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"I love you regardless of what he does to me okay?"
I pull his hair out of his face.
"Thanks by the way."
I tie it back.
"No problem."
"Master is calling me to make dinner... you need to rest."
I nod. He flies out of the room. I lay down. I wake up to Claudius shaking me. I sit up.
"Come on."
I follow him. Amir back perched on that bastards shoulder eating some kind of nut. I look down. I eat then leave Claudius follows. I sigh. He shakes from fear.
"Are you ok?"
"S—so scared."
"Of what?"
"That bastard managed to completely mind control Amir."
"Not fully."
"He's not fully controlled."
I nod.
"Maybe we can get outta here."
I nod. Amir flies in.
"You'll have to wait until the full moon."
He closes the door.
"He can't see during it."
I nod.
"His influence is so strong over my form now."
I nod. Claudius turns to a page in his book. I look over. We lay down. Amir puts his wing over us. I sigh. He kisses my forehead. His feathers feel good. I snuggle closer.
"Get some sleep."
I fall asleep.
"So precious you are."


"Claudius! Why did you do that to him?!?"
Do what? I see Claudius a doll in his arms. Oh no!
"Because I can.."
Because he can?
"Please send him somewhere safe I'll do what you want."
He sacrificed himself?
"I was planning on it. Keeping you two together is a bad idea."
Why is that?
What is he talking about?
"You're both too smart."
They are.
"So you're gonna turn him back too?"
Of course he won't.
"Damn it."
Oh no! Claudius is dropped through a portal. Where is he going? I can assume Auradon. I sigh.
"So what are you gonna do to me?"
He's not going to like it.
"Nnngh?" Amir asks as I suddenly feel pain. What's that? It's mostly in my arms. He groans. He rips off his shirt showcasing feathers. Is he ok? He watches in horror as the feathers begin to spread. Poor thing! My poor cousin...
What is he doing?
"Did you know that Jay isn't really your cousin?"
He told him?
"What?" He asks before groaning.
He shows Iago being changed into a human then brainwashed. Then Jafar killing Iago. H-He killed him?
"Doesn't that hurt?"
Amir doesn't answer but I can see tears on his face. Something I rarely saw. Awww poor thing.
"Doesn't that make you hate Jay?"
Amir looks angry.
He tried to get him to hate me?
"You're so much dumber than you fucking look!" Amir shouts.
He didn't believe him?
"JAY?!? You think I'd hate JAY?!?!"
Why doesn't he hate me?
"Jay didn't do anything to me! It was Uncle and yes I'm still going to call him that! Also yeah Jay is still my cousin because that's how we are!"
I smile.
I'm glad he still thinks of me as a cousin. He sighs angrily. Then groans. I look down. He turns fully into a bird.

Dream ends.

I wake up. I sit up. Amir hugs me. I hug him back. He smiles his wings are awkwardly wrapped for the hug. I let go. He smiles softly. I smile back. I still feel bad... I look down.
"What's wrong?"
"I still feel bad."
"Jay, you were only four when this happened."
He nods, "I remember the day dad died. I was eight... we were all at Gohan's. Gohan was bottle feeding you which you stopped on your fifth birthday."
I nod.
"I remember because I asked Gohan how long you'd be on the bottle for."
I nod. Claudius walks over. I look over. 
"Jay, there's nothing anyone could've done about it," Claudius says.
I nod.
He adds, "we don't have time to mope around. The bastard said he was gonna full mind control you on the first."
"That's after the full moon."
I nod.
"I have a feeling he's gonna alter his schedule when he realizes our plans though," Claudius says.
"What do we do?"
"We must escape before then."
I nod.
"If not we can pretty much kiss our freedom goodbye."
I nod. He sighs.
"Let's try."
He nods. I sigh. He smiles softly. Amir smiles too then he goes blank. I look over. He walks out.

Mal's POV

I need to look for Sawyer. It's bugging me too much not knowing where he is... Maybe Prescott will help me?
"Oh hi."
He nuzzles me.
"Can you help me?"
"Of course!"
"Um question?"
"What do you need help with?"
"Finding Sawyer my friend."
I smile.
He smiles back, "Let's go!"
I nod. We walk into Gohan.
"Hello," Gohan says.
"We're looking for someone."
I nod. I can tell he wants to come but we both know he can't because he's still recovering.
"You should probably rest."
He nods.
"Stay safe you two."
I nod.
"Promise me."
"I promise."
Prescott nods.
"We should go now."
He nods. We continue going. We leave the house. We should probably check the isle. I don't feel him still... I look down. Prescott suddenly gasps. I look over. He takes my arm gently.
"What's wrong?"
"I just dream searched for him."
I nod.
"Come on we need to hurry."
I follow him. We start running. I look around. We find a creepy mansion. I look around. He's here?
"Great creepy old mansions my favorite," he says with obvious sarcasm.
I giggle.
"Let's go in."
We go in.
"Nnnngh! Don't like this place!" Prescott whimpers.
I nod.
"What's that?"
I turn. Dewey?!? What's he doing here? He's beaten horribly.
"Help please, help them," he groans before collapsing unconscious. Where are they? I don't know but poor Dewey. We have to get them out of here!
"We need to find them."
I nod. He picks up Dewey. We go look for them. I hear Louie screaming in pain. I follow the sound. We find Louie sprawled out on the floor screaming with pain. Oh my god. I look up to see Sawyer he's groaning. Oh no! He spots me.
"Mal?" He asks weakly.
I nod.
"There's a button on the right it'll..."
"It'll what?"
"Turn off the machine," he chokes out.
I press the button. He falls out of the machine but starts puking. Is he ok? He finally stops shaking. I look over. He looks up. I help him up.  He weakly smiles. I smile back.
"Thanks... we need to get outta here."
I nod. He sighs softly. We get out. Sawyer is so weak. I help him. Both Louie and Dewey collapses. He soon follows.
"Sweetie, I don't think we can walk it."
"What should we do?"
"Can we get a ride?"
"I'll try to get a ride."
He nods. I try to get a ride. Hanzo sighs but agrees to come. I smile.

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