Twenty seven

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•it's okay I think we're safe•

Dream ends

Charlie wakes up then sighs. I look down.
"Hey it's okay... I'm away from him now."
I nod. He kisses my forehead then says, "I love you."
"Plus he's dead now"
I nod. He kisses my forehead then says, "also while we were figuring things out I think I might've found someone who can help me."

Celia's POV

I wake up to familiar sounding coughing then laughing. It sounds like Jaime the 5 minute younger hyena bro. He kisses my forehead then says, "also while we were figuring things out I think I might've found someone who can help me."

Celia's POV

I wake up to familiar sounding coughing then laughing. It sounds like Jaime the 5 minute younger hyena bro. I look around. I spot Jaime he's rolling around laughing crazed. He finally manages to calm down and spots me. I sigh.
Jaime asks, "Celia?"
He bounds over on all fours. I haven't seen him do that in years! I giggle. He manages to stand up as he checks me over. He looks away before coughing weakly.
"They took evarrrrrryone away from me! I got so scarrrrrrrrred!"
"Duman, kaipo, Aryeh, Kobe! They're missing!" He sobs into his hands.
I look down. He coughs again before his eyes widen. He grabs my hand before trying to walk only he falls on his face and whimpers.
"What's wrong?"
"I smelt Duman! I smelt Duman! Come come!"
I follow. He bounds out leading us to an open jail cell.
"Jaime? Is that you?" I hear a familiar voice. I realize it's Duman! My cousin?! He is here! Jaime runs in and whines begging for Duman to scratch his belly. I giggle. Duman obliges his request before coughing up something. He recognized the giggle.
"Celia?" His voice is so weak.
I nod. He weakly smiles then says, "We need to get outta here but I can't get out of these chains. And I've been poisoned for so long I don’t know if I'll be able to walk... I can't stand to see them hurt you though."
How do we get him out? Jaime bites the chains as hard as he can managing to rip them from the wall but not off Duman. Duman smiles, "that's good enough thanks Jaime."
I smile. Duman weakly smiles back before managing to find his book and other items. He coughs up more of whatever it is.
"Let's go—"
"Not so fast. You won't leave until I know I'm free idiot," a voice shouts.
"Wh—wha—?" Duman starts before collapsing coughing up blood. I look around. Duman finally manages to calm but he looks weak.
"Perfect... this is PERFECT!"
"Nmmmmmm," Duman groans.
Oh no! He gets up weakly, "let's go."
"Duman?" Jaime asks fearfully.
"Jaime, come on, ngggggh!" He groans before coughing up more blood.
He doesn't look good! Jaime nods and manages to stand.
"We go now!"
"Ahahahahhaha have fun trying to cure him!" The voice cries. Duman scoops me up shakily. He shouldn't be carrying me! We get outside. He looks around before collapsing. He hands me to Jaime before going into another fit. Oh no! He looks over weakly.

Uma's POV Flashback.

"Hey I'm gonna bring my ship this way," Bryant says softly, "it'll be a couple of days but I'll be back shortly."
I nod. He smiles before leaving.

Celia's POV

I spot something driving on a nearby road. It's a car! Maybe they can help us! I try signaling for help. It stops I spot that Bryant guy. He spots Duman and instantly grabs him and puts him in the car gently. We get in too. He drives us up onto a strange pirate ship then gets out shouting for a guy named Avery. A cow-girl walks over then spots Duman and sighs. Can she help? She moos quietly. Before starting a spell. A dark aura emerges before she crystallizes it. She moos a bit louder. What is she doing? I sigh. Jaime nuzzles me trying to help me.

Liz's POV

King Avery walks in. She's in her female form again. My own udders are swollen but the only way to turn him back is to milk him... I milk her. Her moos become masculine as he turns back.
"Thank yooooou... let me help yooooou."
He helps milk me. Ohhhh god it feels so good. I moo and moan. He's just as awkward as ever but I'm appreciative that the king would help me with this just as I do for him. I smile. He finishes then smiles back.
"I'm sorry yoooooooou were dragged into my shit."
"It's not your fault."
He looks over.
"At least yoooooou don't mooooooo as bad as I doooooo!" Each moo sends him forwards a bit.
I nod. He pats my head before walking to his room. He's probably once again looking for a solution... if only that stupid thing hadn't hurt us. We would still be normal. I look down. He moos loudly. Prince Bryant walks down then knocks on the door. I sigh. King Avery answers, "yes?"
"Hi... we're heading to Auradon. I'm sure they can help you. I just wanted to let you know."
I go to my room. I feel a sudden sleepiness.

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