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"I know you don't have to deal with it but I don't wanna be stuck half dragon forever."
"That's your problem not mine."
"No but you nearly ruining my chances is."
He makes a pained roar after it. I sigh.
I laugh.
"That's funny."
He goes to say more then just says, "come on... we don't wanna keep eirwen waiting. He'll be pissed."
I nod. We walk in. Eirwen's angry glance sends a shiver down our spines. I sigh.
"You two idiots."
I look down.
"You do realize that baran rescued that girl because he had a crush on her?"
"You could've made her hate him! Out of fear of us!" Eirwen growls.
I sigh.
"Sorry, eirwen," sacra says.
"Now for punishment," he starts suddenly I notice a glow coming from Sacra's hand.
What is that? A chain connects our arms. I sigh.
"You two need to learn to work together."
"Good. Now go help get our brother back to normal."
I nod. He snaps his fingers... where are we? I look around.
"Are we in Auradon?" Sacra asks timidly.
"Why are we here?"
"I don’t know. "
"Whatever come on!" I say as I drag him behind me.
He screams as I got his foot caught.
"Hey slow down!"
I stop. He runs to catch up. He doesn't have his stamina back yet... I sigh. I walk slower.
"Now help me find someone to kidnap!"
"I am! I am!" He spots something, "It's two... there's two."
I look. I don’t know who they are but they look perfect for the two of us.
"Let's take them!"
He nods. He goes to use his powers but instead shakes. I didn't know how badly the curse actually affected him.
I use my powers to get them.
He smiles weakly, "come on let's go hurry before they realize!"
I nod. We leave. He Carries them to a cave as the chains snap. I smile. He weakly smiles back.
"I get one you get one?" He sounds a bit like the younger days. I shouldn't have been so mean to my twin... I nod. He smiles again weakly. I smile back.
"Now you can have love or whatever the hell you're wanting."
"Don't be so mean to me!"
"You said that's what you wanted didn't you?"
He laughs.
"Then I rest my case!" I laugh.
He playfully punches me before collapsing in a roar. I sigh.
"Nmmmmm hate it! Hate it so much!"
"Then let's do it to change you back!"
"Okay... which one do you want?"
"I'll take this one." I say as I point at the one I want.
"The smaller one?"
I nod.
"Okay I believe their names are Dewey and Louie by the way."
I nod.
"Okay," he grabs Louie and smiles.
I smile. Hmmm maybe he could turn this one gold... I mean a gold bimbo sounds cool.
"Maybe you could turn him into a gold bimbo?"
"You mean the gold curse and you turn him into a bimbo?"
I nod.
I smile. He's back mostly human but turns to Dewey. I turn him into a bimbo. His—her chest bounces as she moans loudly and turns gold. He's human again nothing stops him and I've got most of my powers back. I smile. He smiles back and hugs me.
"Time to go?"
"Let's go!"
"Yeah!!" He smiles happily.

Uma's POV

What's that noise it sounds like Dewey but a girl and moaning? I follow the sound. Dewey is a girl?! He looks different with big melons and that dragon looks like Louie! What happened? Dewey turns.
"What happened to you guys?"
"Two weirdos... came! Mmmmmmnhh!" She moans.
"We'll change you back!"
"Mmmmmm good... body feels so wrong like this!"
I nod. Hanzo walks in looking red as a beet. He changes them back then hands them new clothes. I sigh. Hmm? I look around.
What's going on?
"I'm still so hot"
I nod.
"Why don't you go swimming or something?"
"Mmm it's gone now"
"Are you sure?"
I nod.
"Hey um... Charlie is missing."
"What? Where is he?"
"We don't know he's MISSING."
"We must find him!"
They nod. I sigh.
"Let's go."

Audrey's POV

Sacra and Xi'in are chatting outside of the large fur coated room baran lead me to. I look around. He yawns loudly and with the tiniest dog sound. He circles the bed then falls asleep. He's doing so much better though. Sacra opens the door. I look over.
"Wanted to talk about earlier."
"Oh okay. You want to talk here?"
He nods. I scoot over. Baran yawns beside me. I giggle.
Sacra smiles, "listen we're sorry about earlier."
"It's ok!"
"Ok good."
I smile. Suddenly we hear something but we aren't fast enough they got their mutt back. I sigh. He sighs too in his sleep.

Evie's POV

The chicken girl has laid us tons of eggs. This is a lot of eggs!
"Dad? What happened while I was sleeping?" Roman asks.
I look over. Roman looks over at us.
"A lot Roman a lot," Jessie says softly.
I nod.
"Okay, give me a minute ima get his crown and turn him back."
I nod. I sigh. He comes back with a simple crown that has a similar gemstone to the one Roman has. It's so simple. Yet is beautiful. Roman uses his magic making his gemstone glow. I know this because I can see it glowing. He sends the blast into the crown and we watch king Avery turn back to normal. I smile.
"Nmmmgh? Owwww my head," king Avery groans.
I look over. He looks up and sits down. I walk over to Roman. Roman is standing there watching his dad to make sure he's okay. I smile.
"I'm okay now," he says softly.
"Okay good."
I hug Roman. Roman hugs back then Avery joins the hug. I giggle. Jessie joins too. I smile. He smiles before finally letting go. I giggle again.
He smiles again, "I'm exhausted."
I nod.
"Dad go rest."
I look around. Avery walks away to go rest. I walk over to Roman again.
I whisper in his ear, "how about a date?"
I giggle.
"Let's go!"
I nod. I quickly follow behind him. He leads me around. I grab his hand.
"I don’t know where to go exactly."
"I'm just following you. I mean this is a new place for me." I giggle.
"I'm just not sure where to go lol."
I giggle again. I kiss his cheek.
"Love you"
"I love you more."
"Let's go!"
"I love you're kingdom though."
"Oh no let's explore more"
I follow him.
"That's why I said let's go."
I look around. It's a beautiful kingdom everyone's hair is made of crystal though.
"Roman, why is everyone's hair made of crystal?"
"It's the source of magic for them but it can be any length."
"It's so pretty!"
He nods.
"You've never been on a date before have you?"
He turns red then shakes his head, "no."
I giggle.
"How have you a prince never been on a date before?"
"Um... well... I've never found the right girl?"
"Why is that?"
"It's not easy to find true love."
"Do you think I'm your true love?"

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