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"I am?"
He nods. He wraps me in hair warming me. I smile.
"Momma," I say turning to him. He laughs but groans. I giggle. I hand him a second potion. He drinks it. His brown hair is shiny again and his greenish blue eyes twinkle from being back to normal. I smile.
"sing for me," he says softly.
"You want me to sing?"
He nods, "Sing it for me."
"O-Ok." I start singing. He smiles weakly. I giggle.
"Thank you sweetie,"
"You're welcome!"
He falls asleep. I look around.
"Hey," Bray says.
"By the way my name isn't actually bray it's Bryant."
"Bray is a pseudonym."
I nod, "what's a pseudonym?"
"A fake name."
"Why did you give me a fake name?"
"Because I didn't know if I could trust you."
I look down.
"But I quickly realized I could trust you."
I nod.
"Anyways sorry for the lying."
"It's ok."
"Do I look untrustworthy?"
"No... I just didn't know."
I nod.
"It's ok."
I look around. He smiles softly. I smile back.
"Anyways I hope you don't mind but we're heading to Auradon."
"I don't mind."
"Okay good."
I giggle. We continue riding to Auradon.

Carlos's POV

Is there even a true cure to what's wrong with hanzo. What if there isn't?
"We have to find a way to get him to Auradon after you're done with whatever you need to here," Hades says.
I nod, "We need to find Charlie first!"
"Why don't we spend some time researching while you two find Charlie?" Hades asks. Basically he's wanting Hanzo and me to look for Charlie. I nod. Hanzo wakes up.
"Nmmmmgh! My headaches!"
"Are you ok?"
"My headaches... but other than that I'm fine."
I nod, "let's go look for Charlie!"
He nods softly. I smile. We go to look for Charlie. He stops.
"Do you feel that?"
"Feel what?"
Is that Charlie?
"Is that Charlie?"
"So you feel it too."
I nod.
"Let's go this way."
I nod. We run that direction.  I look around. We find a strange building. Is he here?
"I think he's here."
I nod. Hanzo looks confused. 
"Hmmm... let's just go."
I nod. We walk in.  I look around. He hands me a knife but draws a sword. I wonder what they did to him? Doesn't he know I can use a sword? He hands me a sword.
"No problem... I wonder where he is?"
He finds bookshelf. I look around. He pulls a book from it. A staircase appears. We go up it. I see an attic full of scattered furs. What is all this? I notice a special looking one. It's white and black with a hood. Hanzo nods to me. That must be him. Magic surrounds it. How the hell? What's going on? Slowly it becomes a guy covered in fur. Is that Charlie?
"Charlie?" Hanzo asks.
I look over.
"Nnnnmmmgh! Hanzo?" The fur guy asks not looking up.
It must be him!
"Charlie what happened to you?"
"Are you ok?"
Charlie collapses.
"Can't stand," he groans.
I go to help him. Hanzo takes his other side. We help him stand.
"No! No! You need to get out of here!"
"We came to get you out!"
"No! He might turn you too!"
"Just come with us."
"No, I can't," he says. We hear something. His eyes go wide he hides us in the fur but we can still see as a guy with dark hair and eyes walks up the stairs. Oh no!
"Nnnngh!" Charlie cries.
"Cloak!" The man shouts.
Cloak?He walks over to Charlie. Charlie suddenly looks weak. What is he doing? He grabs Charlie's arms. Charlie's hands disappear. What's going on? He moans quietly as his legs begin to unnaturally spread fur drips down across his body. What is he doing to him?
"Mmmmmmmm!" He moans. I realize he's turning back into a cloak. Oh no! He grabs Charlie's head. Charlie is now a cloak again...
"I did promise not to hurt your friends."
"But... don't think I don't know that they're here."
Oh no! He knows! He rips off the fur revealing us. I look down.
He tosses Charlie aka the cloak off.
"Let him go!"
"I'm not wearing him."
Why can't I move?
"Why can't we move?"
"You'll be stuck here with him forever."
He turns and shuts the door. We hear it lock. I look down. Hanzo falls. I look over. Wait I can move again. Why can we move now?
"I don't know."
It feels so wrong seeing Charlie like this... I look down. I can't help I pick up the cloak. I wonder who could change him back. But we've gotta get outta here first. How do we get out? I'm scared I'm so worried about him. I hope he's ok. I feel someone hugging me. Wait where's the cloak. I look around.
"Hey Carlos," I hear Charlie say.
I turn. He's hugging me. I hug him back. He's shaky.
"Are you ok?"
"I need to sit down for a minute."
I nod. He collapses. I look down.
"Hey sit down."
"Yeah sit down."
Hanzo sits down beside Charlie. I sit down too. Charlie shivers. 
"I forgot what it's like to not be covered in fur," he whispers through chattering teeth.
I nod. I give him my jacket. Hanzo picks up some of the scattered furs and makes us a warm cocoon. I smile.
I look around. Their stomachs growl. Oh I was saving this candy for Charlie! I give Charlie some candy.
"Where's this from?"
"What? When did you go to Auradon?"
"A couple years ago."
"Really?" He smiles then sags.
"What's wrong?"
"I've missed so much."
"And do you remember how mother told us that dogs were evil creatures?"
"Yet lions are perfectly safe... and she can sell her own son to become a coat."
"Yeah it turns out mom was wrong about dogs I have a dog in Auradon now too. I don't let him come to the isle with me because of mother but he sometimes manages to sneak here with me."
WAIT?!?! Sell her own son?!?
"Wait she sold you to become a coat?"
"I mean cloak sorry I was trapped as a cloak."
I nod, "so mother caused this?"
He weakly nods.
"Do either of you have a pin?"
"Bobby and straight?"
"Why do you need a pin?"
He manages to get up after taking the pins. Is he gonna pick the lock? He stumbles to the door, "Thank you Amir for teaching me this."
I get up. He pops the door open. Hanzo gets up smiling. I smile. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back.
"Let's go."
We leave. We head down the stairs. I realize Charlie took the knife.
"Why did you take the knife?"
"Just in case," he collapses.
"Are you ok?"
I hear laughter. It's him! He's back! Oh no! Hanzo and Charlie sigh. They fight. Charlie throws the knife into the guy's chest. The guy starts laughing. Why is he laughing.
"What's wrong with you? You're dying!" Hanzo shouts.
"You'll see! Mwahahaha!"
What does he mean by that?
"Nnngh! Let's get outta here," Charlie groans.
We leave.

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