he was telling him the truth. "Nam-ra.. can you hear anything?" He asked at the moment.

Gwi-nam grinned at the moment. Listening in on their conversation at the moment. "Go on. Scream. Show him that I'm being serious." Tightening his hold on her as she winced a bit.

Nam-ra focused before hearing the wince as she perked up.

Cheong-san noticed her reaction as she glanced at her before glaring back at the window hearing the male walking towards them.

Gwi-nam moved the plastic away from the window as he grinned and got in before dragging the female onto the platform the others were on as he kept his hold on her.

On-jo was shocked to see her in gwi-nam's hold as she moved back with the others. "Mi-sun.." She spoke.

Mi-sun glanced at the group as she gripped the male's hand on her. A wound on her cheek from where the male had cut her with one of her arrows.

"Cheong-san..." She spoke softly as she was terrified about what the male would do to her.

Cheong-san listened to her as he glared at the male. "Let her go you coward."

Gwi-nam listened as he thought about it. "I will. If you can catch her." He spoke as he shoved her towards the edge.

Mi-sun yelled as she felt herself falling before grabbing onto the edge as she glanced down before glancing back up.

Haru tried to step in as gwi-nam moved in front of him. "Not you." He spoke. "He wants her he can get her.. if he can beat me that is."

Cheong-san glanced at her as he knew he would do anything for her. Punching the male as it didn't seem to affect him at all.

Gwi-nam barely felt the punch as hit the male in the stomach as he grinned watching him wince.

"Come one lee cheong-san. Get up and fight." He spoke

Cheong-san got up as he tried to tackle him. Keeping his arms around his torso as gwi-nam hit him in the back as he yelled a bit. Feeling himself be grabbed by the arm and the collar as he moved him the the edge.

Gwi-nam got ready to bite down into his arm as Haru interviened as he covered the mutated teens mouth taking the bite as he yelled.

"No!" Mi-sun yelled.

Gwi-nam glared as he shoved cheong-san aside and glared. Biting into Haru deeper than before as he yelled.

Cheong-san groaned before being quick on his feet as he pulled the female back up as su-hyeok took the chance to shove gwi-nam off.

"G-grandpa.." Mi-sun spoke quietly as she moved closer before he took a step back.

"Don't come any closer." Haru spoke. Glancing at his arm before glancing at his katana as he handed it to her. "Keep yourselves safe kids." He added as he let out a small shaky breathe. "I'm sorry that this is as far as i could take you."

Dae-su listened as he got emotional at the moment and wiped his eyes. "Thank you for trying to save us when no one else would." He spoke.

Haru gave a small nod as he smiled. "I have one more thing to do to help you guys get away."

Mi-sun listened as she gave him a hug. Even if haru was hesitant to hug back before doing so as he held his only grandchild tightly. "Survive.. survive and live your life." He whispered

Mi-sun nodded as she felt the tears down her cheeks. "I promise." She spoke.

Haru nodded before letting go as he passed her to Cheong-san. "Take care of her. I trust you." He spoke.

Cheong-san nodded at the moment as he held his girlfriend. Watching Haru leave through the window and heading inside as he held his girlfriend back.

Haru took one lasy breathe before yelling. "Come get me you stupid zombies! I will not die without a fight!" He yelled as he headed upstairs.

Mi-sun heard the yelling as the sound of running followed at the moment. Burying her head into Cheong-san's shoulder as she didn't want to listen. Staying quiet so they wouldn't be caught.

The sound of footsteps ran past them and towards the yelling. When the footsteps stopped su-hyeok climbed back in through the window and helping the others back through. Once they had all gone through they ran down the stairs and bolted towards the woods.

With barely enough time in their hands they had dodged death again. Turning around when the explosion happened as they covered their ears and ducked down to avoid the falling debris coming down on them.

They moved out of the way. Cheong-san covering mi-sun as the debris soon came to the stop before they got up. There wasn't any injury other than Dae-su who had his neck hurt.

"Are you okay?" Woo-jin asked as he noticed his hurt friend.

"I-i'll be fine." Dae-su spoke.

Mi-sun listened as she glanced at them before glancing back at the building.

"Are you okay?" Cheong-san asked.

Mi-sun gave a small nod. "I'm fine. I just want to go.." She lightly spoke. Gripping the handle of her grandfather's katana before glancing at Cheong-san.

Cheong-san gave a small nod. "Let's go then." He spoke as he held her hand gently. Following the others up the mountain as he kept her close at the moment. Making sure that she stayed with them and was safe.

Hoping they wouldn't have to lose more than what they had already lost.

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now