Twenty one

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I look over. Louie and Dewey walk in with Sawyer. I look at them.
"We've got a way... we've just gotta make sure he agrees to the wish spell to free him."

Jay's POV

Amir? Dad is standing over him laughing. Wait we're in Auradon how is he here?!? I look to be thirty in the jar. Dad picks the jar up. What is he doing?
"I wish a wish you cannot refuse," Dad says. My eyes glow.  He continues, "turn this fool into a parrot."
No! No! My new magic glows around Amir. Amir is crying.
"Squawk!" Amir cries. He slams his hands which are rapidly disappearing against his mouth. Oh no! Dad is laughing as his arms turn into wings. I look down. My eyes are drawn back up as his legs begin to shrink. What have I done? His digits regress to be that of a bird's. He's fully a bird now! He begins to shrink. Once he's bird sized. Dad crushes him. I return to my jar. I need out! I need out! I need this to be a bad dream! I try to get out. The walls line up with text, "Until someone wishes for your freedom you can't escape."
I look down. Maybe I should call for help? Maybe then I can be free! I can see if this was just a bad dream!! I call for help.
"Help! Help!" I scream. I'm let out, "What—What's your wish?" I ask looking away from fear.
"I wish to free you from your genie prison."
"I accept! I accept!" I shout turning to Claudius. I see Amir. He seems to be drugged but still alive! I sigh out of relief. I get into the bed. He hugs me in his sleep telling me not to cry.
"I'm not crying though."
He doesn't stop. I sigh. He pulls me into his tall warm embrace. I smile.
"I love you don't cry."
"I love you too."
He wakes up. He looks me up and down then hugs me tightly. I hug him back.
"You're... you're okay!"
I nod. He hugs me. I hug him back. He kisses my forehead. I fall asleep. He smiles softly. I feel him wrapping me up. I smile. I wake up, still swathed in his embrace. I sit up. He smiles. I smile back.
"Are you okay?"
I nod.
"I'm asking because you kept sleep screaming at me telling me not to die."
"Maybe I just had a nightmare."
"Probably but you still had me worried."
"It's okay."
I hug him. He suddenly moans. I look over.
"J—JJ," he says before moaning.
"What's going on?"
"Help me."
"Can't stop," he manages to get out before moaning. He can't seem to stop moaning for some reason. What do I do? He moans loudly as I watch him go hard. He's never like this. I need to find help! I go find help. Sawyer and Mal are talking.
"Can you guys help me?"
They nod.
"Something is going on with Amir."
"Okay... lets go."
I take them to him. Sawyer casts a spell. I watch. Amir stops moaning but passes out. I sigh.
"He's gonna be okay now."

Evie's POV

Maybe I can find Jessie. I mean Mal found Sawyer, Louie, and Dewey. Should I go by myself? Maybe I should bring Roman with me... I go find him. He's playing a guitar.


"Hmmmmmhmhmhmhm," Jessie hums while playing a song.
I giggle.
"Hey! Get yo beautiful butt over here!"
"Get yo beautiful a over here!"
"That's it!"
"No!" I scream before he scoops me up. He hugs me causing me to giggle. He chuckles and hugs me tightly. I giggle again. He takes me over to his seat. I sit down. He starts playing the guitar and I sing.

Flashback ends.

I can't take it. I start crying. Roman instantly stops.
"Hey! Hey! What's wrong?"
"I-I'm sorry."
"What's wrong?"
"Y-You playing that guitar reminds me of someone."
"Let's go find this guy."
I nod. He scoops me up.
"You don't have to carry me."
"Okay but I still am."
I giggle. He smiles softly. I hug him. He nuzzles me.
"We should go to the isle but I don't even know where to look there."
"Are you sure?"
I nod, "He's never left the isle unless whoever took him left the isle? I don't know!"
"...I don't know."
I look down.
"I just have a feeling."
"What feeling?"
"I just feel like he's not there."
"Then where should we look?"
"I don't know just follow."
I look down again. He scoops me up and starts walking. He puts me in a car. I look around. We ride quietly to a large mansion. It's extremely fancy.
"Whose mansion is this?"
He shrugs. 
"Whyd you take us here?"
"I feel like he's here."
I nod. I get out.
"Jessie, right?"
I nod. We walk up to the door. I knock.
"Go get the door, slave," a voice says.
S-Slave? The door opens. Jessie! I hug him. It starts to rain. He lets us in. He obviously seems scared by letting us in. I look around. It's an extravagant mansion. It's so big! He leads us to what looks like a throne room. I look around. I notice the difference in Jessie's outfit. It's a pair of bright purple shorts different from his more regal black suit with the purple cape and medal his dad gave him. I wonder why they changed his outfit. As soon as we enter the throne room he disappears down a corridor. Where is he going? I look at Roman. Roman goes to follow.
"Hello guests."
"W-Who are you?"
Jessie walks back in with a tray of food and drinks there isn't one for him though. I'll let him have mine. Roman hands his drink to Jessie. Jessie shakes his head as if he's refusing. I-I was gonna let him have mine. Roman takes my hand and squeezes it. I smile.

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