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Cheong-san lightly noticed that the girl in his arms had fallen asleep as the silence around them was evident. Other than the occasional zombie outside the door and at the door trying to still get in or the light whispering happening quietly amongst the group. He leaned back against his seat and the wall behind him as he admired the view of the once lively town. Rubbing his girlfriend's arm up and down to provide comfort and security for her in her sleep.

A while soon passed and a few things had happened with Nam-ra almost biting into su-hyeok but her snapping out of it to them having recorded a small clip of what they wanted to say to their families if they didn't make it out.

Mi-sun was awake by now as she had watched them quietly before it was her turn as she held the video recorder and aimed it at herself. Bowing her head a bit.

"Hello mom, dad. We don't talk much at home since you two are always away with work and my grandparents lived far away from us but you two formed me into the person I am today. I also got the guy of my dreams. I am very lucky." She spoke as she waved to the camera. "Stay safe out there." She added as she set the camera down.

Everyone glancing at one another as they were exhausted and tired. "So what do we do know?" Dae-su spoke up. "I'm getting hungry." He patted his stomach.

"Wasn't there a food donation thing that was supposed to happen before all of this?" Woo-jin asked as he glanced at the group.

"Ah that's right. I think they were supposed to keep it in here." Dae-su spoke after his friend. Getting up as he glanced at the locked door to the music room's storage area at the side as he tried to open it but couldn't. Using his shoulders to try and get it open but nothing worked. "I guess we'll be starving then. It's closed."

"Yeah and you've attracted the zombies back to us by doing that." Ji-min spoke as she glanced at him and then the banging from the windows of the classroom and glanced at the others. "So what's our next step?" She asked.

Mi-sun thought about it before speaking. "The rooftop." She spoke. "We can make it up there and see if we can flag down someome to come rescue us." She spoke.

"I agree." Cheong-san spoke. "The roof might be our best chance at survial." He spoke as he glanced around. "We just need to figure out how to get out of here and get up the stairs in time without losing anyone else."

"Noise." On-jo spoke up.

"What?" Dae-su spoke as he glanced at her.

"She's right. They are attracted to noise." Joon-yeong spoke up. If we can make enough room and hold them off here for a while we can make it upstairs with little issues."

"But were in here." Hyo-ryung spoke nervously.

"We make a barrier." On-jo spoke. "Up to.." She trailed off as she moved to a stop. "Here. The more room the more zombies we can hold in here for a bit." She spoke.

"What about sound?" Dae-su spoke.

"We have that monitor." Mi-sun spoke as she pointed to the tv in the corner of the room. "If we plug it in and use full volume we can attract a few. Unless it fails." She added.

"It should work a bit." Nam-ra spoke as she was still hand tied to Su-hyeok at the moment.

"We should get started before it gets dark again." On-jo spoke as she walked over to Su-hyeok and nam-ra as she spoke with them.

Mi-sun kept her eyes on on-jo in case she tried anything before seeing her untie them and smiled a bit to hear her words as she got back to getting desks and chairs lined up while on-jo and the others helped tie them together. Stacking them on top of one another to keep them stable and to hold off as much as they could.

Joon-yeong was busy with plugging in the video camera to the screen as they set up and put it on pause just to be ready.

Once they were done they moved to the safe side as su-hyeok and cheong-san stayed on the other side.

"What are you doing? Aren't you coming?" Su-hyeok asked.

"Someone has to stay behind to turn the music on and open the door." Cheong-san pointed out.

Mi-sun lightly glancing at the two. "I can do it." She spoke.

"No." Cheong-san spoke firmly.

"We'll do it together." Su-hyeok spoke as he walked to the video camera. "Ready?"

Cheong-san walked to the door as he took a small breathe before nodding at the moment and holding the door to open it. "Ready." He spoke.

The sound of the choir students began to flood the room as cheong-san opened the door and ran behind su-hyeok as they made it safetly past the barrier. Pushing their backs into holding off the zombies that had made their way in.

Mi-sun held off as much as she could at the moment and glanced at Joon-yeong. "Are there still a lot out there?" She spoke up.

Joon-yeong peaked out as he came face to face with one and shut the curtain. "Y-yup." He spoke as he leaned against the door waiting.

"Dae-su! We need more noise. Try to be as loud as you can." On-jo spoke as she helped keep the zombies back

Dae-su nodded as he was nervous about their plan and couldn't let them down. Gathering his breathe before yelling out as loud as he could. The more zombies coming into their classroom and growling at them. Trying to climb on top of each other at the moment to try and get them. Dae-su took another deep breathe and yelled louder to get their attention even more.

"It's working." Joon-yeong spoke up as he glanced out the window to see the hall was clear. "Come on." He spoke as he opened the door. One by one they left as dae-su was ready to sacrifice himself by holding them off and soon being pulled out by su-hyeok as well. Not leaving anyone behind as they bolted to the roof.

Their last hope for survial if they wanted to be spotted and saved.

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