ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ xɪ

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The next morning seemed to come to soon as the students remained asleep and woke up one by one. The sun hitting into the room to show the new day. The girls slept at the table and the guys slept on the floor. Mi-sun had decided to simply sleep next to cheong-san.

As the others woke up cheong-san and mi-sun stayed asleep for a little longer as the others glanced at them. "Should we wake them up?" Dae-su spoke quietly.

"Maybe we should?" Joon-yeong spoke.

"Why? We have nothing to do anyway." Hyo-ryung spoke.

"They look way too comfortable." Ji-min spoke.

"I guess we should let them be. They are being all lovey dovey , even in their sleep." On-jo spoke.

The talking lightly made them stir before waking up as cheong-san san noticed the group first. "Ya! What are you doing so early in the morning?!" He spoke before holding his forehead where his girlfriend flicked him

"Why are you yelling so early in the morning?" Mi-sun pouted as she rubbed her eyes and neck lightly before glancing at the group. "What are you guys doing?" She asked.

"N-nothing." Woo-jin spoke as he moved away and cleared his throat with the others doing the same.

"You guys are so weird in the mornings." She joked lightly and stayed sat up next to the male. Stretching her arms a bit. "So what are we doing today?" She asked.

"Well we could've called for help but I dropped my phone up there.." On-jo spoke.

"Oh that reminds me. The teachers office. They took our phones away so they must still be there." Cheong-san spoke. "That's would be two classrooms down I believe." He added to the rest.

"One of us should go." Joon-yeong spoke.

"I can go." Cheong-san spoke.

"What? You want to go out there again?" Mi-sun spoke as she glanced at him.

"I'll be back soon." He reassured.

"If you don't come back I'll make sure to find you before the zombies do." She spoke as she hugged him.

Cheong-san returned the hug as he placed his chin on her head at the moment. "I promise. I'll be okay." He pulled away as he caressed her cheek. Leaning close as he gave her a small kiss before pulling away. Heading out the window first.

Su-hyeok followed after him. "I'll go too." He spoke up as on-jo held his sleeve. "We'll be back." He spoke to her as he glanced at her.

Nam-ra glanced at them together before awkwardly smiling a little smile and glancing away when he looked her way as he got out the window following after cheong-san.

Mi-sun watched them go before lightly huffing a bit at the moment as she dd they would come back in one piece.


Cheong-san gripped on as he walked to the right side. Holding on tightly so he wouldn't fall to his death as he noticed su-hyeok and lightly glanced back ahead as he made sure his footing was in the right place. He glanced through the window of a classroom they had to pass through before seeing it was packed and they would be seen if they kept going.

Su-hyeok took note. "Come back this way." He spoke as he helped Cheong-san not fall. "We can cross without hands here and our feet to the wall." He spoke.

Cheong-san was hesitant but they had no other options as he nodded. "Alright." He spoke as he went first. Keeping his promise in mind as he went ahead and was very careful where he'd go next.

It didn't take long before they were back to their original positions and walked against the windows again before Cheong-san stop him. "Listen.." He spoke as he could hear eun-ji yelling from inside the school. Aware that she was probably being bitten as he waited for a moment. Watching through the window as the zombies heard the yelling and headed towards the noice.

Eun-ji screamed as she was bit into by many zombies until they began to leave her alone. She watched confused and terrified at first as she moved back when a zombie ran at her as she flinched. The zombie smelled her before leaving her alone as she got sniffed a few more times before she got up shakily when the zombies would sniff. She soon felt at ease when they didn't attack her. Walking to the teachers office and opening the door as she walked in.

Cheong-san and Su-hyeok having gone inside by now until they stopped at the sound of somethings being smashed. He peaked at the corner as he noticed the female smashing the phones.

Eun-ji smashed them one by one as she smashed her hand by accident. Stopping for a second as she glanced at her hand before continuing to smash until a phone showed a notification stopping her again as she grew furious and smashed them more.

Cheong-san watched as he saw a phone fall. Reaching out to get the phone as he accidentally made a noise. Glancing up to see Eun-ji glaring at him.

"I'm going to kill you!" She yelled

He grabbed the phone quickly before seeing her charge at him as su-hyeok ran over and shoved her. Sending her back against a few lockers as the other zombies were already getting alerted.

Su-hyeok went to go for the window as cheong-san was going to follow but saw that the phone he had picked up was smashed as he went back for a new one. "Cheong-san!"

"You go ahead. I'll catch up!" Cheong-san spoke as he dodged the zombies his way and grabbed a new phone she hadn't smashed before running out of the room to get away while su-hyeok took the same way they had taken.

Su-hyeok returned to the room safely as Nam-ra noticed and was relieved to see that before noticing that he returned alone.

"Su-hyeok.. Su-hyeok where's cheong-san?" Mi-sun asked as she got up from her seat where her leg had nervously been bouncing anxiously. "Answer me! What happened out there?!" She spoke up.

"I'm sorry." Su-hyeok spoke.

𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ➤ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐬𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now