ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ xx

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The group had nothing to say.

No one had the mood or the energy to either.

Haru was in one corner sharpening his katana quietly wondering if his daughter was alive out there after hearing that his son-in-law was safe.

Ji-min was with hyo-ryung as she laid her head on her shoulder after what had happened and didn't want to do anything else.

Mi-sun was sitting between on-jo and cheong-san as the two girls wondered about how their dad's were doing. On-jo having her head on her friend's shoulder while mi-sun laid her head on cheong-san.

Nam-ra and Su-hyeok sitting with one another as he hugged her and used the blanket that they gave her to keep her warm quietly. Staring at the flames.

Dae-su was laying between joon-yeong and woo-jin as the three of them stared off at the night sky.

Everyone was doing their own thing at the moment as they were under the mood before water started to slowly rain down on them at the moment as they cheered up for a moment.

The boys trying to get water into their mouths as it was the first time in a few hours that they had anything to drink.

Mi-sun smiled as she watched them. Glancing up at the sky as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the rain on them. The mood shifting once more as ji-min lightly cried with the others doing the same.

The rain continued to pour down on them as it began to storm down on them heavily. Using the heating blanket they gave nam-ra they made a little shelter thanks to the help of haru as they huddled together.

Nam-ra sat down but soon covered her ears at the sound of lightning and taking a quiet sniff around. With su-hyeok noticing her change as he noticed her covering her ears. He sat next to her as he ripped off some of his shirt before rolling to cloth into two separate pieces before handing them to her. "Here. Use this to protect your ears." He spoke. Nam-ra glanced up at him as she gave a small nod and taking them from him before putting them in her ears.

"So what now?" Dae-su spoke. "Will we just stay here until morning?"

"No." Mi-sun spoke. "I think we should start moving now. The lightning can cover our footsteps and noice if we move when it strikes and stay hidden."

"The rain also distorts the scent of smell." Nam-ra added. "I can't smell you guys." She spoke.

"Then we should start heading for the mountain." Cheong-san spoke. "We might make it before the rain ends." He seemed hopeful that they might escape after all and find people willing to help them.

After some more talking it was concluded that they would head out as cheong-san opened the door quietly and using the lightning to their advantage. He walked down quietly as the group followed along when the lightning stuck down. Ignoring the dead zombied scattered around the floor as they made their way down.

Mi-sun kept an eye out as she had an arrow ready to use just in case they were spotted. Following after the group as she covered the backside with her grandfather. He followed them as everything was going smoothly so far. They had managed to get out the front doors and hide against the bushes as they made their way to the mountains.

Reaching the truck that had hit the side of the school Cheong-san came to a stop at the zombie infront of them on the other side as he was in shock. His mother. His own mother stood before him dead. A walking corpse. Something he didn't want her to be. Hoping she had been saved as his mind stopped thinking and as if he had lost the ability to breathe.

Mi-sun bumped into nam-ra lightly and staying quiet as she glanced forwards to see what was the hold up and spotted his mother as she covered her mouth in shock. Walking over to him as she placed a hand on his shoulder as he shoved it off.

Dae-su and the other boys trying to kill the zombie so they could keep going unaware it was his mom as he yelled at them to stop with tears in his eyes. "Stop! Don't kill her! That's my mom! That's my- that's my mom!" He spoke up as he watched before they left her alone.

Dae-su noticed the other zombies were getting closer as he lead the way up the path they needed to take as they others followed. Mi-sun tried to get Cheong-san to follow her as he shrugged her off at the moment and followed after the others. She watched him leave ahead as she followed. Her grandfather already ahead with dae-su. Hyo-ryung and Ji-min behind her.

Hyo-ryung stayed with Ji-min as she didn't want to get lost before tripping as she looked at Ji-min for help. Ji-min took a glance at her for a moment as she turned away and ran off. Accidentally going the wrong way and trying to avoid the zombies. Hyo-ryung was scared and betrayed by someone she considered a friend.

Mi-sun had run back not seeing either behind her as she spotted the zombie and got it off her before it tackled her down as she let out a small yell. Hyo-ryung trying to help as she could as Woo-jin ran back to them and kicked the zombie off her as he helped her up and kept the two behind him. Keeping his eyes on the zombie.

An arrow was released as it went through the zombie's mouth and it fell to the floor dead. Woo-jin was shocked as he glanced at the dead zombie before looking up as he was relieved when he saw his sister Ha-ri and the group she was with.

"Are you three okay?" Ha-ri spoke as she rushed over and hugged her brother. She had been looking everywhere for him.

"We're fine." Woo-jin spoke as he returned the hug. "Come on. The others went this way." He spoke as he lead the way back to the others at the moment. Hyo-ryung staying close this time as they caught up with the others. Running to safety or finding a safe room enough for all of them.

Mi-sun ran behind them as she glanced around seeing the others had gone into a different building. She ended up with Jung Min-jae as he grabbed her wrist and led her to the archery practice area and closed the doors behind him when they got in as they panted quietly.

"Thank you." Mi-sun spoke up quietly.

"Don't mention it." Min-jae spoke as he gave a small nod. "Come on. You need more arrows. You used yours all up and lost some on the way here. We can pack things up and meet with the others if they are still alive and the zombies leave."

Mi-sun listened as she gave a small nod and tried to be optimistic since they were off the roof and out of the school. One step closer to freedom and the possibility of being able to find her parents out there.

Min-jae walked past her as he set his bow down and get the arrows as she sat down to rest for a moment since she felt that they were pretty safe in there. Her mind going to cheong-san and the others as she hoped that they were safe and sound.

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