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557 18 1

Nam-ra was behind the group. Running to keep up. Her hand reaching out to them as if she couldn't but it was her hunger making her reach out. Wanting her to eat her friends and leave nothing.

She hated it.

She hated feeling like she didn't have a choice. Like her only form of survival was to eat the very same people she had opened up to and grown fond of.

She hated it even more that the boy she cared about was part of the group.

That he was one of them and that she wanted to bite into him just as much as she wanted to sink her teeth into everyone else.

She stopped running as she watched them continue walking as she knew she couldn't keep acting anymore and couldn't keep holding her hunger in as she took a few steps back before turning as she ran away.

It took a while before Su-hyeok noticed that Nam-ra was gone as he stopped. Mi-sun noticing as well as she glanced at him as he glanced at her as well.

"Where is she?" Mi-sun asked.

"I don't know." Su-hyeok spoke as he glanced ahead before walking back they way that they had came from. Glancing around for nam-ra as he grew worried about her.

"Nam-ra! Nam-ra where are you?!" He spoke up as he walked around.

Mi-sun glanced around before grabbing the male's sleeve when she spotted her friend pinning a zombie against a wall.

"Nam-ra?" Mi-sun asked

Nam-ra dropped the zombie before turning to them. "I can't do it anymore. I can't go with you to the safe zone." She spoke up.

"Yes you can." Su-hyeok spoke. "I can help you." He volunteered.

"No. You can't help me." Nam-ra spoke as she stayed back. "I don't belong there." She shook her head before turning away as she ran away from them. Not looking back as she continued to run away and went her own way.

Mi-sun hated seeing her friend leave. Blaming gwi-nam for what he made her as she watched her go. "We should go back to the others.." She mumbled as Su-hyeok wanted to go after Nam-ra but he knew it wouldn't do much after she made her choice. Nodding as he walked back with her.


The way to the safe zone was filled with silence and silent tears.

There was no need for words as they walked down the train tracks with their hands raised.

Everything that happened in the past two to three days had drained them completely.

Dae-su limping along as he was saddened by the lose of his friends.

The soliders up ahead aimed at them seeing them as zombies at first before getting them help once they noticed that they were human.

Once they were in they were interviewed one by one and being told to cooperate with them.

Mi-sun was the last interview as she felt that her friends were right to feel hurt and abandoned by those who were supposed to protect them.

"Name?" The woman spoke through the glass.

"Jin Mi-sun.." Mi-sun spoke as she glanced at her hands. Taking a small breathe before speaking again. "And I don't appreciate you trying to get me to retell what happened. That is bad enough to go through and saying it out loud after everyone and everything we lost doesn't seem fair." She mumbled. Moving back to the others as she sat down.

The process was long and tiring with question after question and soon they were given supplies and taken away to have a place they could use to sleep in.

That was what became of their new lives and it wasn't much but at least they were safe.


Four months had passed since the start of the end of Hyosan and the escape of those who got away from the madness before it could kill them too. Having coped with their losses at their own paces and sneaking out to dedicate their loved ones a parting gift and final words on ribbons. Leaving them on a tree not too far from the same zone.

Currently the group was discussing on going back without telling anyone else after on-jo had spotted the roof of their school having a fire on. She wanted to go back and check it out and hand only told Su-hyeok, who ended up telling dae-su.

Dae-su ended up passing the news about going back as one by one the others got told as Mi-sun stood with the others.

"I told you not to tell anyone else." On-jo spoke.

"I didn't.. i only told Dae-su." He spoke.

"It doesn't matter." Mi-sun spoke. "We want to go too." She added.

"Are you sure?" On-jo asked. "You are.. expecting.. it could be dangerous."

"I'll be fine. I'm not showing too much and want to see nam-ra again if it is her." Mi-sun spoke.

On-jo listened before nodding. "Fine. Let's get going then." She spoke heading up the way they used to get back out past the walls.

Once they were past the walls and had finished paying a visit to the tree with all the names of the people they lost they headed towards the school. It brought a lot of memories to them as they walked quietly. Being aware that there might still be zombies around if not all of them were killed.

The school was still standing as it was dark and filled with dust.

Filled with the dark past and events that happened when the school was still filled with zombies roaming the halls.

On-jo headed up the stairs quietly with the group as she headed to the one place they promised to meet Nam-ra before they even got split.

Mi-sun glanced around as it brought back a lot the emotions she had done her best to suppress as she felt a small tug at her heart. Having a little hope that on-jo had seen right.

On-jo walked out onto the roof as she walked to the lit camp fire as she glanced at it. Feeling the others join around the fire.

"Took you long enough." A voice spoke behind them as mi-sun turned around.

"Nam-ra.." Mi-sun spoke as she was surprised to see that her friend looked better than the last time they had seen each other.

"Mi-sun." Nam-ra spoke as she stepped out of the shadows and walked over. Happy to see them back there.

Mi-sun walked over as she hugged her friend. "I missed you." She mumbled.

"I miss having my best friend too." Nam-ra spoke.

"Nam-ra.." Su-hyeok spoke as she glanced at him.

"Su-hyeok.." Nam-ra spoke as Mi-sun let go of her as Nam-ra walked to Su-hyeok and hugged him. She had missed seeing him and being around him after leaving them.

"How are you?" Su-hyeok asked.

"I'm okay." Nam-ra lightly answered. "I am not alone after all."

"What do you mean?" On-jo spoke.

"There are others like me here. I belong here with them." Nam-ra explained.

Moving away from Su-hyeok as she listened. "They're here." She spoke. Hugging Mi-sun once more. "Congratulations.." She whispered lightly before moving away as she smiled before jogging to the edge of the roof and jumping off.

The group watched her leave as they seemed surprised.

"Until we meet again.. Choi Nam-ra.." Mi-sun spoke.

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