Thirty two

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Oh oh my God. I can't stop myself I begin to moan uncontrollably. I spot myself changing in mirror. Am I becoming a shirt? Oh god I'm too horny to try and resist this! I look. I'm becoming a shirt for my owner. Wait owner? What owner? I feel myself moaning as the transformation completes.
"Both Dior and Audrey will be happy with me especially Audrey!!"
What Audrey? He laughs. Oh no!
"Now I just need two more—"
"Mal? I heard a moan? Are you okay?" Sawyer asks
"I know we aren't crazy," Hanzo mumbles.
Oh god. I'm forced to watch as they each get one and transform into shoes and socks respectively. Oh my God! He scoops us all up and laughs. Oh no!He opens a portal.

Xi'in's POV

I watch as baran speeds past me. Where is he going in a hurry? Thud! He forgot to open the door... he throws it open as I realize it's Dior's room. I chuckle. I should go see what's going on. I go see what's going on. Dior is sitting there confused as baran is struggling to get his damn bag open. This is funny. He gets it open and reveals some strange clothes then I notice the bands. I smile. Dior smiles weakly. I think he should've kidnapped that Evie girl too. She was annoying as fuck! I slowly start to recognize these are all Mal's friends and her boyfriend. Did he get Mal too? Of course he did. I smile. He smiles back and hands Dior the clothes. Dior looks impressed. I sigh. Dior looks over but smile. I smile back.
"Okay thank you."
I smile again.
"Of course—"
"But be honest the reason you chose them is because of Audrey."
He tenses up. I look over. That is the reason he did this.
"It's obvious to me... you have a crush on her."
"It is obvious."
"It is?"
I nod. "It's apparently obvious to everyone but her."
She must be slow. Dior turns back to normal then says, "I'll make these into her style."
Then she might actually realize...
"Thanks once again."
I smile. He transforms the pants aka Prescott into a pink skirt; with a Mal cold shoulder top that is a soft blue that fades into pink; the hat, Celia, becomes a crown; the socks, Hanzo, become cream warm tights; and Sawyer becomes high heeled, pink boots. These are definitely her style. He hands him a Change stone so he can show her that it's mal and co. Hmmm maybe I could get Yannis to help me get back at Evie. Hmmm I think I will. I should go find him.

Audrey's POV

I look around my new room. That Samael said that baran designed this room for me upon finding out I was trapped on the isle. It's got a loft and it generally feels like a room fit for a queen. I love it! I hear a knock at the door. I go open the door. Speaking of Baran. He's got a big Christmas looking box.
"What's that?"
"Um uh! Your Christmas gift!"
"Oh should I open it now?"
He nods. I take the box. I open it. It's a beautiful outfit. A longish pink skirt, cold shoulder top that is a soft blue that fades into pink, a crown, cream warm tights, and high heeled, pink boots.
"Oh these are beautiful Baran!"
"Um well there's more to it."
"What's that?"
"I'll just do the top."
Is that Mal?!
"You turned Mal into a shirt?"
I giggle.
"I love it!"
"Really? Oh thank god!"
"What?" I ask.
"Let me go!" Mal yells.
"I was so nervous you wouldn't like them and nope!"
"Can you make her shut up?" I ask.
He turns her back into the top. I giggle.
"Now you ready to try her on?"
I nod. I take my shirt off. And I put her on.
"Apparently they can still feel this as you put them on."

Mal's POV

Oh god! No! This feels so weird! Make it stop! I'm put on as she goes to put Hanzo on next.
"No! No! No! No!" I can hear him but they can't seem to.
She puts him on.
"I love it so far!" She says.
"Ahhhh this feels so wrong!!! Why does it have to be my face?!"
Wait can I speak to the others? Next I'm betting is Prescott.
"Oh no."
Oh no Prescott!
"Oh and this one," I can watch as the weirdo holds up the skirt Aka Prescott, "is her boyfriend."
"Oh really?" She asks.
"Oh nooooo!"
She takes off her skirt and puts Prescott on. Oh god.
"I don't mind. What are you gonna turn him into?" Audrey asks.
"I don’t know I'll ask Dior what he can do... but I'm hoping maybe a bra. I don't want the awkwardness of knowing you have a boy literally as your underwear," he pauses and smiles evilly, "unless he's NOT a boy."
"Oh yeah you can turn him into a girl then make him into a bra!" She says.
"Or even worse panties."
"As long as they're sexy!"
"Of course."
Dior walks in, "ah are you loving it so far?"
"Hey would it be okay if we got Xi'in to turn the boy into a girl then into panties?"
"It would be hard but if you'd like I guess."
She smiles.
"Okay well go get him."
She looks over. Oh no! He runs out to go get Xi'in. She sits there waiting. He comes back with Xi'in. I start my spell.
"My chest hurts! It feels so good but painful!" He starts then breaks down into moans.
I smile. Maybe I should do it more playfully? I start to stroke where his breasts will be. He moans louder as I hear a bloooomp! They're forming! "Mmmmmmm oh god! No! No! No! Noooooooo!" He breaks into another loud moan. Blooooooooomp! He forces his hands over them since his clothes vanished with his transformation. I get to watch as he winces his body is shifting and changing before me. He's got delicate hands. I smile. This is so fun! He's even wearing black nail polish.
"Nmmmmgh! My head it's aching ack!" His sides crunch in as his ass begins to form. And I'm watching his cock disappear. I smile again. "Nmmmmm my head! Oh!" What they don't know is that I also decided to feminize him mentally. They'll need a powerful spell caster to undo it. They'll never undo it!
"Ohhhhhhh my god!!!!! Nmmmmmmmmmgh!" His—I guess I should say her—ass is ready. Her legs thin out into perfect proportions and she gains black toenail polish. She spots the mirror and looks at herself turning a blood red. She inspects with her hands causing her to moan. It worked! As she inspects herself I can pretty much see the two thoughts clashing. She gains frilly girly makeup which at first confuses her and I watch her lips expand just enough not to make her afraid. I think she's liking it.
"What did you do to me? Huh? Is that my voice?" She asks in somewhat of a panic.

Mal's POV

Hanzo is making panicked noises as is prescott. Oh my God!
"What did you do to me?" He—she asks. Even his piercings are now girly!
"Turned you into a girl duh." Xi'in says.
"But why do I feel so strange?"
"I'm not telling."
"Why am I enjoying this?" She asks once again feeling herself. Dior laughs.
"You did not?" He asks Xi'in.
He nods, "I did."
I notice her nails are turning pink and there's a haze forming in her eyes. He smiles.
"You went above and beyond didn't you?" Dior asks.
"Um what did he do?"
"We'll tell you once he—she's transformed."
The teal haze takes over her eyes and she moans loudly. He nods. Dior does his spell.
"So which do you want?"
"Panties." She says.
He does it. Hanzo starts angrily screaming. Dior turns to us glaring. Can he hear us too?
"I can hear anything that's transformed by magic."
He can?
"Yes I can and I'm about to make your friend there completely inanimate!"
He better stop making noises! Hanzo stops but I can hear his fearful gasps.
"That's better."
"Mmmmgh!" Sawyer moans.
"Ugh why did you make her so god damn horny?" He asks Xi'in before laughing.
Xi'in laughs. He sighs.

Audrey's POV

"Sooo?" Baran asks.
"Can I try them on?"
"Go ahead," Dior says.
"So what did you do?" Baran asks
"Oh he completely altered her mind into that of a woman's," Dior answers
"You can do that?"
I try them on.
"I guess Xi'in isn't gonna answer."
The panties fit perfectly and are sexy plus the knowledge that her cousin has to be embarrassed is funny too.
Xi'in laughs and says, "yes I can do that."
"Wow!!!" Baran cries, "also you look amazing."
"Oh thank you." I say.
"No problem!"

Xi'in's POV

Guess now to go find Yannis. I go find Yannis. Yannis is sitting in his dollhouse tiredly. He's in his doll state.
"Hey can you help me with something?"
  He nods, "what is it?"
"Can you help me get this girl named Evie?"
"Yeah? What do you want me to do with her?"
"Maybe turn her into a doll? As long as she suffers."
"I can make her suffer where is she at?"
"In Auradon."
"Can you take me there? I'm in a rather hard predicament being stuck like this right now," he says pointing to his shrunken state and windup part. We go to Auradon. He rides on my shoulder but I don't see him in Auradon. I hear sacra land, "hey I'm pretty sure after I turned him into a dragon Roman ran home. They probably went with him... need a ride?"
I nod.
"Okay climb on."
We climb on. He flies us to a small village, "I don't wanna get recognized but I'll lead you there."
We get there. I see Evie. Is her boyfriend around? I spot him, but I see Jessie first. He turns but sacra pulls me back.
"We have to be careful."
I nod.
"Did I see four?" Yannis whispers.
"Yes there are four of them," sacra whispers. Yannis smiles.
I nod. He turns and smiles.
"Let's go!"
"Can I choose who gets what?"
I nod. He smiles brightly. And slides down. I smile.

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