Thirty one

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"Have you been hurt before?"
"What happened?"
"She tried to kill me."
"I don’t know."
"Then why did you decide to give me a chance?"
"Something different about you."
I blush and giggle. He smiles. I hug him. He hugs back. My stomach growls.
"Let's get food."
I nod. I follow him. He leads me to a restaurant. We go inside and sit down in a booth.
"My feet hurt." I say as I put my legs in his lap.
He smiles awkwardly.
"Okay. This is fine?"
"Huh?" I look over.
"Nothing it's okay. You can rest your legs here."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Just confused."
"Never had a girl do this."
"If it makes you uncomfortable, I can put my legs down."
"No it's fine! I'm not uncomfortable just confused."
I giggle. I kiss his lips. He smiles enjoying the kiss.
"I shouldn't have wore heels today." I rub my feet.
"Do you want me to get you some new shoes?"
"Do you want to get me some new shoes?"
"Yeah if you want me to."
"That would be so great Roman!"
"Okay wait right here," he leaves the restaurant then quickly comes back with some comfy shoes.
"Awww thanks Roman!" I put them on.
"No problem!"
We order our food. I kiss his lips again.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I shiver.
He takes off his cape and gives it to me. I put it around my shoulders.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I whisper.
"If you want to."
I giggle. He smiles and kisses me. Our food comes. We eat.  I kiss him again. It's delicious food. I look around enjoying the food. He does too and kisses me softly. I lay my head on his shoulder. He smiles as I do so.
"Hey let's head back to the castle."
I nod. We head back. As we enter Jessie waits there tiredly. He's got a guitar and is strumming on it. I smile. He smiles back.
"I'm tired."
"Okay let's go to bed then," Jessie says as he puts the guitar down.
I nod. We leave to go to bed. I snuggle up next to Roman. Roman smiles before falling asleep.

The next morning

I wake up to Roman cuddling me tightly. I giggle. I'm like his Teddy bear! He wakes up and yawns.
"Good morning!"
"Good morning."
I sit up. He gets up and changes forgetting I'm in the room. I giggle. He realizes it and turns beet red.
"So this is what we're doing now?"
"Oh hush yoooooou!!"
I giggle again. He hugs me tightly. I hug him back.
I whisper, "you look so sexy!"
Roman blushes hard. I giggle. Palos walks in. I look over. He smiles and kisses our foreheads before sitting on the floor. I giggle. He looks up a bit confused. I look over.
"What's going on?"
"Okay?" Palos asks stretching and groaning.
I sigh. Palos sits up again. I get up.
"We should head out here soon, dad thanks for taking care of us."
"Of course!"
I smile. He smiles back and hugs us both tightly.

Xi'in's POV

I hear a noise from Dior's room. I go see what it is. He's turned mostly into clothes again. He moans loudly, "please someone! Wh-wear me!"
His own powers still seem to hurt him... I sigh. He moans loudly, "please! Someone wear me! I can't take it much more I need to be worn!!"
Should I wear him? Probably. It'll fix him. I wear him. Soon I feel him melt off my body and back to normal. He sits there shaking and sobbing. I sigh.
He calms down and looks up at me, "thank you."
"You're welcome."
He awkwardly laughs, "I'm sorry I know that was probably weird!"
I spot baran out of the corner of my eye. He wants to help everyone and I know it. I sigh.
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok."
His eyes look over weakly. I look over.
He stumbles trying to get to his feet. I help him up. 
"Thanks... again."
Baran walks over. I look over.
Baran looks over and asks, "hey can I borrow a couple of your transforming ribbons?"
Dior nods, "I agree why do you want them?"
"... no reason."
"Okay? Just promise not to tie them to anything you don't want to turn into clothes Okay?"
"And bring them back so I can hopefully start getting human."
I nod.
"Okay!" He runs out.
"Now what was that all about?"
I shrug. Dior sits on the chair weakly.
"So what happened? You had almost became a recluse after the spell."
I sigh.
"I don't know." I look down.
I sigh. He leans back. I look over.
"I'm exhausted how about you?"
"Me too."
"Wanna go take a nap then?"
"Okay I will see you then."
I go take a nap. He sighs.

Audrey's POV

Samael (the strange poison man) is looking around. Yannis (the doll dude) is with him. I sigh.
"Where's baran?"
"I don't know."
"Oh god."
"He might be getting himself hurt!"
"He's dumb."
I giggle. He runs down. I sigh. He sighs.

Celia's POV

What's this hairbow. I pick it up. Maybe I should put it on. I put it on. I giggle. Nmmmmm? I feel weird! What's going on? Wait what's happening my skin it's changing colors. I start freaking out. I'm turning blue? My hands?! I look at my hands. They're coming in front of me but why? Why is this happening? I feel myself change. I can't move my body but in the mirror... am I hat?! I see someone appear behind me.
"Dior will be so happy to be turning back. I better put YOU in my bag and next is Mal!"
Oh no! Mal! He laughs and stuffs me in the bag.

Mal's POV

"What's this weird headband for?"
I pick it up. I look and realize that Prescott had already tied one to his wrist. He jitters.
"I feel weird..."
"Are you ok?"
"I feel strangely turned on Mal."
His legs are jittering.
"By what?"
"I don’t know."
His skin is changing colors!!! He's turning grey!!
"Are you ok?"
He moans softly.
"Feel horny! You should put it on too it feels good!" His body seems to be melting and twisting. 
"Are you sure?"
He manages to shake his head, "no! Don't listen it's making my head spin and my body horny."
"What's going on?"
"I don’t know!" He transform into a pair of pants. Although I get a brain wave that makes me want to put the hair bow on. I put it on. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I feel so horny!!

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