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We dance. He starts looking like an idiot. I giggle. He laughs too. 
"You can't dance." I giggle again.
"I know!"
"You're so funny."
He smiles.
"I'm a way better dancer than you!" I giggle.
He smiles and laughs. I giggle again. He hugs me. I hug him back.
He smiles and sings, "Let's go!"
I giggle.
"Slide to the left!"
I giggle again. He's crazy! He smiles and follows the dance moves. He still looks like an idiot. He laughs with me.  I giggle again. He hugs me tightly.

After the party Rm's POV

Wtf was up with Soundeh during her party? What happened to her. I find a painting with an opening. I walk into it.
"... Selene, I don't want you to come in unless you're apologizing for breaking the necklace again," Soundeh says. She turns and says, "Oh... you're not Selene."
She's got the dog by her waist and a sketchbook in her lap.
"I'm not."
"It's not your fault."
I look around. It's a tight fit there's art stuff everywhere along with a sewing machine and dresses. 
"Hey, eyes off the mess."
"Thank you."
I smile.
"Wave hates boy style but Selene likes it. Her sorority party is next week I don't know what what to do."
"What do you mean boy style?"
"She likes pants— don't you dare tell either of them I made this dress!"
"Oh she likes wearing boy clothes is what you're saying?"
"She likes to be able to fight in What's she's wearing rather than boy clothes."
"So she likes fighting?"
"Yeah but for some odd reason Wave hates that style."
"I said for some reason but I don't know why."
I nod. She smiles sadly.
"Whats wrong?"
"It's nothing."
"Tell me."
"... it's nothing... just thinking about something. It's nothing important."
"Oh... and I'm going to start dating and taking you each out one by one."
"Okay," she says.
I nod.
"Okay well going to bed."
I nod. I go to bed. It's such a nice room.

The next morning.

I wake up. Which girl do I wanna start with? Maybe I should start with Selene. I go find Selene. She's sitting with the rest of the sisters excluding Soundeh.
"Hey Selene can we go out for a bit?"
"Wait! Let me get her changed!"
I nod. They drag her off. I wait. She comes back in a dress.
"Fuck me," she growls.
"You don't have to wear that if you don't want to."
"Shut up. She's going on a date!"
"I don't want her to be uncomfortable though."
"It's not uncomfortable!" Wave says. A swirl of ink like magic forms around the dress it's replaced with a black cloak like dress with white pants underneath it.
"Oohhhh this is much better!" Selene cries.
We leave. She follows me. After a bit she sighs and asks, "How did you meet V?"
"We're childhood friends who met at school. Why?"
"He's really funny."
"He is. Did you dance with him last night?"
"Yeah," she says smiling.
"Do you like him?"
She blushes.
"You do don't you?"
"If you want, I'll let you hang out with him."
"Thanks but don't tell them that we ended the date early because of him okay?"
"Then what should I say?"
"Maybe... um my heel broke."
"Or I could just have V come here."
"Oh my god Namjoon you're a lifesaver!"
I get V to come here.
"Hi," she says cutely.
"Hi! You wanted to hang out with me?" V asks.
She nods blushing.
"Uh! Um!!" She stutters.
"How about you two go roller skating?" Soundeh's asks says.
"Yeah roller skating! Let's go!"
"Ok!" V says.
They leave. I smile. I turn.
"So what are you doing here?"
"Making sure you don't try any funny business with my sisters."
"Like what?"
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't know I don't trust you yet."
"Do you want to trust me?"
"Do want to hang out?"
"I've still gotta make her party dress and it turns out Fleur's gonna need another one too. So sorry but no."
I nod.
"Not that I don't want to more I don't have TIME to."
"Then I could watch you make the dresses. I don't want you to not trust me."
"...sure I guess."
"If you don't want me to then that's fine too I'll just take out one of your other sisters."
"No it's fine... let's just follow them. I haven't roller skated in years. Plus no funny business."
"But I thought you were busy."
"... I don't know. I think I've got an idea plus watching them have fun will make me smile what about you?"
"What you afraid?"
I smile, "no I'm not afraid it's just what you said. But it'll make me smile too."
"Come on. You big baby!"
I chuckle. I follow her. We get there.
V says, "Ah this is so scary! I feel like I'm going to fall!"
"I'll hold onto you!" Selene says confidently.
"Ok hold on tight!" He says.
I chuckle.
"Oh look it's the moon child," a voice chuckles. Selene looks away. Soundeh looks annoyed.
"Yeah Moony!" Another shouts.
"Moon Bae's here probably running away from her demon sister," a third one teases. Selene looks like she's gonna cry.
"Hey!" Soundeh shouts.
I realize she's wearing her hood. V hugs Selene. They turn to her.
"Mmmmm," Selene cries.
"You can say whatever the hell you want about me," she says before she takes off her hood, "you don't call my sisters any nickname they don't approve of. Do you understand?"
"Yes ma'am," they all three say shaking.
"Now skedaddle before I show you what a demon can do!" She shouts. They run away. Selene is crying. She says, "Hey, Hey, it's okay."
V rubs her back. Soundeh pulls her away from v and growls, "Pssh those jerks making my Selene cry. Ergh!"
"Oh don't cry! I'm here!" She says pulling her into a hug. Selene cries for a minute then calms down. She says, "That's better."
I smile.
"Thanks," Selene whispers.
"Of course."
"Are you ok? Should we leave?" V asks.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yeah! They're gone now," she says before a smile
"Ok!" He helps her up.
She smiles softly and roller skates him into a hug. He giggles and hugs back. 
"Thank you V and— where'd she go?"
We look around. Soundeh is gone.
"Maybe she had someplace to be?" V says.
"I have a question. Does this count as a date?" V asks.
She kisses his cheek.
"Does that answer it?"
He blushes and nods. She smiles and hugs him. He hugs her back.
"I'm sorry I'm not a good skater." He says.
"It's okay."
She helps him get pretty good.
"Thanks! I think I got it-" right as he says that, he falls.
"Ow! Maybe not!" He says.
I chuckle and face palm. She giggles then helps him up.
He giggles and says, "it takes practice doesn't it?"
"I'm gonna be honest, I thought you were interested in RM. I didn't think you were interested in me. When we first got here, you seemed like you really wanted RM to choose you." He says.
"No," she looks at me, "No offense but I like silly guys... like you."
"Really? Then you found the right guy! I'm always silly!" He says.
"And you're really cute!"
"Awww thanks. I think you're cute too! But also dark." He giggles.
"Nnmmmmm," she says starting to blush.
"Huh?" He asks.
She pulls him down and kisses his lips. He blushes. She smiles softly. Aww this is adorable!!! They're cute together! He giggles, "You make me blush."
"Y—You too!"
V hugs her. His stomach growls. She gets a text.
"Oh... I got a reservation announcement for Jasmines. It's a great restaurant let's go!"
"Did you plan on taking me out?" He asks.
"No... well not immediately."
"Did you think I wouldn't go out with you?"
"Awwww that's cute! Are you happy?"
She nods cutely.
"Should we go to the restaurant now? I'm starving!"
She nods.

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