Twenty five

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He leans back and kisses my forehead. He yawns.
"You should sleep."
He nods and goes lays down to sleep.

Evie's POV

It's been a bit since I've seen Jesse in this mansion... I'm starting to worry...
"Roman, I'm worried."
I look down. Suddenly the door is thrown open by Jessie. He looks panicked.
"What's wrong?"
"You need to get out asap," he says before releasing a soft moan. His pants are now short shorts and I see something actually very disturbing because he would never wear it normally... he's wearing a crop top. He adds, "you need to go."
Roman looks terrified, "What's going on?"
"You need to go before—," he suddenly stops and moans loudly, "before... before he like hurts you too."
"Like com'on we gotta like get you outta here," he grabs my hand gently yet tightly. Roman follows Jessie's extremely fast pace. I look around. He's running so fast as he does it.

Xi'an's POV

Hmph... he's trying to make sure she gets out okay... poor girl doesn't realize what I'm planning on doing to him soon to be her. That girl is so stupid. He makes it to the door only to see me.
"Just like moaaaaan run!"
They run. They can run they won't stop me. He keeps me away from them with himself exactly what I wanted... now to finish him off. He moans loudly falling to his knees his dick is basically useless now. He looks up. I laugh evilly. I finish him off.
"Mmmm mmm mmm!!! My chest!!!!!!!"
Now let's give him the "bubble gum." I give it to him.
"What's this for?"
"Just blow as big of a bubble as you can."
"Yes master."
He starts blowing a bubble as unbeknownst to him he's gaining Breast tissue. And no one's going to stop me! Damn she's gonna have some big tits. They're gonna be so great. The bubble is huge! And he's so oblivious to it! It finally pops causing them to swell up huge. He moans loudly.
"Like my back like hurts like master."
"Yes because you have big boobs."
"I like have tits? I'm like a dude. But like master likey my titties?"
I nod.
I start to bounce them causing him to go hard from pleasure. I watch his lips start to swell as he moans louder and louder sounding more feminine every second. I smile.
"Does master wike Jessie's phat wips?" He moans barely able to contain his excitement as he's falling deepe under my control. I nod.
"Moan! Yay! Master wikey!"
Yes he's falling more under my control! Now to put his new corset on him. And fix his ass. I do that. She is now complete.

Evie's POV

Jessie! No! No no!
"We have to go save him!"
"We can't do shit unfortunately."
"You know you could at least try to be more helpful or comforting." I walk away.
"I'm thinking hold on..."
"You don't have to try if you don't want to you don't seem like you want to help me."
Suddenly a dragon lands on the castle. It's not Mal either.
"Sacra perfect timing! He's able to undo bimbo curses."
"I thought you said there was nothing we could do."
"There isn't. I can't undo it and I don’t know if you could either," he says laughing softly. It's obvious now he was thinking us alone but with help it'd be possible.
I giggle, "I thought you didn't want to help me."
"No! I wanted to help just needed to find a way!"
I look down. The dragon turns into a man. He slides down to us, "you called your highness?"
"Yeah look in there can you help him?"
He looks in.
"Yeah I guess."
I smile.
"But what will you give me?"
"Um... see I don't have anything on me—"
"Hmph we'll come up with a price after I do a job just agree for now."
"Oh—okay, just for her."
"Good I'll be back your highness."
"Are you broke?"
"No I just don't have anything to pay him with on me... I think that's why he came."
Within seconds Jessie is being carried by Sacra. He's also back to being well Jessie. I hug Roman. He transforms back into a dragon scooping us all three up and taking us to Auradon. We go to my house. Jessie weakly smiles. Sacra gives Roman a cold smile. Roman gulps but lets sacra lead him out. Where is Roman going? He walks outside but the door is left open.
"Hmph... all that work for some stupid girl?"
"Yeah I love her."
"I hope you do because this price ain't cheap."
"Wha—?" I hear him be blasted by magic.
I peek outside the door. He falls to the ground moaning and groaning. A purple aura is leaving his body I notice the crystal is beginning to dull as well. What's going on? What is he doing to him? The crystal turns to be a dull purple as he collapses.
"Now you're barely fit to be a servant to a king your highness."
"Ahhhhhh! Owww! You... you took most of my magic?"
"Yes bye now."
I run out there to him. I hug him as I start crying. Sacra is already gone by the time I get to him.
"Hey! Hey it's okay! I'm okay."
"But most of your magic is gone."
"I'm still alive though!"
"Why did you do that?"
"Because I love you! Maaaaaaah!"
I look down.
"I love you!"
"Why do you love a stupid girl like me? And yes I heard him say that."
"You're not stupid. Oww Oww!"
"Are you ok?"
"I'll be fine."
"No you're not you seem hurt and weak!"
He manages to get up but limps back into the house to check on Jessie. I follow him. Jessie is sitting on the couch tiredly. I go hug him. He hugs back. He looks over at Roman. I look down.
"I promise I'm gonna be okay Evie so long as that crystal doesn't break. I'm okay."
I nod.
"I'm okay now too all I gotta do is go visit Gohan and I'll be perfect," Jessie says softly. He finally notices his ruined outfit. He has a panic attack.
"It's ok! Calm down! I can fix your outfit!"
"No it's not my outfit Evie—"
"Is this what you're looking for?" Roman asks. He spots his old outfit. Jessie nods happily.
"Where'd you find it?"
"In the bottom of the closet."
I smile and nod.
"Thank you."
"Of course. You make my girlfriend happy and that's all I care about."
I giggle.
"Anyways ima go cook," Roman says.
"Okay... you sure you don't wanna lay down?"
"I'm fine thanks though."
"Do you need help? I can help!"
"No no I got it!"
"Come on let me help you!"
"Okay it's fine."
I follow him. He has it under control.
"Why can't you let me help you like you help me?"
"It's not that I don't want your help I'm just used to cooking on my own sorry."
"But you don't seem ok though."

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