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"No ones called me that before."
"What? But you're such a beautiful princess!"
I blush and giggle. He smiles. I smile back. He finishes cooking. We eat. I yawn. It's late.

Midnight Mal's POV.

Evie what the fuck are you doing sewing right now? I walk in. Roman jumps almost throwing a pair of scissors.
"What are you doing?"
"Making something for Evie!"
"Why at this hour?"
"It's meant to be a surprise."
I nod.
I go to bed. Huff.

The next morning.

I wake up. I hear him cooking. I go to the kitchen. He turns to Evie and smiles.

Evie's POV

He hugs me. I hug him back. He smiles cutely.
"When can I see the surprise?"
"Come on."
I follow him. He smiles softly. It's a dress.
"Oh it's so beautiful!"
"Try it on you'll see how special it is."
I try it on. Wait there's pants! This isn't just a dress.
"You made pants with it?"
"It's not true dress. It's a shirt and pants that had a skirt you can attach."
"Oh why is that?"
"Because I thought it would be useful for you."
"I love it! How do I look?"
"You look great."
"Thanks for the outfit!"
"No problem."
I hug him. He hugs back. He smiles.

Ben's POV

I can't believe that this woman is my girlfriend. She's amazing. Sarin smiles and hugs me. I hug her back. She kisses me. I continue the kiss. She lets go. I smile.
She smiles back and says, "love you cutie."
"I love you too."
I should marry her. I'll get the ring but not yet.

Mal's POV

He smiles softly. I hug him. He hugs back. I look around. He sighs but he looks like he's blushing.
"Are you ok?"
He nods cutely. I giggle. He rests his head. I crawl into his lap. He smiles softly. I look at him. He blushes after realizing.
"Why are you blushing?"
I blush. He picks me up.
"What are you doing?"
"We're going on a walk."
I nod. He puts me down. He's hit in the face by an outfit. I giggle. Roman smiles.
"Maybe you should go change first."
He nods. I go change too. I come out. He looks hot. I blush.
"Let's go!"
I follow him. He smiles.

Audrey's POV

I see Mal walking with a boy he's got brown hair and purple eyes. I giggle and walk over.
"Hey who's that?"
"That's Audrey we should we go-"
"Hey Mal!" I interrupt.
They stop.
"Are you using your little spells on boys again?" I ask.
"No! I'm the one who put a spell on her to do her makeup for her!"
"Oh please we all know how Mal has to use spells just to get with guys right Mal?"
His eyes lose the blue becoming red.
"Shut up."
"What if I don't? Everything I'm saying is true. She's a Villain."
"You're GOING to shut up," he says the rim of his eyes glowing blue. My mouth shuts. I can't talk?!? What is he doing to me?
"You're going to leave us alone for the rest of the day."
I walk away from them.

Mal's POV

His eyes turn back purple.
"W-What was that?"
"I took over her mind because she's annoying me."
I giggle. He hugs me. We walk into Jay and Carlos.
"Hey." They say.
"Hi! What's your names?"
"I'm Jay."
"I'm Carlos."
"They're my friends." I say.
"Nice to meet you I'm Prescott!"
"Nice to meet you too."
"You two seem cool!"
"And this is Dude." Carlos Says.
"Talking dog?"
"Hello." Dude says.
"Oh my god!!!!!!!!!" He squeals.
I giggle. He pets Dude. Dude enjoys it.
He stops and says, "so this is Auradon right?"
I nod.
"It's pretty but not as pretty as you," he says.
I blush. He kisses me. I hug him. He hugs back and kisses me tighter. I giggle. He smiles sadly. We walk back as the sunset arises.
"What's wrong?"
I nod. He smiles softly. I yawn. He carries me to bed then changes in front of me. I blush. After changing he plops down beside me. He smiles. Suddenly we hear a voice chuckle. I look around. He looks down.
"Whose that? What's wrong?"
"Don't worry I'm no longer gonna reap you," the voice says.
"What's going on?"
A tall dark man steps up. I back up.
"I'm not gonna take him don't worry."
"W-Who are you?"
"I'm a reaper but you can call me Grimore!"
I nod.
"Don't worry I think you've grown."
What does he mean?
"You've went from wanting to die to in love in under six weeks."
"Anyways gotta skidaddle."
I nod. Grimore disappears. Prescott starts to cry.
"Are you ok?"
"I didn't want you to know."
"I'm sorry." I hug him.
"I guess it's time for you to know the truth."
I nod. He hugs me as he pulls me into a dream. I look around. He's in a test tube. What's going on? He manages to crack it open. He collapses. Is he a test subject?
"So tired."
Why is he tired? He looks around.
"Not the lab again," he cries
Again? Suddenly Grimore appears.
"It worked you're alive!"
He saved his life?
"Grimore! They said for me to be on standby in case they failed to bring you back! They believe you have potential!"
What is he talking about?
"Oh don't worry!"
What's going on? He turns to a screen. It shows a date 6 weeks ago. What's that for? He sees a guy.
"Okay my girlfriend and I just saved this whole town!"
What town? He sees the town. He collapses sobbing. Grimore looks worried. Is the town ok?
Grimore sighs and says, "I'm sorry."
What happened?
"He said that he loved me... that bastard lied to me again!!"
Again? I wake up.
"I can't! I can't!" He cries.
I hug him. He hugs back and starts crying.
"What's wrong?"
"Can't handle the pain"
I nod. He hugs me. I hug him back. He smiles. I smile back. He kisses my cheek softly.

The next morning. Evie's POV

"Do you need any help?" Roman asks.
I nod. He helps me hold the fabric and keeps the mannequin still for me.
"No problem."
I smile. He smiles back. I hug him.
He hugs me back and says, "you're really good."
"No problem."
I giggle. He smiles softly. I smile back. He gets up.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm stretching."
I nod.

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