Twenty nine

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He leads me to their place with a smile.

Carlos's POV

Jane walks in. I forgot she was coming by. Charlie gives a knowing smile. She smiles.
"Hello I'm Charlie you must know my brother Carlos!"
"We're dating." She says.
"Yeah." I say putting my arm around her shoulder.
He smiles, "I figured but I kinda wanted him to tell me but you telling me is just as great."
She smiles. He looks over and smiles brighter. I smile.
"I'm happy for you Carlos."
"No problem!"
Then Dude walks in. Charlie smiles.
"Awww hello Dude." Jane says as she picks him up.
He looks around and says, "oh we're going up."
He smiles brighter than rests his head. I sigh. He perks up hearing something.
"What?" I ask.
"I thought I heard something."
I nod. He sighs.

Audrey's POV

"He can hear us but he can't see us. We need to catch him somehow!"
He moves his head in the direction of the scepter with a tired smile.
"Use my scepter?"
He nods. I use my scepter to get him. The magic swirls around him capturing his form. Charlie tries to break free. We can't let him! Baram uses his magic to open the portal then grabs Charlie and pulls us through. Charlie passes out as we do. Bar sits and whimpers.
"Now what?"
"Am debating... Eirwen has had problems finding people but I'm so close to normal! Don't know what to do!"
"What to do?"
I look away. He whimpers then says, "I will ask. If he wants him he can have it he's my brother it's okay."
He bounds off leading me to a merman with dark eyes. He has a lot of extra fins. I sigh.
"Hello?" He asks, "who's there? I can't see far?"
We walk closer. Baram runs all the way over to him still holding the now unconscious Charlie.
"Who is that and who is that behind you?"
"This is Audrey and this is Charlie. You can turn him if you want!"
Eirwen (apparently) laughs, "no... you caught him you earned him. Plus you're almost human. I couldn't take that from you little bro."
I giggle.
Eirwen reaches his fish like arm and pets Baram. I look around. He's in a huge fish tank but the rest of the room is dark besides a glowing orb on his head.
"Now scootaloot and turn yourself back human... and when you're done tell Xi'in and Sacra to get over their feud and come see me."
I sigh.
"Okay let's go."
I follow him. He smiles timidly then walks to sacra and Xi'in. I follow. Sacra is sitting in the corner pouting. Xi'in sighs.
"You're still a bitch," sacra says to him.
"Whatever." He says.
"Hey, eirwen wants to see you both and said to stop the arguing."
"What if I don't want to?" He asks.
"Well, I don't think you wanna piss off eirwen," baran says softly.
"...I'll go see him I don't wanna piss him off."
He growls at Xi'in but sighs. Baran takes my arm and looks over slightly confused. I look over. Xi'in growls back. Sacra sprouts dragon wings and flies out. Baran leads me to a room. He puts the unconscious Charlie in the chambers.
"Your friends seem nice." I say sarcastically.
"My brothers are just all pissed off. Sacra turned someone back that xiin was draining from. But I mean sacra just wanted to turn his friend to get mostly turned back."
"Your brothers sound like they have problems."
He nods, "we all do."
I nod. He groans before starting to bark again. He digs into the dog food and starts eating some of it. I look around. He goes back to normal then smiles, "today! Finally today I get to be normal again."
He uses magic to summon some strange dog food and it slowly starts to wake Charlie.
"Nmmmgh? Where am I?"
I sit down. Baran watches as Charlie soon starts sniffing the dog food with a confused expression. Is he gonna eat it? Charlie's body is beginning to shift by just sniffing it. His nose has changed and in the corner of my eyes I see that baran's nose is becoming human. He squeals with excitement. I giggle. Charlie whimpers then looks a bit confused.
"What? Did I just whimper?" He starts panting.
I sigh.
Baran laughs softly, "it's working! I'm not panting but he is!!"
I nod. He smiles.
"Well I guess since you don't need me anymore, I should go." I say getting up.
"No! I brought you here to stay with us to keep you safe."
"From what?"
"Long story anyways! You wanna watch?"
"OK sure." I sit back down.
Charlie is still sniffing around he looks back at the dog food as his stomach growls loudly. I giggle. Charlie takes the first bite then gives a resounding moan sound as it seems to taste good to him. He digs in as we watch Baran's muzzle disappear and his teeth become human. I look over at him. He smiles as his tail wags, "it's working it's working!"
Charlie's own face is changing without him realizing. I giggle. He finally finishes off the bowl as his face is starting to be covered with fur. It's white but I see little black spots. It's kinda cute! The fur is leaving baran which makes him look handsome. Oh he looks so handsome! I blush. Charlie looks around tiredly. He starts to wander around until he steps on a squeaky toy then freezes. His body jerks a bit. Baran feels his face realizing he's got a human face again. He smiles. I see his tail starting to disappear. I smile. Charlie drops onto his hands and knees and starts chewing on the toy. He pants and barks. I giggle.
"Nmmmgh? Did I bark?" He stops chewing then looks at spots the tail. He whines. He looks straight at us, "what? You're the people who took me?"
I nod.
"No! No! You won't do anything more!"
This causes baran to panic and whimper softly. I go over to Baran. He's jittering a bit.
"I know if I wait long enough it'll reverse," Charlie says with a soft laugh. Baran panics.
"What do we do?" I ask.
"I need to find a way to make him do it before I turn back!" He sobs quietly.
"You won't!" Charlie says with a laugh.
He whimpers, "I don’t know!"
Maybe I can help enchant something to make him do it? I try it. The squeaky toy falls into the room. The noise is loud and gets both of their attentions. Baran looks over confused Charlie's eyes stay on it as he shifts the tail grows and Baran's completely disappears. I smile. "Nmmmmmmgh! Arf! Looks so cool! It looks so fun! Woof it hurt just for Arf minute?"
He doesn't seem to have noticed his new barks. I giggle.
"Nmmmgh! Just for Arf minute," he says before jumping onto the toy and starts playing with I watch his ears grow then flop out. He's looking like a Dalmatian. I look at Baran. He's got human ears! He's watching with shock that it worked. Charlie squishes the toy unaware of the fur starting to take over him. He's starting to snap out of it... I'll need something new for a dog.
"Feeling itchy... I've gottarf keep my clothes on and fight the magic. Wait Arf? What the Arf?"
But what? Hmmm... I've gotta get him outs those clothes somehow... maybe some more food or a brush to brush him with. I get a brush. He growls at me.I go to brush him but he bites me instead. I scream, "ow!"
Baran uses his powers to restrain Charlie. Charlie whimpers. He awkwardly wraps my bite wound. He still has paws so wrapping the wound was difficult. I giggle. I brush Charlie. Charlie growls and tries to get free but can't I watch as he gains paws.
"Arf! Nooooooo!" He says more of howls. Baran puts a collar on Charlie now having hands and feet. Charlie whimpers, "nooooooooooooowl yoooooooooou can't dooooooowl this tooooooooowl Arf me!"
"Yes we can."
He whimpers and pants.
"Don't worry you'll still think and speak somewhat human," baran says softly with a scoff. Baran then hugs me. I hug him back.
"Thank you so much."

Xi'in's POV

Sacra doesn't even look at me as we make it into Eirwen's room. I look away too.
He scoffs, "you nearly fucked my chances of being human again!"

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