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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" She screams.
"I came to find you."
"You can't find the old me... the one who loved you, if that's what you came here for... she's long dead now."
"That explains why you always ditched me."
"...No... but you don't believe me... wouldn't believe me... no ONE ever believes me," she says smiling and giving a small laugh. She growls, "You're just as pathetic."
"You've always ditched me."
"She told me the truth... you killed her and then acted in front of everyone that you wanted to help me? Help me find her corpse?!?"
"I killed her? That's really what you think?"
"...Your fingerprints I found on the knife," she says smiling. She turns and says, "THAT'S when she died."
"Why would I do that? I wouldn't do that! I'm being set up!"
"...Why would you believe that I ditched you? The same damn reason... it's my stop let me up."
She manages to get over me and up the the front of the train. I grab her as the doors open.

Toni's POV

Wait that's my house! Oh shit! I was supposed to meet her at my house! And that guy's trying to assault her! I go to stop it. She falls into the glass I hear it break. I shove the dude off her and scoop her up. She's bleeding badly.
"Nmmmgh!" She groans weakly.

Rm's POV

"Fuck you Namjoon... or... should I say... RM because... we aren't friends," she groans before going unconscious.
I leave. Did Wave set me up? She's looking at the knife.
"Why does this knife have your fingerprints on it but someone smudged them with gloves... they must be trying to frame you."

Toni's POV

Well luckily mom's food can heal so good. She's lying on my bed asleep. She'll be fine! I get a call it's from her brother.
"Hello? Where's my sister?"
"Oh she's fine. She's sleeping on my bed."
"You're supposed to be here by now."
"Yeah well she kinda got injured."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes she's fine."
"Phew... okay."
"We'll take the train out here in an hour. I just wanted her to rest."
I end the call. She wakes up.
"Where am I?" She asks weakly.
"Are you ok?"
"It hurts a little I'm just confused."
"You're at my house."
"Are you Toni?"
I nod.
"Okay then."
Damn my peer's burning again. I hate it!
"My bags!"
"I got them for you. Damn my peer's burning!"
She blushes, "I—It could be a uti."
"You think so?"
"I don't need to get it check out yet though."
"I'm gonna call you Burning Peer until you get it looked at."
"Da fuck?"
I chuckle.
"Let's get moving."
I nod. She goes to take her bags but I grab them instead. She smiles weakly. We get on the train. She climbs in then falls asleep. I let her sleep. I see the Eiffel Tower. She starts to stir. I smile. She wakes up.
"I think we're here."
She nods and grabs her bags.
"Do you want me to carry your bags for you again?"
She nods sleepily. I take all of our bags. She leads me to a fancy house. She rings the doorbell.
"Bonjour!" A voice shouts. It must be Alita. She opens the door. They kiss each other on the cheeks.

Alita's POV

She looks skinnier than I remember. I wonder why that is. She walks in. She's shaky. She seems to have been violated but not by him as she's also close to him. I wonder who. She crawls onto the couch and falls asleep. I giggle. Jayden walks in. He looks on the couch and smiles. He scoops her up. She starts to wake showing she was faking.
"Ohhhh there's my sleeping beauty."
She giggles. I smile. She smiles weakly.
"You okay?"
"It's been a bad week."
"What happened?"
"That boy hurt you didn't he?"
I sigh. She falls asleep in his arms. I smile. He leads her to her bedroom. Toni follows with her bags.
"Thanks," I hear him say.
"No problem." Toni says.
"Hey kid," he says. He's going to give him the cash we agreed on.
"Thanks." He says.
"No... thank you... you've been good to her."
I walk in. He smiles. Jayden gently pulls me against his waist.
"Are they kicking?"
I nod.
He starts rubbing my stomach. The baby calms down.
I smile, "thanks."
"No problem."
I rub my stomach. She wakes up.
"Wait a minute! You're pregnant!"
"Heheheh! That's why we invited you to come."
"Yes I'm pregnant."
She runs to hug us gently. We hug her back.
"Do you want to feel it?"
She nods. She feels my stomach and listen to it. He hands her the gender.
"We wanted you to make some breakfast cakes to one announce the baby to momma and poppa, two give us the gender, and three just because you make—you make good food."
"Yeah!" I smile.
She smiles back and says, "I'll be happy to!"
She smiles and kisses me. I smile. I can't wait to find out the gender! She smiles and hugs me. I hug her back. Ow! The baby kicked again!
She rubs my belly and says, "hello little one."
It instantly stops. I smile. She smiles cutely.

That night.

We both shoot up.
"What was that?"
"It sounded like Soundeh!"
We run into her room.
"Help me! Arf!"
"What happened?"
She's got a long dog tail. What is going on? Her clothes change into a white furry leotard. Who did this?
"No feel good! Hnnngh!" She moans as her curls tighten.
The curls are forcefully pulled onto her head as her ears change. She kinda looks adorable! She kicks off her socks and they become somewhat like paws and gain white curly fluff. Who did this though?
"No hands!"
Her hands shift between two but eventually settle a little bit dog like but still human enough to be useful. It also has the white curly fluff. I giggle.She blushes hard. I realize her anatomy is shifting a bit. Oh no. Her vagina is now apart of her ass. Oh my. Like a dog's. She screams then begins to shrink. Oh no she's becoming a dog! She doesn't change further.
"Are you ok?"
"Arf! Headaches!"
"You're headaches?"
She picks up the bottle of wine then starts crying.
"What's wrong?"
"She changed out my wine!"
"Arf! Arf! Arf!"
She barks for a few minutes. She finally stops and says, "she is preventing me."
"From what?"
"Telling you!"

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