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Rm's POV

We enter in the Valine house. It's pretty.
"Girls!" their momma calls. Seven girls show up.
I sigh. I thought there was eight.
"Wasn't there eight girls?" Jungkook asks.
Where's the eighth?
"We don't talk about her."
The girl who spoke turns to another one. This one has brown hair and pink eyes.
"Okay Selene," she says in a sweet voice. She sings, "We don't talk about her."
"Nooooooo!" They all sing.
"We don't mention her name!"
"What she did was unforgivable."
"Si, she almost took off my head," one of girls this one with blue hair and eyes sings.
I nod. They all freeze.
"You don't mention my name,
I didn't do anything wrong
But no one will believe me."
"But you almost killed me."
"... you don't talk about Soundeh."
"We don't talk about Soundeh!"
"They say I can kill with just a gaze."
"She has the heart of a snake," another one this one blonde with blue eyes and a flower in her hair. 
She must be mean.
"You don't talk about Soundeh," her voice crackles.
"She take your head off just wait," another one Lightning blonde hair and green eyes sings.
Is she really that bad?
"She'll set your dreams to flames," a red head girl sings with fire coming from her hands.
She sounds like a monster.
"She'll be the monster you see!" The strong blonde sings.
"I am weak," Soundeh sings.
"You know power's what she seeks," blue hair sings.
No wonder she's not here. 
"You don't talk to Soundeh."
"We don't talk about Soundeh."
I nod. They end the song. I see a cloaked figure draw a door then walks through it. The door disappears.  I sigh.
"We understand now."
"Anyways, I'm Selene," the girl with black hair and grey eyes says.
"Wave," the blue haired girl says.
"Valerie," the strong blonde says.
"Aashni," the lightning blonde says.
"Blair," the red head says.
"Nice to meet you." I say.
"You too!" All seven say.
I smile.
"Oh it's time to eat."
Mmm it's so good! I watch as everyone else eats. All that's left is a little bit of mashed potatoes and a roll. The cloaked figure returns. I watch a few tears fall from under the hood but they make a plate take the last bit of mashed potatoes and the roll. They pull out a paintbrush. I sigh.
"Hey!" Momma shouts. The figure turns. She adds, "Make sure to bring the dish back when you're done."
The figure nods. I look over. The figure draws a door then disappears through it. I see a room filled with art. Is that hers? It's cramped if it is. It's barely a room. I sigh. The figure turns and slams the door. I hear a muffled sob that goes away. I wonder why she's crying. Momma comes and sits down. She sighs.
"They never leave the poor girl anything..."
I nod.
"... she hasn't ate with us in three months."
"... why do you think?" Soundeh's voice asks.
I sigh. Most likely the figure is Soundeh... she walks into the room and picks up all the dirtied plates. Her voices sounds much less mean as she asks, "Are you done eating?"
I nod. She takes my plate and all the dirty dishes.
"It was—"
"Fleur's night to do dishes I know... but I'd rather her have fun... I cleaned the house while everyone was still asleep and I might as well do the dishes while everyone is busy."
"I made you some nan-e gerdui."
"Mmmm! Walnut cookies just for me!"
"Mhm! Go ahead and take them to your room before the others find out okay sweetie?"
I get up. She hands me one then takes the rest in a bag to her room. I hear her humming and singing something. I eat it. It's really good. Momma smiles. I smile.
"Yes Momma?"
"Will you eat with us tomorrow?"
"... Fine."
She actually seems kinda nice. Maybe it's because we're here. Maybe she's pretending. She finishes cleaning the kitchen.
"The girls are in the living room. You should go hang out with them," she says softly. She draws a doorway with her paint brush. I nod.
"Bye," she says disappearing through the door. She smiles. I walk into the living room. Momma follows.
"Girls, tomorrow is Soundeh's birthday."
Tomorrow is her birthday?
"I know you don't like her but at least give her a gift each of you."
They could at least get her a gift.
"Fine," all but Fleur and Wave say.
"Fine." Fleur finally says.
Wave sighs.
"Fine," she says.
Fleur sighs.
"Okay good."
I sigh.
"Also Ariel is coming over for her birthday please don't cause a scene with her okay?"
They nod. She sighs. I smile. She smiles back but seems worried. I look over.
"Make sure not to be jerks, okay?"
They all nod then she gets up. She says, "Oh, and Fleur, she did your chores today."
She nods.
"So that means you have time to study for your exam you said you had tomorrow."
She nods.
"Okay go on."
She goes study. Momma leaves. Wave smiles and asks, "Lyra, can you show them to the bedrooms?"
We get up. I'm the last one. She leads me into the room only to see Soundeh sitting around looking at the artwork.
"I hope they like it... it's hard enough with one group of seven constantly disapproving me," she says. She turns then jumps. She quickly draws a door and disappears through it. I sigh. Lyra leaves. The room looks actually pretty cool. I smile. I see a face which smiles then disappears. I sigh.
"Hey Momma wants to see you," Wave says.
"She just asked for you."
I nod. I walk downstairs. The others are there too.
"What is this about?"
"Listen I don't know what they said about her but don't worry about her eyes. She can't kill you with her eyes or anything like that."
I nod.
I see the cloak.
"I hope you liked the what your rooms look like."
"I do."
"I liked it too," Kookie says.
I smile.
"Yeah it looked good." Everyone else says agreeing except Suga.
"It was OK I guess." He says.
I sigh.
"As long as you don't hate it it's fine."
I smile.
"Anyways," she says softly then disappears through a drawn doorway.
I look around. 
"I hope she's excited...she hasn't had a reason to smile in a while," Momma mumbles.
I nod.
"I just hope they don't ruin it."
I nod.

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